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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 22 Review(s)
EruherdirielReviewed Chapter: 91 on 11/10/2014
That's funny. I seriously burst out laughing, and incurred my housemate's ire.

The driving part reads eerily familiar... from both sides. I enjoyed it.

Author Reply: Glad you enjoyed the chapter, Eruherdiriel. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 91 on 11/10/2014
What a fun filled and lighthearted chapter. It's good that Glorfindel has a large place for Finrod to learn to drive. I am guessing that in town driving is next and then highway driving to learn hills and curves. But I was thinking about Glorfindel learning to drive and realized that he would have learned to start a car that had a crank. Thank goodness he doesn't have to show Finrod how to drive a straight shift or they would still be out there at the airport.

Horses?? I have a feeling that if the elves get horses they are going to have to invest in a farm. I wouldn't think that the city ordinances would allow large animals like horses in the city limits.

Grey hares, huh?!? It sounds like there will be some practical joking and punning between the two Edhellonds in the near future. The elves are back to a more normal living and hopefully they can relax before the next crises hits.

Author Reply: Hi rikki. It is lighthearted and fun. I think everyone, readers and Elves alike needed the break. *grin* I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 91 on 11/10/2014
Oops, for got to mention that if they are looking into horses, they might also look into breeding and training sled dogs, you can always put wheels on a sled when the snow is gone and still use them. In fact I think they do that here in the lower 48 as quite a few people have teams.


Author Reply: With dogs you need kennels just as with horses you need stables. Each has its own logistic nightmare associated with it, but I'm sure the Elves will figure something out. It's a good suggestion though, given where they live. Thanks for this, Lynda.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 91 on 11/10/2014
Ah, reminds me of the joke about the bald man who had rabbits tattooed on his head, because they looked like hares from a distance!

Tell Finrod he is not the only one to dislike his I.D. photo, working retail, I have seen some really scary ones, ones not even a mother could love, even on pay day.

Sounds like Finrods driving lesson went about as well as most, he does seem to be getting the hang of it though, now all he needs is lots and lots of practice.

Well one down, now he only has 23 more to go! I wonder how well the Three Amigos and Nell will do?

Hope the cold snap is not too bad, it is down to 50% here, brrr!

Checks fuel supplies for Cliff House, picks up weather stripping and snuggly blankets.

Have a good week, stay warm.


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. I don't know anyone who likes their I.D. photo. They all look like mug shots. LOL!

Anyway, hopefully they will all get licensed before the next winter hits.

So far it's still mild here but the temps are due to drop later in the week and snow is predicted. We'll just have to see. Thanks for reviewing. Stay warm yourself. Hugs back.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 91 on 11/10/2014
That chapter was just adorable. Learning to drive can be nerve-wracking for both student and teacher.

I took driver's ed in high school back in the day when it was actually a required class. It wasn't too bad, though I had my share of moments along with everyone else. But all the cars we had to learn on were automatics, and the car my mother owned was a stick shift. Having enough sense not to try teaching me herself, she asked a cousin to do the job. He took me out on some back dirt roads, and I thought I was doing OK until we came to a fork in the road and he failed to tell me "right" or "left". So I got flustered, and kept going straight--right into a tree. That was the end of stick shift lessons. I never did learn.

Finrod definitely has a point about horses. The Elves might also want to look into some alternative sources of energy for the cars as well.

The "gray hares" joke was so cute! I love that they were useful for TWO jokes. And now Della and Amroth can pick out a few to keep, and donate the rest to a children's hospital or something like that. A very funny and practical joke (in both senses of the word "practical", LOL!)

Author Reply: Hi Dreamflower. I took driver's ed in high school as well, in the summer between my junior and senior years. Took my road test in December that same year. Managed to pass on the first go, don't ask me how, because to this day I don't know. *grin*

At any rate, I'm sure Finrod will pass his road test with flying colors.

The gray hares joke was perfect for this chapter and I'm glad Ellie suggested it. We'll see what Amroth and Della decide to do with the bunnies in the next chapter.

Thanks for commenting. It's much appreciated.

Reviewed Chapter: 91 on 11/10/2014
Yeah, that's what I meant: JACOB got caught at his own game. Sorry.

Now you bring horses in the story. That's great because I love them so much.
I haven't the age required yet to learn how to drive but I think that Finrod's reaction is exactly that of someone who is learning.
The only thing that's bugging me about this lesson is when Glorfindel tells Finrod that the speed signs are just indications. My parents always told me that I had to carefully respect them and if children are reading your story, it could go against their parents' teachings.
Now I don't know how is the regulation where you live, but here, they are very serious about it.

Otherwise, I loved the grey hair/hare joke. Continue,


Author Reply: Hi Ora. While I appreciate your concern, I am not writing for children but for adults (or at least for older teens and adults) and most adults will recognize the truth of what Glorfindel said even if they themselves might not speed. And I would hope that if any youngster under, say, 15 is reading these stories that there is a responsible adult reading along with them since there are many adult themes running through these stories.

At any rate, while parents no doubt tell their children that they have to respect the rules, chances are the parents do not, at least not all the time. I frankly don't know anyone who religiously drives the posted speed limit. And there are exceptions. For instance, here in the States, there is an unofficial commute speed which is generally 10 miles faster than the posted speed limit and the cops won't bother looking at you during the morning or evening rush hours because it's not worth it. Now, if you're going 20+ miles over the posted speed limit, that's another matter entirely. At any rate, Glorfindel did warn Finrod to stick to the speed limit and that's what he will do.

I'm glad you enjoyed the grey hare/hair joke, though. Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

KathyGReviewed Chapter: 91 on 11/10/2014
Grey hairs/grey hares--cute little play on words! =)

Author Reply: It is, isn't it? I'm glad you found it amusing, KathyG. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 91 on 11/10/2014
Awesome! Love this chapter! Grey hares and learning to drive...Oh my!

Author Reply: Well, the grey hares was your idea, Ellie, but thanks. I'm glad the chapter still amuses you. It is a fun chapter all around. Thanks for reviewing. It's always appreciated.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 91 on 11/10/2014
Gray hares! *snickers*
I guess the driving lesson went well. No injuries, and the car is still usable. ;-)
It doesn't really surprise me that the Elves would like some horses around as well - they would be more used to them than they are to cars. And if they are looking into hardy breed, they might also have a look at the Icelandic Horse breed, and the Norwegian Northlands horse breed, too. :-)

Author Reply: Well, the problem will be transporting any of these horses to Alaska. Chances are the Russians brought horses over with them when they colonized Alaska so there should be descendants of those horses still around.

At any rate, I think the driving lesson went well enough. Thanks for commenting, Sunny. I appreciate it.

SarahReviewed Chapter: 91 on 11/10/2014
finally getting them behind the wheel, eh? Finrod & Glorfindel both are braver than I am! I got all anxious just reading about it. I hope they all have a less harrowing time of it than I did, I've been able to get by using public transport (or what passes for it) & carpooling all these years. not sure how much of an option that would be in Wiseman :-) I've actually been wondering about the viability of four-legged transport myself, should our heroes ever have the need to go "off-grid" and become self sufficient, it might be good to have a ready-made source of fertilizer around...among other things :-)

Author Reply: Hi Sarah. Learning to drive is very nerve-wracking, there's no doubt about it. My mom used to have to trick me into the car because I was very reluctant to learn and was very nervous about it. But I've been driving now for 40-odd years now so I guess I'm used to it. *grin*

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

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