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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 21 Review(s)
Arwen75Reviewed Chapter: 96 on 11/28/2014
Well, I was hoping Elrond & Celebrian would manage to make it for wedding but I was not expecting everyone else. I was grinning like a loon through this - just what I needed as just left my (adopted) son at my mother's for his first night away from us. he was fine - I, on the other hand, was in tears once I got into car. So this was a real treat to read although I am now going to be impatient till Monday.

Author Reply: Hi Arwen. Oh, mama's suffering from separation anxiety. LOL! I'm sure you'll adjust rather quickly. I'm so glad to hear that the adoption went through. Congratulations.

I know a lot of people were hoping Elrond and Celebrían would be able to make it for the wedding, but why stop with just them? LOL!

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it very much.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 96 on 11/28/2014

I'll quote myself: "My guess? Earendil brought Tristan and Iseult's families to join them for the wedding. Oh, and Celeborn, Galadriel, Elrond, Celebrian...and the Valar. *grin*

Anyway, I'm probably completely wrong, but I'll see soon. :D"

In fact, it looks like I was completely *right* and then some...well, *possibly* except for the mode of transportation, there was no mention of Vingilot. Did they go by Valar or something?

Even I didn't even dream Turgon would be there, or the High Kings! My goodness, they've really outdone themselves! Good Lord, what will this mean for the "godless Elves" babbling faction of Wiseman, what with this influx of so-called "godless" Elves?

Is Elu there or not? It sounded like he wasn't, but has he just not been Reborn yet? Oh, and Matanamir! Haha, I didn't even suspect THAT!

*stocks the Cliff House refrigerator with leftover turkey breast, cranberry sauce slices (you know, Atya, the kind from the can), Southern skillet corn, yam and marshmallow casserole (much better than sweet potato, I swear), green beans with sesame seeds, and apple and pumpkin pies* *fills the bread basket with crescent rolls* *puts out those jam filled pastries that look kind of like bear claws except having jam in the middle and I always forget the name*

*puts Martinelli's sparkling apple cider within easy reach*

(Thanksgiving means lots of food but also lots of leftovers, especially when it was just the four of us!! I hope your holiday went well! :) )



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Well, Eärendil didn't bring Tristan's and Iseult's families since they would have no reason to be there, but certainly other people have come who do have a vested interest in being there for this particular wedding. And no, Elu Thingol is not there, though he has been reborn for quite some time now. Again, he would have no particular reason to come even if he is related to Elrohir. In truth, I suspect that the High Kings are there simply because they badgered the Valar into letting them come but others had to remain behind to govern their kingdoms, which is why not everyone we would like to see there is there.

Anyway, we'll see how the people of Wiseman react to these visitors over the course of the rest of the story.

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it. Tye-melin.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 96 on 11/28/2014
Yay! Hops up and down on one foot! I was right, more wedding guests and such additions to the party! Is there any one left in Aman, it looks like they emptied the place out? The Valar must have commandeered a few Swan ships for this lot.

Glorfindel and Turgon need to both step back and take a few deep breaths, before 'discussing' things.

I can't wait to see what Nell's parents reaction to her partial bonding is.

Yes, I did read this at 4.00 a.m. this morning after getting off work, will probably take a nap this afternoon but can't sleep any more at the moment.

Packs up Banana Bread and Pumpkin Bars for Cliff House, takes elevator up and joins Sunny in finding a good spot!

Sleepy Huggs,

Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Yes, more wedding guests and Very Important wedding guests. You're right that Glorfindel and Turgon need to step back and take a few deep breaths before they discuss things. In fact, Glorfindel won't deal with Turgon until after the wedding. Too much else is going on.

Hope your foot is doing better. Thanks for reviewing. Hugs back.

OraReviewed Chapter: 96 on 11/28/2014
Whatever I had imagined, it was not that. I was afraid the Elves were in danger and I'm glad that's not the case.

Gandalf was great, I loved Glorfindel's reaction when he didn't tell them what was happening (I suppose the others were as infuriated, they just didn't show it).

I do not really know the characters who lived in the first two Ages (I have only read the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit), but you have a very clear way to show who is who. I just don't understand Glorfindel's reaction when he saw Turgon. What made him react so badly ?
I can't wait to meet the other guests. Will we get to see Thranduil's reaction (if he is there) to Legolas becoming a policeman ? I think the question was asked a few chapters back.

Till Monday,


Author Reply: Hi Ora. I don't think too many people imagined that all those people would show up, though I know many were hoping that at least Elrond and Celebrían and possible Galadriel and Celeborn would show.

In order to understand Glorfindel's reaction upon seeing Turgon you would have to read "Elf, Interrupted", where we learn about Glorfindel's relationship with Turgon before the fall of Gondolin and how that has affected him even after dying and being reborn.

We will not be seeing Thranduil here, unfortunately. He would have no particular reason to come for the wedding since he's not family. I'm sure he'll hear all about it and about Legolas when they visitors return to Aman.

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 96 on 11/28/2014
It's happening and it is glorious. *starry-eyed stare*

This is the greatest. Turgon! Just - Turgon is back!?! And Galadriel! And the Kings! Ahhhh I can't take it till Monday, I am going to explode. Amarië too! Oh goodness, how many of them will be staying? Elrond and Celebrian finally get to see their sons again!

And their reunion with Glorfindel involves him getting taken down by Ron, somehow that probably feels like old times for those who knew him as a newly Reborn. LOL!

Whatever Loren thinks, this is the best surprise ever. Maybe he'll get used to it when he calms down.

I have to go read this again, I know I missed things!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Author Reply: Hi Kevana. I'm so glad you like the surprise and the fact that Turgon is there among others. As for how many will end up staying, that remains to be seen. And poor Loren... well, I bet the visitors were pretty shocked at how Ron handled him and Finrod allowing it. Oh well... nothing they haven't seen before. LOL!

Thanks for leaving a review. Have a great weekend yourself!

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 96 on 11/28/2014
Oh dear - such a lot of important guests for the wedding!
I had suspected that Celebrían would _not_ want to miss out on her son's wedding. I suspected that from the moment she heard that Elrohir had found a ladylove, she would be plotting and scheming to find a way to attend the wedding. And probably half the population of Aman would be right there alongside her, plotting and scheming to be included among the wedding guests!
So Glorfindel had a bad reaction to meeting Turgon again after all these ages. Can't really say I'm surprised. Lots of stressful things have happened to him recently (including almost dying again) so when confronted with this surprise I'm just amazed he did not slip his leash, despite his ring.

I'm sure the next chapters will be ... interesting. I'll be baking a lot of cookies for the expected influx to the Cliff House on Monday - and I'll make sure to get a good view of the fireworks. I'm sure the Valar are already settled in with popcorn and drinks to watch the mirroanwi's antics.

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Yes, Very Important People.

Glorfndel has had to deal with a lot of stress these past six months or so and having this lot get dumped on him isn't helping. I think he could've handled it all if Turgon wasn't there, but seeing him has brought back certain memories and oaths and it's just too much. Hopefully once he calms down (and Turgon gets off his own high horse) he'll be able to deal with it better.

And yeah, I'm sure the Valar are all jockeying for the best seat in the house for the coming fireworks. LOL!

Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 96 on 11/28/2014
Olórin, for his part, turned and smiled. “I understand your frustration, my friend, but I assure you I am not being deliberately mean. To tell you anything would spoil things for others.

How very Gandalf-y of him. :) I am reminded of what he told Frodo: Many folk like to know beforehand what is to be set on the table; but those who have labored to prepare the feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of praise louder...

I must confess that of all the things I guessed and suspected, this was not one of them! Yet I certainly can see the logic of this happening here and now. The wedding is an important one.

Poor Glorfindel! Truly, it doesn't matter how long ago a trauma may have been, it's always there, just under the surface. And actually dying, and in such a horrific manner has got to be truly PTSD inducing as far as trauma goes. I do hope that he and Turgon can work things out between them. But Turgon is going to have to learn a lot about how the modern world works, and have to learn how to be a lot less arrogant and judgmental.

I look forward very much to the ap Hywells meeting Galadriel and Celeborn. That will be fun.

Author Reply: Hi Dreamflower. Yes, very Gandalf-y. LOL!

Glorfindel has a lot of baggage where Turgon is concerned as well you know from reading "Elf, Interrupted". We'll see how the two of them deal with things as the rest of this story progresses. We'll also see why Turgon is acting the way he is. There's a reason for it.

I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for leaving a review to let me know. I appreciate it very much.

EruherdirielReviewed Chapter: 96 on 11/28/2014
So, my guess was pretty close. Wonderful. I love the idea of everyone being there. Where is Sador?

Looking forward to Gareth and Galadriel.

Author Reply: Hi Eruherdiriel. I'm glad you liked this. Sador is still in Valinor and the reason for it will be revealed in a subsequent chapter.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. It's much appreciated.

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 96 on 11/28/2014
Ah, this is going to turn out to be the wedding of the century. With the high kings, parents and grand parents attending, Roy and Sarah may have to move the wedding to the athletic field to accommodate everyone. I am excited to see who all turned up from Valinor.

The ap Hywels are in for quite an introduction to Elven royality. Poor Tristan feeling like he is informally dressed in his T-shirt and both Tristan and Iseult feel overwhelmed with all the new comers. I look forward to Garath meeting Nell's parents.

It sounds like the next few chapters are going to be filled with the wedding and all the attendees. I am going to put on my best geek T-shirt and climb to the Cliff House to get a good seat to watch the festivities. Hope that you had a good Thanksgiving.

Author Reply: Hi rikki. I suspect it'll be the wedding of the millennium for the people of Wiseman. And Tristan is very informally dressed for meeting anyone, never mind royalty. LOL! We won't actually get to the wedding immediately. There will be lots going on before hand and then lots going on afterwards but the rest of the story will revolve around these visitors and the impact they have on Wiseman and its residents.

Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it very much.

SarahReviewed Chapter: 96 on 11/28/2014
How wonderful! I was grinning like an idiot all the way through this one, Finrod running off to find his lady love had me chuckling. I had not realized how much I missed some of our favorite Valinoreans until now, though you may need to think about putting together a "guest list" of all the new (temporary) arrivals. Sirens? I think perhaps that they're all about to get a crash course in dealing with the modern-day mortal, let us hope that one of Liam's more...patient...coworkers is with them, or fists may fly.

I can't wait to see how everyone handles this, the Wiseman wedding guests are in for quite the supprise. Jaws will drop and some heads may even roll (though lets hope everyone plays nicely together).

I hope you had a safe and relaxing holiday!

Author Reply: Hi Sarah. In the course of the next few chapters we'll see who is there. People can always make their own list. *grin* As for the sirens, yeah, these Elves are about to get a crash course on dealing with modern-day Mortals. We'll see who shows up. And it will be interesting to see how everyone handles this incursion from both sides. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

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