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Go North  by sheraiah 39 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/25/2014
At last I've seen the movie so I can read this story! I've been watching it slide down the front page but keeping away.

I like this much better. I have no idea what PJ was trying to do with his portrayal of the father/son relationship there. I get that he wanted to make the Thranduil/Thorin relationship tense, but why the stuff with Legolas?

Also I usually don't mind PJ playing with the ages of the characters. Frodo is younger in the movies, for instance, and that's fine with me. But I couldn't help leaning over and whispering to Mr daw, "Aragorn is 10! He's 10, and he doesn't know his own true name."

Anyway, thanks for the story.

The last Hobbit movie. The end of an era.

Author Reply: Thank you, Daw.

I typically view the movies as big budget fanfiction, and we all know I have no problem with fanfiction. There are still things that bug me, especially with the Hobbit movies but they're good for one thing: INSPIRATION.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/22/2014
I saved this to read after I saw the film (today), and enjoyed this very much. I hope you continue the story!

Author Reply: Thanks!

I needed another plot bunny like I needed a hole in the head but, yes, I'm working on a second chapter.

I really need to finish my WIP, especially the monster LOTR/Avengers crossover that's gnawing on my ankle.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/19/2014
An enormous improvement over PJ's version. Bravo!

Author Reply: Thank you very much!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/19/2014
Much better. Much, much better.

Author Reply: Thanks!

AromeneReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2014

Author Reply: Thank you!

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2014
I admit I haven't seen BOFA yet, but I know that Peter Jackson seems to have no love for Thranduil. The King of Mirkwood is one of my favorite characters - an elf who dealt with a large kingdom and protected the elves living in Mirkwood without the help of a ring. My imagination has always supplemented what Tolkien wrote in the Hobbit with a king who was strong, smart and very knowing in using nature to work in his favor when protecting his kingdom. That his son Legolas seemed to have managed to live with his father without deep psychological scaring proves to me that Thranduil could not have been all that bad.

I am enjoying the start of your editing the story presented by Peter Jackson and I know that when I see the movie I can say that the story was fixed by an excellent fanfiction writer. LOL!

Author Reply: Thank you, rikki! Apparently, I'm not the only one this bugged because I've seen at least 3 other fics fixing this very thing.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2014
Wow, I needed something to make up for that part of BotFA. Loved this and thank you.

elizaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2014
Hey Sheraiah,
thanks for the warning and the story. I too am planning on seeing the movie in a few days, poor Thranduil, why must he always be portrayed so badly? I always kind of figured that he must be a halfway decent sort for legolas to turn out so well,
very much enjoyed your take on the ending. I may review again after the movie.

Good story, thanks.

Author Reply: Thanks! I still enjoyed the movie, I've seen it 3 times now, but this bugged me enough that I had to 'fix' it. Of course, I started writing LOTR fanfic in the first place as a knee-jerk reaction to seeing Bad!Thranduil fics and getting really ticked off about it.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2014
I've planned to see BOFA on Sunday, but am not averse to spoilers, thank heavens. So, this is how in PJ's-verse they make Legolas and Aragorn so close, is it? Interesting! Love how they speak of Halbarad's appetite!

I also tend to not like the PJ version of Thranduil all that much. Definitely not as wise as Elrond!

Author Reply: Thanks!

Thranduil is my favorite of Tolkien's creations and it really bugs me that PJ got him so wrong. I originally started writing LOTR fanfic because Bad!Thranduil fanfics peeve me off to the extreme.

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