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The Tide of Times  by daw the minstrel 20 Review(s)
Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/10/2003
It's Siondel, isn't it? Poor Annael! I suppose you could go and prove us all wrong and make it someone else, but I doubt it. I'm glad that Legolas and Celuwen got away in time, even if Legolas was injured again - and more worried about his dignity that his safety! He sounds a typical young man(elf).

Meanwhile, what's happened to the settlement? Will Celuwen blame Eilian for making her leave instead of protecting her home? I can't wait for the next chapter.


Author Reply: It's a sign of the deep trouble I have my characters in that Legolas was the comic relief in this last chapter. He wanted his clothes! He fell off his horse in front of a girl and a warrior! Ack!

I'm getting ready to write about the aftermath of the fire in the settlement and in the Home Guard camp, but I have to do some work work first. I think Celuwen and Eilian are in for some more rough times, poor things.

JustMeReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/10/2003
Wow! Not only was that a quick update, but it was exciting as well! There were so many things going on at once and they were all so intense that I am still trying to catch my breath.
Both Eilian and Celuwen had difficult choices before them, and both of them responded as I would have expected them to. Eilian had to keep his focus on the task before him in order to protect the lives of those under his command. Even though he was worried about Legolas and Celuwen, he maintained his composure and did what he had to do. You just have to love this guy (oops, sorry, elf!). And Celuwen had to choose between her family and seeing to the safety of Legolas as she promised Eilian she would. That was not an easy choice and I hope that it does not cause even more problems in an already uneasy relationship. Your descriptions of the battle and fire were so realistic to me that I could picture the entire thing in my mind. I am a little worried about the identity of the victim from the Home Guard. I am hoping that it is not Siondel. I would hate to see Annael put through any more misery on this expedition.
Speaking of misery, I do not blame Legolas for not wanting to be dragged around the forrest naked (although I must admit that thoughts of naked Legolas leave me feeling like I am in a fire zone), but the exchange between he and Celuwen about this matter were rather amusing. I also had to giggle over his exasperation at "falling" off his horse. I am not sure his Adar would approve of his colorful language over the reinjury of his foot, but still it was rather "cute". Hopefully the injury is not so severe that it will endanger his coming of age ceremony!
(Thoughts of naked Legolas are remaining in my mind...turning into thoughts of naked Orlando. Whew! Is it me or is it getting hot in here? Calm down old girl!)

Author Reply: I was both worried and excited about writing this chapter because I knew I had a lot going on. I was pleased with how it turned out and eager to post so I could see if other people liked it too. So I really worked on this weekend.

Eilian and Celuwen both behaved admirably in tough situations with very little hope that they will be rewarded at any time soon. They just get to keep doing their duty, poor things.

Thranduil most definitely would NOT approve of any of his sons swearing in any company other than that of other warriors, but Legolas is still a little in a daze - coming out of it, but not there yet. And his dignity is all important to him at this age.

ArbelethielReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/10/2003

I have no idea how you manage to update so quickly, but I certainly won’t complain about it.

Thank Eru for the comic relief provided by Legolas. I laughed out loud at the “I fell off my horse!” So typical! Nevermind that he probably injured his foot again, no, all that matters to him is that he fell off, and in front of a female and a warrior. :)

I’m not sure how I feel about Celuwen’s choice. It was headed towards that, but there will probably be hell to pay when all is settled. Her father will probably have difficulties stomaching the fact that she chose Eilian over her family and her duty as he conceives it. And it won’t be made any easier by the fact that they still can’t bond. Or will they bond anyway? Somehow I can’t quite see them do that. And as A Question of Duty is the only story set after this one chronologically, and Eilian is not in it, I can’t even try to pick cues elsewhere *scowl*. Well I suppose I’m stuck with waiting for an update. (Me, caring a little too much about your OCs? Why would you think that?)

And speaking of caring for OCs, I really like Siondel, so I hope it wasn’t him that Manaltaur was speaking of. Besides, Annael would be devastated, and just after his coming-of-age ceremony, too.

Waiting for the next chapter with impatience,


Author Reply: There was no good choice for Celuwen, I think. Sorrow lay either way.

I wanted this story to be about coming of age, and I think that part of being an adult is accepting the fact that bad things can happen and we are powerless to prevent them sometimes. My characters here choose duty as well as they can. They all need a reward! This is much too gloomy.

Brenda G.Reviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/10/2003
Okay, Daw, that was very wicked of you - ending this chapter the way you did and making your readers wait with baited breath for who it was of the Home Guard that now resides in the Halls of Waiting. I hope it is not who I think it is, but I have a very bad feeling about this.

Thank goodness the rain finally came to stop the fire from devouring everything. I have to tell you, that my heart was in my throat more than a few times during this chapter. I wasn't sure if there was going to be enough time for Celuwen and Legolas to get out of the settlement. That knock on Legolas' head must have also addled his sense of priority. Clothes? Who thinks of clothing when death is riding down upon you? Maybe it was the head injury that scrambled his brain into this very unlike-Legolas thinking. I'm glad Celuwen found his misplaced sence of pride amusing, because I was ready to clout our princeling senseless and toss him across the back of his horse like so much baggage in order to preserve him to us. I was also unsure if anyone remaining at the settlement to fight the fire would survive (such a desperate situation), and I was very afraid that Eilian through his distraction with Legolas, Celuwen and the fire on the ridge would have presence of mind to keep himself from getting killed by an Orc. What a tangled web! And we are still not out of it! And you were worried whether or not you could pull this chapter off? No worries on that score...

Well, I can only say that my anxiety in awaiting the next chapter is quite exquisite at this point. I am squirming and will continue to until your next post, so I do hope it is soon. I wonder what Thranduil will make of everything that has happened while he has been out of pocket. He may NEVER leave the Woodland Realm again if this is how things transpire while in his absence.

Good chapter; ready for more!

Author Reply: I'm so glad you think the chapter came off. It was complicated to write for reasons that I'm probably the only one to worry about. My main concern was how to have the orc battle be in sight of the fire but not IN the fire. I finally worked out some terrain that might cause that but I agonized over it and am sure that somewhere, someone is saying "That's not right!"

I thought that young males of any species might be more worried about their dignity than about fire and orcs, so that being carried off naked or falling off your horse could be appalling thoughts, especially if you are still a little addled from a knock on the head. And beside, I needed some comic relief!

The next chapter is all written in my head. I have to work for a while (I mean the work I nominally get paid for) but I am looking forward to writing again soon. Sad tidings though.

LauraReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/10/2003
Wow, an update already! Sometimes I think you have magical powers. I'm sorry to say that I've been busy and haven't reviewed as I should. Legolas in the midst of the fire saying "I fell of my horse" just had me cracking up. You do such a good job of bringing out his personality in tense situations. WHO DIED? I really, really hope it wasn't Siondel. Please update soon. (What am I saying, this is you) -Laura

Author Reply: I have to work now, but I'll be writing too. I have the next chapter all planned out. This one was tricky because I had to think about things like how to have the battle be near the fire but not in it. The Internet is a great thing!

Legolas is a typical young male: his dignity is more important to him than the face that fire and orcs are coming his way.


JebbReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/10/2003
I have a very bad feeling about which elf has died I so hope I am wrong.
Eilian has truly come of age as a leader
the descriptions of the fire and the orc battle were amazing
and poor Legolas the humiliation of falling off his horse well at least he had some clothes on!
thank you

Author Reply: Eilian *is* a good leader, even when he would rather be seeing to the safety of two people he loves. Thranduil did such a good job with his kids. He needs to get home soon!

And actually falling off the horse would have been far worse for Legolas if he hadn't been dressed. Think of how embarrassing that would have been!

FadesintothewestReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/10/2003
Oh no what a horrible cliff hanger?! OMG, this chapter was full of excitement, tension, and a great and fun read. I could literally feel the heat singing me too! Wonderful and captivating action filled chapter, one of the best if not the best I have read!

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it! I had been planning to let the cleared area stop the fire, but Nilmandra (my beta) convinced me it would be far more dramatic to let the fire come. That made for several strands to be worked out at once but I was pleased with the way it turned out.


Antigone_QReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/9/2003
Once again, Eilian and Celuwen have to make sacrifices that conflict with their personal feelings.

Good for Celuwen for being so calm in the face of danger. She really took charge here! I don't envy Celuwen one bit telling her father she isn't going to help soak the cottages: it's not easy to stand up against people you respect, particularly when there is so much at stake.

I had a laugh-out-loud moment when Legolas was upset about falling off his horse. Was very consistant with the character as you've showed him so far.

Ah, a cliff-hanger! Well, as long as it's not Annael, I won't be too upset. Post again soon!

Author Reply: Annael is not fighting the Orcs. The novices and foresters were left behind in the Home Guard camp. So he's safe.

Celuwen did a difficult thing. It's really too bad that the situation is such that there would have been unhappiness for her no matter what she did.

And it amused me too that Legolas's real dismay was saved for an embarrassing moment rather than fire and orcs.


ElemmireReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/9/2003
That's cruel, daw, very cruel.


PS-I don't suppose Eilian could use a long, drawn-out bath scene at this point? ;)

Author Reply: I think that Eilian needs a bath AND a massage, don't you? Since he won't get either one in the next chapter (and indeed has some unhappy tasks to see to), you'll have to do it in your head! ;-)

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/9/2003
OH NO! Who is it? Not Siondel! I think he's the only one we know...I can't think of any other names...I'm in such shock. Shoot...I'm not sure I can continue the review. Give me a minute....
Okay....This chapter was certainly full of action. The description of the orcs fleeing was excellent. They're in such a panic that they don't even see the elves until it's too late and then it seems they would rather run like the dickens than fight. I can't say I blame them. As difficult as it was, Eilian does his duty and leads his troops well.
I felt sorry for Celuwen. What a difficult choice to make. But she had promised to see to Legolas's safety and she now recognizes that her heart is lost to the captain of the southern patrol. I just hope her parents have the sense to know when to give up...if it comes to that....I'm holding out hope for the rain. Losing them would be asking a lot of her and the guilt would be tremendous. Her father is such an old mule! Maybe her mother will slap some sense into him when she sees Celuwen flee to safety with Legolas and the warrior.
I feel a little guilty myself, but I laughed at Legolas's reaction to falling off Pilin. As only the over-confident and unworldly young can muster...he was mortified! And fell on his orc-begotten foot! I also got a smile out of him refusing to go without his clothes. Well, I can understand that!
What a well done chapter! Full of action, decisions being made and duties to be performed...and the sorrow of the loss of one yet to be named. Please don't let it be Annael's father....I feel kind of sick to my stomach....Oh Daw....(I need a hug!) Karen

Author Reply: When I was proofreading the chapter, I realized that all the comic relief came from poor Legolas. He's injured and still a little dazed and I'm laughing at him. How sick is that?!! I thought that falling off his horse would be morfiying, especially given that he's been practicing trick mounts to show off to the girls.

And Eilian and Celuwen both did their duty here, lived up to their promises. I love the two of them. It makes me feel better to know I have good things planned for them eventually.

As for the death, I feel kind of sick about it too.


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