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The Tide of Times  by daw the minstrel 19 Review(s)
jebbReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/22/2003
Poor Thranduil to be losing his 'baby' and well done to him to even think about the patrol rather than the home guard. It played out well for Ithilden which must have been a relief for having to tell Thranduil his youngest was to go out into danger was hard indeed.
Very much like the beginning of the coming of age where Legolas at least briefly admits to himself that he still needs Ada.

Author Reply: Thranduil is doing a hard thing and letting his son grow up. I can't imagine how frightening it must be to send him off to battle. Ithilden was lucky that Thranduil handed him the opportunity to break the news about Legolas in a way that helped Thranduil to see what he needed to do.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/22/2003
I wondered if Legolas would still be sent to the Eastern patrol - I agree with the novice masters, he'd be better off if he wasn't under the eagle eyes of his father and brother. Although it makes sense for Annael to stay in the Home Guard, I hoped they would serve together.

I like the description of his vigil, especally the blessing Thranduil gave him; also the way Thranduil and Ithilden stay close, but not too close, during the night.


Author Reply: Clever you, Jay! I had Legolas's posting planned but thought I had hidden it pretty well. I did feel bad about separating Legolas and Annael, but Annael needs to stay home.

I'm glad you liked the vigil. I was afraid it would be boring. ;-)

Antigone_QReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/22/2003
I liked the whole chapter, but the thing I liked best was the vigil in the last part. I like to think of the Elves as being very aware of their natural surroundings. It was also nice to see Legolas just letting his worries go for once.

Must have been a shock to Thranduil's system to find out that he truly was not going to be able to protect his youngest forever. I feel sorry for him, although I think that Legolas getting out from under his father and brothers' ever-watchful eyes is a very good idea. I wonder if Legolas will be surprised at how he feels once he really does not have his brothers and father to turn to constantly.

It was interesting to see both fathers worry a bit about how much they should "let go" of their children. Thranduil probably has a better perspective about other people's children, though he'll have to learn not to intervene too much with Ithilden's family.

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked the vigil. I almost didn't write about it, just had Legolas remember it, because I thought it might be boring to just watch him think, but I'm glad I decided to do it.

Thranduil does need to be more careful in what he does about Sinnarn, I think. The kid could be a real handful otherwise.

And I think you're probably right. Legolas is going to miss being his family's baby more than he thinks he is.

Brenda G.Reviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/22/2003
Great chapter, this one and the one before. I'm getting behind (which I hate), but while we can control the boat, we cannot always control the waves beneath it. I seem to be battling white caps of late.

Legolas is all grown up (sigh). I believe I am feeling as much pride and fully as much loss as does his father about now. How hard it will be for Thranduil to see Legolas off - his youngest, the baby of the family - and to the Eastern Patrol, at that. War, however, is no respecter of persons, be they Elves or otherwise, nor does it care for the grief or fear of a father's heart. I'm glad Beliond is now on the scene. It relieves me to have an experienced warrior watching Greenleaf's back in the wilds of Mirkwood. I wonder if Legolas will value his "freedom from family" as much as he thinks he will once he has achieved it. I do, however, agree with the reasoning of Legolas' trainers. He'll only fly on his own when he is allowed to. It will be interesting to see how he fares on his first solo.

I found it amusing and mildly painful when Ithilden had to instruct his own father about father-son relationships. That sort of set Thranduil back a bit, but I think it was necessary. Ithilden is such a good son - strong, steady, dependable and able to impart truth gently. I hope his son mirrors him when he grows up, but Sinnarn seems to take after his Uncle Eilian (at least so far he does). Sinnarn is fast arrowing his way into my heart. What a little nunchkin. Now you will have another elfling to write stories about!

Legolas letting go reminds me of how much we probably all need to trek to the woods and do a little soul-searching and soul-freeing ourselves. The vigil scene was written so beautifully - very moving and tender. Gives your readers some insight into the heart behind such exquisite fare.

Well, on a scale of 1 to 10, I give you a 25 on this one. It is simply marvelous. Looking forward to Legolas' coming-of-age ceremony; I even have my own personal box of Kleenex on hand for just such an occasion!

Are you enjoying TTT-EV? It's terrific!


Author Reply: I hope all is going well with you. I also feel some loss over Legolas's growing up. He's been fun to write about as a child and adolescent. And I understand his father's fear. Sending him off to fight shadow where you can't see what's happening would be so hard.

I love Ithilden. He's so fair minded and responsible. It's a good thing that Thranduil respects him and listens to him.

I have watched the extended DVD once and, of course, need to do it a bunch more times. Thank goodness a holiday is coming up. I am cooking turkey but there should still be time!

Aly Reviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/22/2003
Wonderful chapter. I've loved all your stories so far. It's hard to see Legolas growing up. You're stories are so real. You really know how to draw your readers in. I look forward to the rest of this story and any more you choose to write (hopefully lots more!).

Author Reply: I find it hard to let Legolas grow up. As a writer, I see lots of conflict in these young years and I hate to let them go. I have a long list of stories I want to write, so I'm glad someone wants to read them.

LeraReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/21/2003
Wow. That chapter was so full! All the scenes with Sinnarn were very interesting. As much as I love my parents I don't think I'd want to raise my children under the same roof. It's so interesting how Thranduil won't put up with any nonsense from his sons, but is willing to let loose a little with his grandson. Since he saw the need to keep a tight rein on his own sons, does he not see the need for it with Sinnarn? I'm not sure which would be worse: grandparents that completely spoil the grandkids or grandparents that are extremely strict and are constantly pointing out the children's mistakes.

Well, Legolas is going to be happy. I think it will be really good for him to gain experience as a warrior away from his family.(as wonderful as they are) Actually though, I think Legolas will find it harder than he expects being away from the protective cocoon of his family. And not being with Annael will be hard on him. We'll see. At least he'll have Beliond with him!

Author Reply: I think that grandpa Thranduil is going to have to come to terms with the fact that Sinnarn needs some consistent discipline or there will be trouble ahead. I can imagine that Sinnarn and Ithilden could get into some real battles when he hits adolescence otherwise.

I think Legolas's separation from his family and even Annael is going to be tougher than he thinks it will be. You're right on that one.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/21/2003
Even the second time through, my favorite spot is still Sinnarn on the wall, Thranduil's interference and Ithilden's using his father's own words against him! That was perfect. How hard it is for all of them to let go of Legolas!

Well, at least Sinnarn is still a baby, and they can keep him so for many more years to come :D

I like Legolas' thoughts as he holds his vigil, and particularly his acceptance that he likes the protection of his father's arms.

Author Reply: You know, I thought that vigil part might be boring but several people have said that they liked it, so I guess it was OK. It was lucky for Ithilden that Thranduil handed over the words to use. And you are so right - they all are having trouble letting go. He's still the baby.

As always, thank you for all your help on this.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/21/2003
Ouch! that had to have told Legolas in no uncertain terms that he could not be placed with the border guard, then be told that was where to place him. Poor Ithilden!

Author Reply: Ithilden has had to be flexible here, but he's a guy who is extremely fair. It's one of the things that makes him a good commander. So he can try to recognize the truth when he hears it even if he doesn't like it. I love Ithilden.

nanethReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/21/2003
Another beautiful ceremony! Legolas has learned an important lesson early in his life-most troubles are really small when compared to the real tragedies of life, such as Siondel's death. I found the scene in the woods between Legolas and Thranduil to be very moving.

I identify with Thranduil's fear of his child growing up and moving out. I have a daughter getting ready to graduate high school and start college in the fall. It's doggone hard to say "yep, you're all grown up now. Be safe. See you later!" And I'm only sending her to college to study engineering. I can't imagine sending a child off to war. Poor Thranduil.

And Legolas gets to go to the eastern border patrol. Yipee for Legolas and us. I see some exciting stories in the works!

Author Reply: I hope there are some exciting stories ahead! I have plans. It amazes me that people don't get tired of these characters.

I think it would be extremely hard to do what Thranduil is being asked to do. No wonder he sends keepers with his sons. You might want to look into that for your daughter. ;-)

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