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Claiming the Throne  by Eledhwen 18 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/10/2003
Oh my god. Will Denethor go? I can see big problems either way. He stays in Minas Tirith and keeps power or he goes and divides loyalties. What a dilemma.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/10/2003
This was a tense chapter. My own stomach was tightening up. I can't imagine having to deal with Denethor like this. I am now convinced that Tolkien took the only possible course of action with this character.

I look forward to seeing how you play this out!

Tim the EnchanterReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/9/2003
Now that the conflict is over, Denethor and Frodo are both having to face the fact that their lives are irreversibly altered. Neither expected to survive and indeed invited death... and yet they live. I remember a quote from Frank Herbert's Dune saga that anyone who lives through the decision to die is fundementally changed. I imagine Denethor senses that commonality with Frodo

Author Reply: I hadn't thought of that before, but I think you're right. It'll change them both irrevocably, forever, but in rather different ways. Thanks for the review!

HaiReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/9/2003
I hope you are planning lots for Frodo and Denethor to get to no each other! I'm sure Frodo could charm his way into anyone's heart! It is so wonderful that they are all together again! You are doing wonderfully, I don't usually enjoy AU's this much! Looking forward to more, thank you!

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/9/2003
Your Denethor is so believable and the events following your departure from canon so credible that I can almost see Professor Tolkien sitting at his writing desk, saying, "Hmmm...Kill Denethor; don't kill Denethor?", and imagine that this is one outcome he might have come close to choosing himself. I really like the little exchanges between Aragorn and E/E, and especially the Frodo's line "Is that difficult?" and Aragorn's response, "It took me close to 50 years."

Tim the EnchanterReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/8/2003
Wow - what an innovative idea for a story.

HaiReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/7/2003
Wow! that certainly was a different way to write the last few chapters of ROTK! You did it wonderfully adding in Denethor and the problems that might have come from that, but really now Denethor can go into peaceful retirement though he may not be the type to retire. I hope things can be patched up with Faramir! They would probably really like each other if they only got to know each other! I liked Legolas and Gimli arguing when they found out Pippin was lost. Looking forward to more! Thank you!

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/7/2003
Sorry for reviewing the whole story to date at once, I know I'm not doing it justice, but I just stumbled on it and couldn't resist reading it straight through. This is fantastic in every way! Your characterizations are just fabulous - your AU approach certainly allows a more thorough exploration of Denethor's complex character and motivations than canon permitted. You so effectively use interaction between the characters - each conversation was a window into a relationship and each character's personality. I loved the little descriptive touches like Aragorn's throwing himself into the chair as he asks Gandalf (your depiction of Gandalf was wonderful) if he was doing the right thing, and later noticing the glint in Elladan's eye as they rode to battle. Your narrative flows effortlessly, and there's so much wonderful detail like the occasional glint of light off a sword revealing the locations of the guards.

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