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Biography:   I'm fairly new to the fanfic world -- unless you count the years back in the 60's when my sister and I used to secretly write scripts for Star Trek TOS and then act them out! We didn't realize it was called fanfic back in those days, and they NEVER got shown to anyone else.

I am currently obsessed with the little-explored Dunedain of the North -- and since there are only two mentioned in LOTR (Aragorn and Halbarad) I have invented a family (specifically two brothers, Tarkil and Haldon) to follow and explore their ancient culture.

By the way, I'm Canadian, so you'll tend to see a mix of both English and American spellings. So you'll see the 'U' used in honour and valour and colour, and the 'o' in manoeuvre, and reversed 're' in words like centre but the American use of 'z' in recognize. I 'try' to keep to the Professor's 'Queen's English' as much as possible, but things do slide by...


Tarkil the Dunedain Stories:

1) Promises to Keep (Fall 3018) Tarkil patrols the Bree area, guarding it from the miscreants who are flooding the land from the south, while attempting to gain the attention of a Bree girl.
2) Two of Thirty One (3019 - War of the Ring) Tarkil and his brother Haldon head to Gondor as members of the Grey Company. A Ranger's view of what happens.
3) Life in the Angle (begins in fall of 3019) Tarkil brings his bride home to a Dunedain settlement where they discover the cultural differences between their peoples.

Standalone stories:

Swords Returned -- 2081 TA -- a Dunedain Ranger must explain to his young son (a very young Tarkil) how a Ranger's kin discovers if a Ranger has fallen.
Gathering of the Grey Company -- spring 3019 -- Halbarad gathers Rangers to accompany him to help Aragorn regain his crown
bullet Life in the Angle by Leaward Last Updated: 8/22/2005
An exploration into life amongst the Dunedain of the North, and the differences in culture between them and the people they protect. It takes place just after the War of the Ring... A romance with mystery. While it starts off light, it will grow darker as objections start to arise with a clash of cultures. Chapter 25: Decisions Made. Tarkil and Poppi decide whether to stay in the Angle or return to Southlinch. And the babies' names are announced. Hallelujah! It's done!
Rating: R Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 0 Published: 2/1/2005
bullet Two of Thirty-One by Leaward Last Updated: 1/27/2005
Two members of the Grey Company's experiences fighting to help Aragorn regain his crown. Cameos by Aragorn, Eomer, Glorfindel, Elladan and Elrohir, and Imrahil. Legolas, Gimli, and Samwise are mentioned but do not speak.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 0 Published: 12/22/2004
bullet Swords Returned by Leaward Last Updated: 12/13/2004
A Ranger of the North explains to his young son what happens to those who have fallen, and how their kin will learn of their death.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 0 Published: 12/13/2004
bullet Gathering of the Grey Company by Leaward Last Updated: 12/7/2004
Halbarad must gather the Dunedain of the North that will accompany him to Rohan as they ride to Aragorn's aid.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 0 Published: 12/7/2004
bullet Promises to Keep by Leaward Last Updated: 11/30/2004
Promises to Keep follows an OC Dunedain Ranger patrolling the South Downs and Bree area in the fall of 3018 TA, while trying to attract the attention of a Bree girl.
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 0 Published: 10/27/2004