Under the Druid Moon |
Last Updated: 9/26/2004 |
Or "For Lack of Something Better to Do." A collection of drabble, I guess. Kind of my personal...interactions with the works of Tolkien and his characters, or a glimps of how I see them. Yeah. Admit it: You do the same thing. Mm hm, that's what I thought. |
Rating: PG-13 |
Reviews |
Status: In Progress |
Chapters: 6 |
Published: 6/15/2004 |
Long She Awaited Her Sorrow |
Last Updated: 9/6/2004 |
Elfhild is a devote Queen and wife, yet to her shame, she has not yet born Theoden any children. Finally she finds she is with child, but at what cost? |
Rating: PG-13 |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 7 |
Published: 7/24/2004 |
The City Below the Sea |
Last Updated: 3/3/2004 |
The account of a Numenorean as the waves take their fair city. Rated PG for some...scary images. |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 2 |
Published: 3/3/2004 |
The Ashes of Twilight |
Last Updated: 2/24/2004 |
A tale on the thoughts of Tinuviel, the quiet,thoughtful whisps of her soul and pain as she prepares to die,with a suprising twist at the end. For those who are deep and Elvish at heart, and not afraid of the grotesque and the arabesque. Sort of weird, as I'm a pathetic dreamer, but at leat you can take solace knowing that your life is probobly much more fulfilled than mine. |
Rating: PG-13 |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 9 |
Published: 1/21/2004 |