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Elrond's Boys  by Dragon

The stone was cool and smooth, resting in the palm of his hand. Even the sight of it made him smile - happy memories of an evening he had wanted to never end.


"Ada! Ada! Look at me Ada!" Elladan called in a shrill voice as he ran barefoot along a large jutting stone and plunged into the lagoon below.

Elrond laughed, looking up from the shingle cove where he was building a campfire. His son surfaced, brushing wet hair out of his eyes before swimming to the edge and dashing up the rocky path to the overhang, where his brother was waiting for his turn.

Elrond watched as his youngest took a running leap before returning to the task before him. He had plenty of stones to choose from. Both boys had run back and forwards searching for the large round stones he had asked for. In fact he had enough for several campfires.

Celebrian sat on a weathered log, unpacking the basket of food. The lagoon was not far from their house, still within the protection of the valley, but far enough that they had decided to eat outdoors rather than return for supper. It held many precious memories this place. Their place. For although other elves knew of it, it was seldom used except by the family of Lord Elrond.


One wet son raced towards her, closely followed by the other.

"When will it be supper, Ammė?" he asked, moving a small hand under the wrappings of the basket, reaching for an apple.

"Soon enough, little one." Celebrian brushed the hand aside.

Her sons stood before her, hands behind their backs, eyes wide. They knew how best to persuade their parents.

"Here." Celebrian caved in, as they had known she would, handing each child an apple. They clambered onto the grassy bank, watching their father as they ate their fruit.


"Elladan. Elrohir." Celebrian called, her musical voice cutting across the water to where her twin sons were playing some game. A game that involved much splashing and squealing.

Elrond picked up one of the large towels, in preparation for the arrival of a small wet elf, now out of the water and racing up the shingle beach.

"I told you I would win!" Elladan chirped triumphantly, now wrapped in a towel and leaning breathlessly against his father.

Elrohir pulled a face at his brother as he knelt on the stones while Celebrian rubbed his hair dry.

"Only because you kick so when swimming."

"I do not." Elladan retaliated

Elrohir smirked annoyingly.

"I do not!" Elladan moved forwards aggressively.

Elrond smiled to himself as he swept Elladan off his feet and spun him round. Elrohir knew exactly how to bait his brother.

"Come Elladan, you must dry your hair."

Elladan struggled ineffectually against his father before submitting to sitting in his lap whilst having warmth rubbed back into him. Although it was a fine evening and the water was warm after a long day in the sun, both boys had got cold in the time they had spent in the water.

"Thank you Ammė," Elrohir took the plate of warm sausages and bread offered to him as he sat in front of the fire, his towel cloaked around his narrow shoulders. Sometimes Elrond thought his youngest looked uncannily wise for one of his age, and now, with his face lit up by the light of the fire was one of these times.

"Chew Elladan," he tried to sound stern as he watched his son trying to cram an entire sausage into his mouth at once. Grey eyes peered upwards, and the child turned around to rest his head contentedly on his father's chest.

Elrond looked across the fire into his wife's blue eyes. She met the gaze and smiled, reaching around the fire to link hands with her husband. They were silent listening to their sons' chatter, but words were not needed.


"Ada! Come and play!" Elladan shouted as he ran forwards catching his father's hand and attempting to drag him towards the water. Elrohir joined the struggle, using all his small weight to pull against his father.

After the meal Elrond and Celebrian had changed, ready to join their children in the water. On seeing this Elladan had whooped with joy and had tried to get their father to join in their game. His Ada made a wonderful climbing frame.

Elrond scooped up Elrohir and carried him into the water, tickling him until he broke into giggles.

"No. . . Ada. . . Ada! Mercy!" Elrohir struggled against the strong arms until he was released, when Elrond made a grab at Elladan who was splashing in circles around him.

"You shall not catch me!" Elladan declared, ducking underwater and between his father's legs.

Elrond pretended to look puzzled and reached behind him, swiftly finding the surfacing boy and plucking him from the water.

"Well what have we here? A frog? A fish?" Elrond teased, holding him upside down over the water.

Elladan, in peals of laughter, wriggled in an attempt to escape. Elrond turned to Elrohir and winked.

"Well Elrohir, what do you say. Shall I return this young fish to the water?"

Elrohir giggled, moving his hands to his mouth.

"As you say Master Elrohir! Back in the water he goes!" Elrond said in an ominous voice as he swung his son back and forwards a few times before throwing him a short distance into the water.

Elladan shrieked as he was tossed into the water. A huge splash, and shouts from the rest of the family followed, as they were drenched by the resulting tidal wave.

Elladan looked over at his father, who was in fits of laughter.

"That was most undignified, Oh Lord Elrond!" Elladan called mockingly as he swum to a relative safety behind his mother.

Elrond strode through the shallower water where his wife was watching, eyes alight with laughter.

"So Celebrian, would you stand before me to protect this insolent young elfling?"

The blue eyes met his, betraying her solemn voice.

"Oh Peredhil! Have you not thought of the danger before you?"

Elrond looked at her puzzled, a fatal mistake, as precious seconds were lost.


Overpowered, the Lord of Rivendell was submerged as his treacherous family flung themselves against him. After a ducking sufficient to power the egos of two young elves for several days he was allowed to go free. Mainly at his wife's command. His sons' bore expressions of those who could carry on all day.

Celebrian was leading the little party to shore when strong arms wrapped around her waist.

"You would not consider revenge against a lady?" Celebrian turned to face him.

Elrond drew her closer to his body, kissing her.

"Not revenge."


They had rested, drying on the shore in the fading light. Elrond had sat by the side of the pool, watching the progress of the bubbling stream that continued down the valley. Deep in thought he reached for a stone and set it hopping over the still surface of the water.

Two small bodies crashed into him from behind.

"Is that magic, Ada?" Elrohir's voice was full of awe.

"Can I learn to Ada? Can I? Can I?" Elladan hung off his father's arm.

Elrond turned, surprised at the sudden disruption, to find his sons scrabbling at his feet, finding the most unlikely stones for him to spirit over the water.

"This one Ada." Elladan struggled with a huge boulder he could hardly lift.

Elrond's mouth twisted in amusement as Elrohir competed by pouring some gravel into his hands.

"That would be pretty Ada."

Elrond quickly felt on the shore picking a small, disc shaped pebble.

"No, it is not magic. You need to find nice smooth stones, like this." he held up his stone.

Minutes later both boys had gathered a pile of stones, all close enough to the original to work. They sat down on either side of their father, each grasping a stone aggressively tight.

"Now you hold it loosely like this," a glance assured him that his sons were listening, "and flick it like this!"

The stone jumped across the water, followed rather less spectacularly by Elrohir's. A sad plop marked the end of Elladan's attempt. Biting his lip, he reached for another stone, wrinkling his brow in concentration.

"Good!" Elrond watched in satisfaction as the last stone followed the others. Elladan jumped up for some celebratory cartwheels on the bank.

"Ada." Elrohir tugged on his robes, drawing attention.


"Who taught you?" Elrohir asked, dropping a stone as he spoke.

"Someone long long ago child" Elrond gazed at the stars.

"Your Ada?" Elrohir's voice betrayed his thoughts that nobody could be that old.

"No, not my Ada. But close." Elrond spoke sadly.

"Oh." Elrohir, his curiosity satisfied for now, ran off to join his brother.

Smiling, Elrond picked up the stone, rubbing it with his fingers. Was this how Gil-Galad had felt those years ago? If only he had survived to see his heir now. Sighing Elrond strode over to join Celebrian watching the sunset.


The walk home, in a cool blue evening, seeing the windows of their home lit up against the sky had gone all too fast.

Elladan, finally tired, had submitted to riding home on his father's back. A wet head had been laid against his shoulder, eventually nodding slightly as he slept.

It had been an evening to remember.

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