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Love Letters  by Antane

Chapter Twenty-Five: A Shire Wedding

This is going to be a little short tonight, my dear and my apologies for that. I am that tired and ready to fall over even as I sit here, but I had to tell you. Mr. Pippin married Diamond of Long Cleeve today and it was a most joyous day. It reminded me of my own wedding and of the birthday celebrations you and Mr. Bilbo always had. Snowed food and rained drink, indeed! It was a marvelous celebration for the whole Shire. Rosie is expecting our fourth so tires rather easily so only danced once. But I made up for it by dancing with Elanor who is now six and spinning Rosie-lass around for a few reels. Frodo-lad had his own fun with some of the lasses his age. A most joyous day indeed and somehow I know you were there, dear, celebrating with us. There was a special feel to today that I’ve only felt when you are near.

An exhausted goodnight, dear. Sleep well. I know I will! I love you so much.

* * *

I felt a special joy today, Sam and it had Pippin’s face to it. Now what has my dear little Pipsqueak done? Has he grown up even more and found a lass, perhaps that one he intercepted the bouquet from at your wedding? Does he now know the joy you and Rose have, that I always wanted but couldn’t have? It must be. My beloved ’squeak has married. There are times I feel so close to you three, like I have never left, like there’s only the thinnest, frailest bit of gauze between us instead of more than an ocean and the barest bit of wind will push it aside and we will be together again.  Sometimes I think if I strain just a little bit more I can see you with my own eyes and touch you and hear you instead of just holding you all tight in my memories. Today was such a day and it proves all the more that we are only physically separated, that we are still connected by our hearts and souls. I so hope you all felt that today as strongly as I did. My love to you, Merry and my dear ’squeak and his bride. Now when is my Merry going to marry, I wonder?

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