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Shadows of the Past  by Laikwalâssê

Shadows of the past

Disclaimer:  see chapter 1

Author’s note:

Again many thanks to Erulisse and to Selene Aduial for beta reading this story for me. 

Chapter 17:  no way out




For some time after the dark haired Elf-Lord had sunk to his knees, the scene in the little clearing seemed frozen. Not knowing what message the letter had contained, the bewildered guards looked at the kneeling figure of the Elf-Lord. Feeling the need to express his sorrow, but hesitating to interrupt the attempt from Glorfindel to comfort his Lord and friend, the King’s thoughts raced.

The message he had hoped would never come had finally arrived. It was a cruel twist of fate. While helping to ensure the survival of the wood elves the Lord of Imladris had doomed his own people to suffering. What could he do now to pay back his debt?

Was it possible to send the modified antidote to Imladris through a much quicker way or was it important that the Half-elf was present too? Thranduil sighed. How could this be accomplished? If Elrond’s children were ill by now then he would never arrive home in time to administer the proven antidote.

Thranduil had seen how aggressively the plague spread and how little time remained, once the patient was infected. Even with his swiftest horses and an immediate departure Elrond had no chance to arrive home in time.

Never one to give up so easily and dwell on matters he could not change, the King turned toward the messenger still standing where he had dismounted waiting for his King to dismiss him.

He redirected his gaze from the two kneeling Elf-lords back to his King and snapped to attention when Thranduil addressed him in a low voice only he could hear. For a short moment the messenger’s eyes widened when he received the new order but then he quickly mounted his horse and galloped back the way he had come. The King looked after him thoughtfully.

When Thranduil turned he saw that Elrond had risen from the ground and was now speaking silently with Glorfindel. Knowing that they would soon ask to depart he addressed his captain standing right next to the leader of the little settlement. Both elves looked at him expectantly.

Addressing the village leader first the King inclined his head. “Thalion, I thank you for your hospitality and the food you provided us with. But we must depart immediately and I ask you to express my thanks to your people.”

Sensing that now was not the time for questions or a lengthy speech Thalion bowed to his King. “We are honoured to have had the King in our humble settlement. We wish you a safe journey home.”

Acknowledging the understanding from the village’s leader the King nodded with gratitude in his eyes and turned toward his captain. “We depart immediately. Please see to this, we need to make haste.”

Still not knowing what warranted this haste but also knowing that he would anger his Lord with further questioning, the captain of the Royal Guards bowed briefly and strode back to his companions to issue orders and fulfil the King’s orders.

This accomplished, Thranduil turned and stopped short when he came face to face with Elrond and Glorfindel. Before however he had the chance to say anything Elrond held up his hand. “Thranduil, we have to depart immediately. Even knowing I will never arrive in time, at least not for the ones now infected, I nonetheless have to try to reach Rivendell as quickly as possible.”

Briefly looking into Glorfindel´s unreadable face Thranduil could only nod, surprised at the detached attitude Elrond showed while speaking about the plague raging at his own home. Taking a deep breath to respond Thranduil refrained from saying anything when he looked at Glorfindel shaking his head.

Thranduil knew the healer well enough to know that his brusque manner was only his way to cope with the concern flooding his heart. One unintentional word would break down this hard built control.

Thranduil only squeezed the arm of the healer briefly and gestured toward the waiting horses. The guards and helpers from the settlement had done an admirable job in breaking the camp so quickly. Hardly mounted, the large group of elves raced from the clearing leaving the bewildered villagers behind.



Without a word or any other delay the riders galloped at a hard pace along the path. The guards were hard pressed to keep up with the three swift riders. Apart from racing along they still had their job to do; to protect the three Elf-Lords.

Nearing the palace the path divided into two, one path leading directly into the courtyard, while the other wound into the forest leading west toward the mountains. When Glorfindel and Elrond reined their mounts in sharply, Thranduil did the same while holding up his hand to stop the guards and gazed at his guests bewildered.

Bringing his horse alongside Elrond’s mare the King looked sharply at the healer. “What is the meaning of this?” he asked sharper than intended. “You do not really mean to depart now, without any preparations or protection?”

Seeing Glorfindel tense but ignoring him Thranduil moved his horse further in front of the other two horses practically blocking the path for both elves.

The Royal Guards eyed the scene warily and also edged closer knowing how quickly tempers could flare; although they still did not know what had transpired to set the three elf-Lords on edge.

Ignoring the taut posture from the Balrog Slayer and the irritated look from the healer, Thranduil took a deep breath.

“Elrond, please listen to me. Its folly and suicide to depart now. It’s already getting dark and without preparation I cannot let you ride through the forest. It’s too dangerous for someone who is not accustomed to the dangers here. Wait at least until first light.”

Snorting Glorfindel urged his horse closer to the King’s. “Wait?” was the incredulous replay from the warrior. “We cannot wait. You have read the message yourself, Thranduil. Every hour we arrive earlier will rescue lives.”

Sighing deeply and trying to remain calm at the irritated tone, Thranduil ignored Glorfindel´s comment and looked again at Elrond who had said nothing so far.

“I understand perfectly well your need for an immediate departure, but I say again, it’s too dangerous to travel the forest and the mountain paths by night. Elrond, please think. What will a few hours accomplish considering a four week journey?”

Taking in a ragged breath with his form slumping Elrond lowered his head, knowing that the King was right. He could not win the race against time. Despite having enough antidotes in his saddlebags he would accomplish nothing by endangering his and Glorfindel´s lives by departing now.

The dull ache in his heart suddenly flared and nearly took away his ability to breathe. He clawed his fingers into his horse’s mane and tried to slow his furiously beating heart. In not being able to reach home in time he would forfeit the life of his little sons and many other ill children in Imladris.

He had seen too many dead elflings in the past days he could not bear more losses and surely not either one of his sons. Celebrían must be beside herself with worry. He could feel her anguish through their bond and it nearly hurt physically.

Seeing the horror crossing the healer’s face Glorfindel moved his horse alongside Elrond’s prepared to catch him if his friend should collapse. He could well imagine what images crossed through his Lord’s mind. Elrond’s sons were as dear to him as to the half-elf. He could not even bring himself to think about the fact that they would not be able to heal them.

Watching the silent exchange Thranduil looked at the two elves with worry. What words of comfort should he give? Making up his mind he reached out and squeezed the healer’s arm lightly.

“Come; let us return to the palace. Remaining here on the path we will accomplish nothing. Maybe I can provide a way to reach Rivendell much faster.”

Glorfindel´s head snapped up and he glared at the King. What was this supposed to mean? With a clear warning in his eyes not to add to the healer’s heart ache Glorfindel redirected his gaze at his friend trying to coax the dark haired elf out of his stupor.

Sighing and hoping that his plan would work Thranduil turned his horse and signalled his guards to resume the short ride toward the palace. Quickly he looked over his shoulder and sighed. Glorfindel and Elrond had followed him wordlessly.



When Glorfindel and Elrond reached the courtyard the King had already vanished inside his halls. The blonde warrior looked around in irritation. Only some of the guards that had arrived with them remained in the courtyard and a stable hand already rushed toward them to care for the horses. What was Thranduil up too? Where had he gone to so quickly?

Glorfindel shook his head. The King’s business was his own. He wondered only at the King’s odd behaviour. After dismounting he walked around his horse ready to give Elrond a helping hand in dismounting. He had not missed the shaking of the other’s hands on their ride back. Elrond looked pale and drained, more so than the days before.

But the healer wanted to have nothing of it. He slid from his great horse without assistance and looked sternly at his advisor.

“I’m well, Glorfindel, but I do not intend to wait until first light. I will gather our belongings and depart immediately and do not try to stop me. I will go mad staying here while knowing that the lives of my sons are at stake.”

Smiling Glorfindel laid a reassuring hand on the dark haired elf’s shoulder. “Do not worry, my friend. I will not stop you. I’m as determined as you to return home, even if this means travelling by night through this forest and the mountain pass. We are accomplished warriors ourselves. We will not be as helpless as Thranduil may think.”

Smiling wryly Elrond nodded and turned toward the entrance of the underground caverns. Glorfindel handed both horses over to the young elf waiting and hurried after his Lord.

When they crossed the great hall a door opened and Elarinya emerged into the hallway. She stopped short with a surprised expression on her face; she had not expected her husband and his guests back so early.

Seeing the distressed expression on the faces of the Imladris elves she frowned. Had something happened during their visit to the outer settlements? Looking behind Elrond and Gorfindel and not seeing her husband her concern rose.

“Lord Elrond, Lord Glorfindel,” she said while stepping closer. “Has something happened?”

Elrond and Glorfindel looked at one another questioningly. Thranduil had obviously not informed anyone so far. Elrond tried to smile when Elarinya had reached them.

“Can we speak somewhere undisturbed?” Elrond asked with a glance toward the many elves in the hallway looking at them. Her concern now plain in her eyes to see, the Queen only nodded and gestured the two elves into a small office the King used occasionally.

No sooner had she closed the door, Elarinya turned and rushed toward the two Elf-Lords. “Elrond, now tell me what happened and where is Thranduil?”

Sighing Elrond looked into the worried eyes of the Queen. “Our mission went well, but while visiting a little settlement to the south a messenger brought this missive.”  

Wordlessly he handed the letter over into the slightly shaking hands of the Queen. Her eyes widened. She had sent the letter with the messenger after the troop when it had arrived not five hours ago. She had not imagined that it would contain such bad news.

She let out a cry of dismay, however, when she had finished reading. With burning eyes she looked back at the healer and all the emotions welling up inside of her could be seen there. “Elrond, I’m so sorry,” she whispered while handing the letter back. “What will you do now? How can we help you?”

But then her voice faltered when she registered the sad truth. Nothing could be done for the Elf-Lord to reach his home in time. Lowering her head she could not hold her tears back any longer.

“I’m sorry, Elrond. I’m so incredibly sorry.”

Elrond stepped forward. “It’s not your fault. We must pray to the Valar that I will nevertheless be able to arrive in time but this means we have to depart immediately.”

Elarinya’s head shot up at this pronouncement.

“Elrond, you are not really considering departing now?” she cried. “It’s much too dangerous to travel the forest by night.”

Elrond sighed and stepped back. “Your husband said nearly the exact same words to me not an hour ago.”

Elarinya narrowed her eyes. “And he was perfectly right. Elrond you cannot leave now….”

She suddenly faltered when something nagging on her mind became now insistent. “Where is Thranduil?” she asked with irritation. She could not understand that her husband had abandoned his guest in such a dire situation.

Shrugging his shoulders Elrond sighed. “He left us before we arrived at the palace. I suppose he is arranging our departure. He probably guesses that we will not wait until first light.”

“You had better wait. However, I will find out what my husband is doing. Please do nothing impetuous.” Without another word she turned and left the two stunned Elf-lords behind.

Elrond sighed and turned toward Glorfindel. “I will go and pack my belongings. If the King has not come up with something to convince me to wait until morning, I will depart within an hour.”

Nodding silently and knowing that he could not convince his Lord otherwise (nor did he want to), Glorfindel followed the healer out of the office.

To be continued……………………………

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