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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 11 Review(s)
GoldenFlowerReviewed Chapter: 20 on 7/29/2008
Munderful last two chapters- loved Beleg and Finrod being all, " Be quiet and let us sleep!" and the stealing of the tarts. I cannot wait for the next chapters, as usual. :D.

~GF. ( Ha! I got the initials right for once! I really need to start using the same username for everything :P)

Author Reply: Thanks GF... I'm glad you liked these last two chapters. More to come though you'll have to wait a bit longer for the next chapter until I finish my trip.

artistic spriteReviewed Chapter: 20 on 7/29/2008
Finally! Do you think Finrod has two personality? Cause one minute he is stealing tarts like a naughty elfling and the next thing you know he was smooching Amarie. Anyway, I enjoy the story! :}

Author Reply: Finrod is like most of us... there's always an elfling inside waiting to come out to play. *grin* As for him smooching Amarië...well, they are betrothed so I guess it's allowed.

I'm glad you are enjoying the story. Thanks for reading and letting me know. I appreciate it.

TariReviewed Chapter: 20 on 7/28/2008
Getting into a little mischief every now and then never hurts. I, myself, refuse to be as old as my age. It’s more fun being stuck in a young age such at 25.

Finrod and Glorfindel sharing the win and loss is definitely a sign of maturity and sharing the prize with Sador and Alassiel is a nice touch and should be greatly appreciated I’m sure. Those two really had their hands full. The gifting ceremony was also very touching, especially the giving of the swords to Finrod and Glorfinel.

Have a safe trip.


Author Reply: We should never forget how to be young, otherwise we have no alternative but to be old, and that's no fun.

I'm glad you liked the gifting ceremony, especially the giving of swords. I though that was a nice touch, myself. *grin*

6336Reviewed Chapter: 20 on 7/28/2008
Oops! Sorry Lindorelle! I have trouble keeping my grand childrens names straight and I only have 2 of those! Now is it Claire Emily and Victoria Marie or Claire Marie and Victoria Emily! Shakes head! Oh well they're adorable little Orclings, no matter what their names are!
Bye for now,

Author Reply: That's okay... it's why I keep a character list right beside me... all those furrin' names... can't keep any of them straight. LOL!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 20 on 7/27/2008
An excellent solution, and most proper prizes.

Author Reply: Thanks, Larner. It wasn't easy coming up with prizes for everyone so I'm glad you found them appropriate.

eilujReviewed Chapter: 20 on 7/27/2008
You are officially charged with leading me astray. To get into the spirit of this chapter, I had to *begin* lunch with my cheese and cherry strudel.... [I enjoy currants and would love to try a cheese and currant tart. In fact, I would happily grow black currants -- and probably make my own crème de cassis -- except that they're illegal here because the wild ones are an alternate host for white pine blister rust. Hearty "BOOS" and hisses easterly in the general direction of the NC Dept. of Ag.]

"Now, what mischief have you gotten yourself into lately?" "Me?" Glorfindel exclaimed, looking suddenly guilty, though he didn’t think he should be feeling guilty about anything -- Perhaps he's feeling guilty for *not* having gotten into mischief lately? A certain amount of mischief is expected of him....

Glorfindel's sword ... well, either way, I can only say "WOW."

Eönwë announced the finalists of the sword-and-shield competition. Finrod and Glorfindel came with *Ingwion* while *Mithlas* and *Aldarion* ... stepped forward to join them.

Again, Ingwë spoke first, addressing the *six* warriors standing before him....

(mention of Finrod and Glorfindel)

"Let us first award the *three* other finalists before we tell you our solution" --

If six finalists are being honored, there should be a mention of Gilvagor. But since he isn't awarded any prize, I imagine you mean *five* warriors? Or am I missing something?

Have fun traveling. Your faithful audience will endeavor not to expire from Glorfindel-withdrawal (Finrod-withdrawal, too) in your absence. Hm: how desperate will we be in three weeks?

Author Reply: You're right. It should be five. I was still thinking of the six finalists for the archery competition. I've made the correction.

I'm sure you'll all manage somehow until I get back online again with new chapters. Consider it an exercise in patience. *grin*

Author Reply: You're right. It should be five. I was still thinking of the six finalists for the archery competition. I've made the correction.

I'm sure you'll all manage somehow until I get back online again with new chapters. Consider it an exercise in patience. *grin*

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 20 on 7/27/2008
Ah - very nice indeed. I'm grateful you decided to end the tournament before leaving for your travels... however, the elflings????

Author Reply: Not to worry... the next chapters will highlight the elflings, I promise. And then after that we'll look in on Vorondil and Aldundil and see how they are faring.

HelReviewed Chapter: 20 on 7/27/2008
I also doubt they will be allowed a rematch. They are lucky if they are allowed to take part in any other competition again.

But it´s nice of them to give their price to Sador and Alassiel as a reward for the child-minding. They truly deserve it.

I wonder who was the former owner of the sword and if Glorfindel had known him in his first life.

Enjoy your travels. I will sorely miss the weekly up-dates, but I guess I will have to find something to tide me over until then.

Author Reply: I am not sure who owned the sword originally and I may never know (my Muse is cute that way. *grin*) However, I suppose it hardly matters. It's now Glorfindel's sword and I'm sure he wielded it with honor.

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 20 on 7/27/2008
*is very pleased with the outcome of the tournament* Yay for Beleg and the other archers! Yay for Glorfi and Finda, who both won AND lost! And I'm glad they got new swords, too! A moment of shock for Glorfi there when he heard where it came from...I wonder...


Author Reply: Glad you liked the chapter, Kaylee. Thanks for reading and letting me know. As for Glorfi's sword... perhaps some day we will find out. You never know.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 20 on 7/27/2008
Poor Glorfindel, everybody always picks on him, even when he hasn't done any thing, yet! I enjoyed their little kitchen raid, they need some normalacy in their lives, hope they did not spoil their dinners!
Declairing them both winners/losers was the only soultion and them giving the prize to Sador and Alessiel was only fair since they had to deal with 5 rambunctious elflings. Hope Finrod is able to help Arunna(sp).
Enjoy your travels,
Eru guard and guide thee,
More please,

Author Reply: It's actually Lindorille who is fading and I have no fear that Finrod will be able to bring her back to herself. The next chapter in fact highlights this very thing.

Thanks for your blessing. I appreciate it.

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