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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 14 Review(s)
eilujReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/24/2008
Wondering why Glorfindel needs to be in Lórien. "Do not take your eyes off him for a second." Hm. Or is that SOP with Glorfindel? And if it isn't, it probably should be....

"'They’ve been giving us these herbal teas every day. Horrid stuff. They said we had to take them because we’ve been sad.' / 'We were a lot sadder whenever we had to drink them'" -- I love the fanon motif of horrid-tasting teas and potions. Don't know why: I can remember several different nasty things I had to drink as a child that certainly weren't in the least amusing at the time!

"'When dealing with the Reborn... and elflings, one learns to take certain behavior in stride.' / Both Finrod and Glorfindel nodded, their faces wreathed with wide grins at the memories of their own time in Lórien" -- You've been remiss in not telling us more of those incidents....

A belated welcome back.

Author Reply: I think the Valar are beginning to understand that not taking their eyes off Glorfindel for a second should be SOP with him. *grin*

Well, I remember all the horrid stuff that was foisted on me as a child whenever I was sick and frankly it hasn't changed much even as an adult, so the horrid teas and potions here are quite appropriate and true to life.

Perhaps someday if the Muse is kind I will write little snippets about their stay in Lórien and some of their own 'adventures in living'. We'll see....

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/24/2008
I have been thoroughly enjoying your story. Thank you for writing.

Author Reply: You are most welcome. Thank you for letting me know. I truly appreciate it.

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/17/2008
Well, I assume you made it to Germany safe and sound? It was so nice to see an update. :)

I enjoyed this chapter very much. The elflings are just adorable and I can't wait to hear all about what they've been up to. For some reason, I'm glad Glorfindel decided to return to Lorien at the last minute. Just like him to keep everyone off balance. :)

Author Reply: Yes, I arrived at my final destination safe and sound last night. Glad you enjoyed this chapter. Glorfindel keeping everyone off balance is in his job description I think. *grin* We'll learn more about the Great Paint Job Incident in the next chapter.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/16/2008
‘The Great Paint Job Incident’. The mere name makes me wish I had access to a time machine so that I could go ahead to next week and read about it...

A small nitpick: Míriel Serindë, Finwë's _first_ wife, is the one described in the Silmarillion as being particularly skilled at needlework. Nothing much is said about Indis, apart from her being a blonde. There was certainly nothing in the Silmarillion about her being more skilled than the average elleth at using a needle and thread. On the other hand, there is nothing said about her being _less_ skilled, either. Yet I sort of got the feeling when reading the Silmarillion that the two of them were sort of Yin and Yang, very much opposites in terms of personality and interests.

You may have read it differently, or something might be said about the possibility that Indis might have consciously tried to model herself after Míriel, including trying to become as similar to her, both in personality and interests, as possible. (Not a very healthy attitude, IMHO.)

Perhaps there is something for a future story here?

Author Reply: While Míriel Serindë was known for her needlework, that is not to say that other ellith were not as accomplished and with all the ages of Arda at their disposal it seems odd that Indis would not be able to excell in the same sort of activities as others. As I have Indis in Lórien and all it just seemed natural that she would take over the tutelage of Eruanna in the art of embroidery, a skill which most ellith would learn as a matter of course. Beyond that I have no real clue as to her personality, not having been introduced to her yet. Perhaps if Finrod takes up her offer to visit we'll learn more about her.

GoldenFlowerReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/16/2008
I squeed in happiness at the new chapter. xD. Munderful writing... You should do a one-shot about the infamous ‘Great Paint Job Incident.’ Haha, sheepish elflings. Can't wait for more!


Author Reply: Well, I think the next chapter will do just as well as it is told in flashback for the most part.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/15/2008
Welcome back, Fiondil. Love seeing these relaxing into healing at last, and Finrod increasingly taking on the responsibilities of his position.

Author Reply: Thanks Larner. It's good to be back. The next few chapters are relaxing and healing for everyone... the calm before the next storm. Heh!

TariReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/15/2008
What a glorious reunion. It looks like Finrod came back just in time. Poor Lindorillë seemed to be fading fast. I would not at all be suprised to see the older Elves get into a bit of mischief with the Elflings. One is never too old for a bit of harmless fun.


Author Reply: I'm sure that Finrod, Glorfindel and Ingwion will get into all sorts of mischief while they are in Lórien, dragging the elflings along, much to the dismay of Lord Irmo and the Maiar. *grin* And no, one is never too old for a bit of harmless fun.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/15/2008
Glorfindel is right, they can't keep on running home to 'Unca' Irmo' everytime something happens to upset them, they need to learn how to cope with what life throws at them, they can't do that in Lorien!
Lindorelle is one stubborn little ellith, it will serve her well in later life, if she is wise about what she digs her toes in over!
The Elflings are all very happy to see Finrod back, now things can get back to normal, or what passes for normal in Lorien, when thay are around!:)
I hope Finrod can make peace with his grand mother, she must have loved Finwe very much to have done what she did, even with Mirel's 'permission'!
Glad to see you made it to your destination. Are you getting used to hearing German spoken in stead of Chinese? I was a little concerned for you with all the troubles in Georgia, I am not sure how close to any of it you would have come, the old USSR was a huge area!
Welcome back,
More please,

Author Reply: I'm getting used to hearing German and welcome it over the Chinese. At least I can pick out a word or two having learned a little German some years ago. And of course more people speak English than not so that helps. I was nowhere near Georgia and was unaware that there was any trouble. I never felt threatened during my week traveling between Moscow and St. Peterburg... everyone was very friendly.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. As for whether Finrod and Indis will make peace remains to be seen but it's not out of the realm of possibilities.

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/15/2008
Oh, NOT fair!! I want to know more about the paint incident! "Unca' Finda" huh? He hasn't heard that in a long time, I'd wager. Where's Finduilas when you need her? *grins*

And speaking of uncles, Beleg got to see his "other uncle" again! Yay! I'm so glad they were reunited. And we've got Maiar watching over Glorfi and the others again...of course...They're going to be kept busy in Lorien now Glorfi's there (under Atar's orders? *grin*)


(do I take this update to mean you have returned from the Void, meldonya? *snicker*)

Author Reply: Yes, this update means I'm back from the 'Void'. LOL I'm sure Finrod secretly enjoys being called "Unca' Finda" and I have the feeling the other elflings will pick up on it and call him that when they are not officially on duty as his pages. *grin*

EdlynReviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/15/2008
Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your holiday.

A fun chapter and I can just imagine the other mischief the elflings got into but "The Great Paint Incident"? Well, I'm definitely looking forward to the explanation as much as Finrod, Glorfindel and Ingwion are.

I think my favorite bit of the chapter was when Orome asked after Sador, though. That particular Valar's interest in the young potter has intrigued me ever since you introduced him in EI:1.

Finrod didn't expect to hear himself referred to as "Unca’ Finda?", did he? . I'm so glad that Lindorillë has awakened at last. She and the others are going to be awfully clingy for quite a while, I would suspect.

Then there's Sorondil and Oromendil with their new friend, Gwindor. I'm glad to see the two boys being "kids" instead of prematurely "grown up" adults. I suppose that is something that is common to both Men and the Eldar--children want to grow up too fast. Poor ellyn, I'm all too familiar with the "wishing the earth would open up beneath them and swallow them whole" feeling, aren't you? Though it's very kind and sweet of Ingil to not tell tales out of turn.

"Too much green in Lorien"... right... this should be REALLY good.

Thanks for a lovely read. Hugs!


Author Reply: We will eventually learn what interest Oromë has for Sador (and Beleg), but it has to wait awhile.

I think "Unca' Finda" is going to enjoy having the elflings cling to him a bit. It will remind him of his younger siblings when they were growing up and the responsibility he had for them. It will do him so good.

The "Great Paint Job Incident"... welll, you'll have to let me know just how great it is when I post it. *grin* Thanks for reviewing.

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