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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest by Fiondil | 12 Review(s) |
Tari | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 12/8/2008 |
Not knowing everything about the Elves is good for the Maiar. It makes life much more interesting. Glorfindel thinks he can speak in secret even though the Maiar are always around, which is usually the case. I wonder why they were called away. That is most unusal. It doesn't sound good for the ellon. (Blue is my favorite color.) Author Reply: You're right about that, Tari. Knowing everything would be rather boring. *grin* As to why the Maiar were called away... Irmo knows something is up and knows that the Maiar knowing everything about Glorfindel is not necessarily a good thing. Blue is my favorite color, too. *grin* | |
Agape4Gondor | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 12/7/2008 |
Sometimes the 'notification' email does not come and I'm befuddled as I read a chapter that seems out of place. Then I go back a chapter and find out I am lost and must begin somewhere. I missed this chapter and am delighted I found it... if for nothing else to see the beginnings of another adventure that will probably end in near disaster...... Good grief - I had hoped Glorfindel would listen to Finrod - but I suppose that was too much to ask... Though, it seems when these elves follow their hearts - good does come from it... if given the chance. Great 'blue' chapter. :) Author Reply: You may want to contact Nilmandra about not receiving alerts. I had to do that when I wasn't receiving review alertts and she was able to fix it. I'm glad you found this chapter nonetheless and enjoyed it. Whether good comes from their planned escapade or not remains to be seen. | |
Thalanee | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 12/2/2008 |
I wonder how dear Glorfindel wants to get rid of the Maiar guarding him... propably by causing mayhe... ahm trouble. I can just see another round of rolling on the floor with laughter coming up ;-) Greetings, Thalanee Author Reply: We'll see just what Glorfindel has planned in the next chapter. *grin* | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 12/1/2008 |
Ah, the schemers are themselves being schemed upon! Heh! Now to see what it is they manage to accomplish--or ruin. Elves may be capable of being very devious, but that is even more true of the Maiar! Author Reply: Scheming within scheming... just how it all ends up will be revealed soon enough. And the most devious of all are the Valar! | |
Independence1776 | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/30/2008 |
Blue. His flet is bright blue. In a *mallorn.* Yes, I can see why the Nandor are avoiding it! Oh, this is not going to go well. If the Valar are afraid... "Disobey the Valar and you may end up as something much worse." *nods* I wouldn't want to find out personally. I really wouldn't. Sador and Beleg! Nope- Reborn will be Reborn and they're connected to Glorfindel. Makes them far more likely to get into trouble than anyone else in Valinor. Uh-oh... Reborn resentment against the Valar. This is taking a darker turn than I expected. Methinks the Valar will have some explaining to do sooner rather than later. So Irmo may be on Glorfindel's side. The next few chapters should be very interesting. I look forward to reading the Valar's reactions! ~ Indy Author Reply: Thanks, Indy. I'm glad you are enjoying this. It may not be as dark a turn as you think, just typical Glorfindel. *grin* | |
GoldenFlower | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/30/2008 |
LOVE the bright blue flet xD. You know, I always though Irmo to me more the silver/mithril type. Huh. Gar, my email is buggered. It doesnt send me alertssssses for EI anymore. That, or it updated a few seconds after I clicked off of Gmail. -nervoustwitch- Anyhow, wonderful writing, can't wait for more conspiring ellon, update soon! ~Gf Author Reply: Thanks, GF. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. You know I update every week, so just be patient. | |
Naine | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/30/2008 |
I have been rereading the chapter for the tenth time and I still must laugh aloud. The three of them plotting ... Glorfindel is even without Finrod a menace to civilization as the Amaneldi knew it ... and with the gwendyr of his. I'm looking forward to see the inevitable havoc when they reach Lady Nienna's. She will be probably sorry, that she did not issued a red carpet invitation for Glorfindel. Author Reply: Hi Naine. I'm glad you are getting such a kick out of this chapter. *grin* We'll see soon enough the results of all this plotting. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it. | |
Hel | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/30/2008 |
A bright blue flet. Well, Tolkien said that the Noldor like bright colours. I wonder why the Valar think that a meeting of Glorfindel and Ingwion dangerous. And why glorfindel has such a strong feeling that he needs to met Ingwion. But I´m not surprised that those three attemp to get into trouble again. It sounds like Lord Irmo is suspecting that the tree wil try something. Why else would he call the Maya away? It will be interesting to see how they try to trick the Valar and Maya to get to Lady Nienna´s house. Author Reply: Hi Hel. The next few chapters will show how the plotting works out and what happens because of it. | |
6336 | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/30/2008 |
An unhappy Glofindel is not a pretty sight, I am glad he has his 'tree house' to retreat to and think. I think the Valar are misguided in not letting Glorfindel and Ingwion meet, they need to discuss what happened to them, it would help them heal. I have an idea just what route our three gwedyr will take to Tirion, it will involve a very large detour, westwards! More please, Lynda Author Reply: Hi Lynda. As to your idea of the route... we'll find out soon enough. *grin* | |
Sunny | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/30/2008 |
Welll, bright blue isn't so bad. It could certainly have been much worse. Like bright _pink_. Or anything neon. *shudders* So there is plotting going on. Not a surprise, that. The only question is _who_ is plotting and _what_ they are plotting. This time it is obviously Glorfindel with Beleg and Sador. And it is a good thing he wasn't discussing any of his ideas with Finrod - first, since Finrod obviously doesn't approve of Glorfindel _insisting_ on going to see Ingwion when the Valar don't want them to meet right now, and might possibly even tell on him to the Valar; and second, that because of the synergistic effects of Finrod and Glorfindel being in cahoots about something, the Maiar would have been ten deep around the two of them, just to figure out whatever it was the two of them were going to be up to ;-) I suppose that Beleg and Sador just don't have a reputation for trouble beyond the usual. Yet. And Irmo has called off the watchers, has he? I suppose he may suspect that Glorfindel will want to go to Nienna's, no matter what anybody else are saying - and that Beleg and Sador might want to help with the plotting. That way he can be officially unaware of just _where_ the three of them are actually planning on going. As Sador said: "One thing I’ve learned since my release from Mandos is that there are no accidents, not where the Valar are concerned" Author Reply: Irmo may well be practicing 'plausible deniablility' with the removal of the Maiar watch on Glorfindel. *grin* We'll see soon enough. And Sador is quite correct, with the Valar nothing is accidental or coincidental. | |