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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 12 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 54 on 4/21/2009
What a delightful, if strenuous, beginning. I loved the 'cheating' comment. Seems plain to me too; they are cheating.

As for Glorfindel's questions, and I know this might sound like blasphemy, but he reminds me of Pippin .... : )

Ok - so The Manveru Toss is a new ride at Cedar Point???? I don't particularly think it was very nice.... but, oh my! the thought that everyone of the Valar was ready to come to his aid... very nice touch indeed. Almost made me weep.

I can't say exactly why - but I found this chapter quite heartening.

Thank you for sharing this tale. It has been such fun - though a real roller-coaster of a ride for Glorfindel AND your readers.

Bless you!

Author Reply: Hi, Agape and you're welcome. It's been my pleasure to share this tale with you and everyone else and I'm happy that you found this particular chapter so delightful and heartening.

I don't think it's blasphemous to compare Glorfindel to Pippin. *grin* I think they have a lot in common, including an irrepressible joie de vivre if I got my French right.

Thanks for your reviews. I really appreciate them.

RickReviewed Chapter: 54 on 4/21/2009
This is for the last several chapters since/including 52 - see, I was tickled pink when Glorfindel's "evil detector" was long-range! good for him. And the ambush thing worked really well too. Now I'm liking the training - do you think the Valar will let him have a re-match with Finrod now that they're less likely to tie & end up heaven-knows-where? So Olorin is going to haul him off into the wilderness (farther, that is) for something - can't wait to find out what the something is.
Keep it up - don't worry about trivial things like food/work/family...

Author Reply: Hi, Rick. I'm glad you've been enjoying the last several chapters. I really doubt the Valar will let him have a rematch with Finrod, that would be 'cheating'. *lol* We'll see in the next chapter where Olórin takes Glorfindel and what the lesson is.

And I'll keep in mind that food/work/family/sleep... are indeed trivial. *grin* Thanks for your comments letting me know how much you are enjoying this story. I appreciate them.

HelReviewed Chapter: 54 on 4/20/2009
Glorfindel wants to fight better than the Maiar? It´s good to set yourself a goal an try to achieve it, but you can overdo it. On the other side the Maiar seems to forget from time to time that Glorfindel is not one of them. It´s ok to plunge someone unwarned into a lake who can see some minutes into the future but if you can´t it is only frightening.

I can understand that Glorfindel gets angry at the notion that his oponents will know his next strike. For him it must look like he has no chance to win a fight because his opponent will see beforehand what he will do.

I´m wondering what Olorin has in store for Glorfindel.

Author Reply: I think Glorfindel is a bit of an overachiever, at least in this stage of his life. I'm sure he will learn that there are some things he simply cannot do. The fact, though, that even with the Maiar's added advantage, Glorfindel is still able to surprise them and that's a good thing. We'll find out soon what Olórin has in stor for Glorfindel. Thanks for your review, Hel; I appreciate it and I'm glad you are still enjoying the story.

TariReviewed Chapter: 54 on 4/20/2009
I wondered if Elves ever experienced lighting strikes. Now I know. Since the Maiar are higher beings than the Elves, it is only natural that their skills would be on a higher level. No matter how hard Glorfindel tries, he can never equal them. Hopefully he will understand some day.

This next lesson should be very interesting.

Author Reply: Hi, Tari. Not sure about lightning strikes but you're correct about Glorfindel's limits. I'm sure he'll adjust to the idea soon enough.

Mr.NamoReviewed Chapter: 54 on 4/20/2009
I really love this chapter. Laughed my self silly while reading it.

Finally Glorfindel is (for the most part) happy and not being a brat. Loved Manwe's little comment about the Valar coming to rescue Glorfindel.

Why is there a rotten egg smell?

You got to love Olorin. He's just..well..Olorin. Glad he came instead of someone else. Glrofindel should have a good time.

Great story.

Author Reply: Thanks, Mr. Namo. I'm glad you loved this chapter and that it made you laugh. I think Glorfindel is beginning to mature a bit more than he had been. Certainly, concentrating on honing his martial skills has given him a focus he hasn't had since leaving Lórien the first time.

As for the rotten egg smell... it indicates that there is sulphur present in the water. Just outside the little village where I grew up was an abandoned 19th century spa called Sulphur Springs. People came from quite a distance to bathe in the springs for medicinal reasons. I sort of borrowed that memmory for this chapter.

And you're right about Olórin... he is just so Olórin. *lo* We'll see if Glorfinde has a good time with himn or not in the next chapter.

Thanks for letting me know how much you are enjoying this story. I really appreciate it.

CesReviewed Chapter: 54 on 4/20/2009
Can you say accident prone?! Poor Glorfindel seems to attract them doesn't he? By any chance does Eönwë keep a book of accidents too? No wonder he's such a powerful elf lord when he returns with all he's had to go through.

I would like a chance to sit in his hot tub though - preferably with him in it *grin* but that's another story! But it sounds as though he will be using AND needing it a lot in the coming days!

I'm glad Olorin is making an appearance to help with the training - I can't wait to see what he has in store for our elf!


Author Reply: I suppose you could say Glorfindel is a little bit accident prone. He does seem to attract trouble without half trying, that's for sure. I don't think Eönwę keeps a book of accidents; the book of oaths keeps him busy enough. *grin*

I'm sure Glorfindel will put the 'hot tub' to good use while he's there, now that he has one. And we'll see soon what is in store for him with Olórin.

Thanks for your review, Ces. I appreciate it.

ErulisseReviewed Chapter: 54 on 4/20/2009
Another stellar performance, Fiondil. One query:

"When he was finished with his bath, Manveru held out a large absorbent towel for him to slip around his shoulders, drying off and then dressing in the tunic and trews that the Maia brought to him"

I have to admit that reading that sentence makes it seem as if Manvery is drying off and then dressing in the tunic and trews. Except for that slight stumble, everything else is smooth and wonderful. I can hardly wait to see what Glorfindel and Olorin can come up with next.

Author Reply: Thanks, Erulissë. I will go back in and modify that sentence so it's clear that GLorfindel is doing all these things instead of Manveru.

I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for letting me know.

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 54 on 4/19/2009
Glorfindel attracts trouble. I'm never sure what is going to happen to him next.

Author Reply: To tell you the truth Aiwen, neither do I. *lol* That's why he's such a delight to write... there's no telling what mischief he will get himself into (and out of) or what he will think of next. Every chapter that I write with him in it is an adventure.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 54 on 4/19/2009
Huh, the Maiar are able to know beforehand what Glorfindel will do? Not fair! But I thought that remark of Manveru interesting that Glorfindel now was fighting on *their* level. Impressing. That makes me wonder if the Valar will allow him *ever again* to compete in a Tournament *grin* He would probably wipe the ground with his opponents ;)

The Maiar are beginning to forget that Glorfindel is and Elf, it seems, or at least sometimes. Manveru gave him quite a scare! No wonder the poor guy was so upset.

"Only the fact that Eönwë assured me that he had the situation under control prevented every one of the Valar from rushing to your aid." They're very caring, aren't they? Seems they love this troublesome ellon quite a bit ;) And I really like the teasing between Glorfindel and 'his' Maiar.

Oh, Glorfindel has nightmares? That's bad. I think it has been a bit much lately what he has gone through. The one about the balrog coming while he was trapped must have been very frightening! Feeling helpless is something Glorfindel would particularly fear, I think, considering his nature.

Hm ... it seems to be very practical to have a Maia around on a camping trip when they can build a bathtub out in the wilds in no time - one with running hot water!

Oh, Olórin is the new teacher? Good :) Now I am curious what he has in store for Glorfindel. Will have to wait quite a bit for the answer, I guess - I'm leaving next Sunday very early and return on Thursday evening, so don't be surprised if there are no reviews.

Author Reply: I doubt the Valar will ever let him compete in any tournament. Even Finrod wouldn't be able to keep up with him now. *grin* And the Valar are indeed very caring, not just for Glorfindel but for all the Elves in Aman and even for us Secondborn.

It's not surprising, given what has happened to him here, that he is experiencing nightmares, especially ones dealing with his battle with the balrog. Certainly, feeling helpless is a particular fear of his, one that he will have to deal with on his own.

Well, you know that the new chapter will be waiting for you when you get back, and at least you won't have wait too terribly long for it. I hope you have a good and safe trip wherever you are going. To paraphrase my mother, I'll expect your reviews when I see them. *grin* Thanks for this one, Kitty. I do appreciate it.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 54 on 4/19/2009
He HAS been through rather a lot. Time to gain some respite, I think.

A balrog while caught under a fallen tree--that is a combination to know in a nightmare! Shuddering!

Author Reply: Yes, he does indeed need some respite and he will get it. And I hope I never have that kind of nightmare myself. Mine are bad enough without borrowing from Glorfindel. *grin*

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