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A Took by Any Other Name  by Lindelea 11 Review(s)
ImhirielReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/5/2006
The parallels between Pippin's present situation and his recollections are truly eerie, as is the way he later confuses and mixes both. And well presented, here and in the previous chapter.

Author Reply: Why, hello!

Here is another review I don't remember seeing in my e-mail. I just chanced upon it now.

Thanks for leaving your impressions.

EruvywethReviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/6/2005
Ohhhhhh, that was cruel. : ) But wonderful.

You'd better finish this soon. I LOVE a good angst.

Author Reply: Lovely to hear from you. Your least wish is my greatest desire. New chapter posted, only a couple more to go. (This is one of those medium-length, 19- or 20-chapter stories.)


AndreaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/6/2005
OMG! You warned me, but I couldn't resist reading it anyway.
That was so dramatic! But Pippin has to be alright, for he still has to name his son, hasn't he?

Great job! Please update soon!

Author Reply: Well, at least you can't say you weren't warned!

True, Pippin *has* to be all right, for I haven't labelled this story as AU! (I write very little deliberate AU, unless it's satire, and this is definitely not satire. Most of my "serious" AU has been due to mistakes made, usually in calculating dates. Math is not my strong suit.)


Anso the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/6/2005
Ah, several new chapters and I hadn`t noticed! Well, here`s another four-chapters-in-one review.

Of course you now have me wonder what happened to Merry the last time he was late? lol!

I`m not going to compare Pippin to a cat, but I do wonder how many lives he has? He really has a rough time of it with this fever and lying on the brink of death so many times as he has. Of course, he`s resillient and a very stubborn hobbit, but poor, poor Pippin! That delirium is horrible. My heart goes out to him and Merry and the Brandybucks too for not being able to get through to him. And then Pippin has a sight of his own, or the delirium is mingled with the future!

I think it is very nice that Paladin sees Pippin and Farry in the future, knowing that he will return and be Thain. It comforts him and makes the picture I have of your Paladin as Thain soften a little.

You do know how to leave a poor reader on the edge, but I love it!
Please give us more soon though! I`m worried for our hobbits.

Author Reply: Well, gave you some Merry angst for your reading diversion. (see next chapter for details)

BTW, hope you can have patience on the story we talked about, for our computer has developed a mysterious something (virus? worm? Trojan horse?) and until dh figures out how to eradicate it for good and all I'm not sending anyone any files.

Yes, poor Pippin, he does have a number of lives, it seems. JRRT took care of at least one, and I think with all of us fanfic writers on the job he needs more lives than a cat... and I've done more than my share, in all likelihood.

I'm glad your picture of Paladin has softened a little. I do have some feeling for that hobbit, even when he exasperates me.


BeruthielReviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/6/2005

Woe to anyone who tries to keep you from the computer to update!!

Author Reply: Sick children can be a convenience, sometimes. Stayed home with one this morning, as a matter of fact, and while she was napping I was able to type in the next chapter.

So there you go. Just a bit more to the story now.


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/5/2005
Loved how well you've connected Pippin's fever to his memories of Denethor, his own father and, naturally, Faramir. Very well done. I also am enjoying the closeness between Pippin and Merry in this one. I think that is why I like the Young Steward stories best. It all happens before responsibility puts limits on them both.

Author Reply: Thank you!

I had been away from the "Young Steward" stories for awhile. I had started to fall into a formulaic style and needed to break away and "get fresh".

I think I managed, for this story has little resemblance to "To Get to the Top" and (now I cannot remember the name of the story where Merry is pinned under a tree in a flood...). There is so much more scope to the characters than "so-and-so gets in trouble and somehow his cousin *knows* and goes in search and rescues him". No matter how much fun such stories are to write (and read). LOL.

ElenarReviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/5/2005
The horrible dream where he associates Paladin with Denethor, poor Pippin! He can't give up now!
I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author Reply: Things look pretty grim, but there's help about to arrive from a surprising source. So hang in there!

And thanks for taking the time to comment.

Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/5/2005
I hope Pippin doesn't remember any of the things he's dreaming in this fevered state. It's scary that in his imagination he's associated his father with Denethor. Not a good comparison.

Good chapter, even if it is a cliffhanger.


Connie B.

Author Reply: Interesting. Another author and I were having a discussion about Pippin and Merry and their fathers. Some think Merry had a bad relationship with his father, because of the way he said to Theoden "You shall be as a father to me." Others say that he was able to say this because he had such a *good* relationship with his father. Some say that Pippin must have had a good relationship with his father, I forget what their reasoning is, and others seem to draw a parallel between Pippin-Paladin and Faramir-Denethor. I'm sure my idea here, linking the Steward and the Thain, is not original, but rather borne out of such discussions.

However, when I first started writing I arbitrarily assigned Merry a good relationship with his father, and Pippin a poor one. I didn't know anything about fanfic, had never discussed such things with anyone, and so I can state with a clear conscience that the relationships as I wrote them (in "Jewels")were my own idea.

And it's just grown from there, though sometimes I'd like to "take it all back" and give Paladin and Pippin a close, warm, and loving relationship instead.


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/5/2005
No, Pippin, you can't give in now!

No, wait--that's said to Frodo in movieverse, isn't it?

What original wait can I throw at the poor Hobbit?


Author Reply: Throwing things at delirious hobbits? Is that like kicking someone when he's down?

Yes. It is a cliffhanger. You're right about that.

(Hoping to have time to type in more Monday, if not before.)

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/5/2005
He'll be alright. He'll be alright. He'll be alright.

won't he?

Author Reply: Does it help to say I'm a firm believer in happy endings?


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