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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 16 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/30/2008
Oh dear. Why can’t Glorfindel see Eärendil’s star and why wasn’t he supposed to know about it? The chapter started out on a happy note of sorts, but the last paragraph was quite dark. I almost hesitate to find out what happens next, but find out I will.


Author Reply: The whys and wherefores of Glorfindel's inability to see Eärendil's star will be explained later on, though not immediately. It's not as dire as it seems, nor as dark, but there is a reason for all this.

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/7/2008
Well, it appears Atar has decided it's time for Glorfindel to find out about Earendil right now! :) I had wondered why Glorfindel had never commented about the actual star, but it makes sense that they had actually hidden it from his sight. I'm most anxious to see what the outcome is right here and now. *grin*

I'm also wondering if Aule had some sort of foresight when he had the pendant made for Glorfindel since Namo seems to think it will be a key to getting them home.

I liked the fact that Finrod and Glorfindel moved their camp... it seemed that they were taking charge of their own situation and not just being passive and accepting of what was happening to them. Not that they were passive people, but it would be normal to be that way for a bit... I just thought it was a good sign. I just can't imagine what it would be like not to have any sounds about you. It's a good thing they are not there alone!!

Author Reply: We'll learn in a later chapter just what the Valar were doing in suppressing Glorfindel's ability to see the star or to hear people mentioning it. As for the pendant... we'll have to see about that as well.

I think once the initial shock of what happened to them wore off, these two warriors would begin to take charge of their situation as best as they could. Moving the camp to a more 'defensive' position, even though there's nothing there to threaten them, was a first positive step. Getting Glorfindel to stop whining would be the next one. *grin*

artistic spriteReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/6/2008
Oh my god I wish I had been there to see Namo saying " Melkor's balls!"! I wonder if that is categorize as swearing? If it is, Eonwe would had that down his book, right? Snort,'giggle'

Author Reply: I'm not sure if Eönwë uses that particular book for the Valar and maybe they're exempt from such things.*grin* At any rate, it sure surprised the two elves some.

CesReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2008
Oh dear, Glorfindel definitely got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, didn't he?! Guess he's not a morning person! At least not in that dimension!

Poor Námo. Now he has to deal with Glorfindel finding out about Eärendil early. I'm wondering if this will give Glorfindel yet another reason to be mad at him.

I think those two elves need to put their heads together and go back over the events that were taking place right before they transported into the tenth dimension. That might be where the clue is on how to get back.

"Melkor's balls!" Námo never ceases to amuse me! What will he come up with next?!


Author Reply: Well, as Námo tells Finrod, Glorfindel is still emotionally young and his slipping his leash the night before has also contributed to his less than happy outlook. Finrod and Glorfindel do indeed need to put their heads together and think things through. Unfortunately, whether they realize it or not, they are still suffering from shock, so they're not capable of thinking straight yet. Hopefully, they will both calm down soon and start working on the problem of getting back home.

And Námo never ceases to amuse me, either, which is why I enjoy writing about him so much. *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it.

HelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2008
Well. Aren´t we a cranky elfling this morning?

Letting them also searching for a way home keeps them at least busy. If they get bored they shurely will get into trouble. Or more correct into more trouble than they are already in.

I was wondering if there is any animal life? There are as much plants as in the "real" world and plants need at least insects to pollinate their flowers.

Namo is swearing?!?!?

That elflings can never do what they are supposed to do.

Maybe they should have told Finrod that he should not tell Glorfindel about Earedil. And why isn´t Glorfindel able to see Earedil?

Great chapter. Even if it leaves one with so much questions. Questions I hope will be answered soon.

Author Reply: There is no large animal life in the tenth dimension, excepting Finrod and Glorfindel, because it's a dimension of potentiality, not one of realization (at least not yet). In a sense, the plant life is there, but not. Sorry, it's a bit metaphysical, I know, but the laws of our universe don't necessarily apply here (at least not yet).

Anyway, we'll learn in subsequent chapters why Glorfindel is unable to see the star and how it was that he even heard Finrod mention Eärendil.

CalenlassReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2008
"Melkor’s balls!"

Both elves turned with a gasp at the sound of someone behind them and found themselves facing a very nonplused Námo. The Vala stood there in stygian gloom, his expression sterner than they had ever seen it and the two elves started backing up in fear. Námo scowled, looking directly at Glorfindel. "You weren’t supposed to know about Eärendil for centuries yet."

*grin* Now that's a an interesting way to end the chapter.

Author Reply: Thanks. I'm glad you approve. LOL

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2008
Now, that's a rather crude oath! Really! Heh!

Well, it appears that Glorfindel will be learning the fate of Earendil a bit earlier than had been planned. And it's nice to see the so-calm Lord Namo being wrong-footed. Poor thing! Poor thing!

(And don't mind me--have just picked up my copy of "Sweeny Todd" and have some of its music on my mind--Sondheim outdid himself this time!)

Author Reply: Crude maybe, but I think the poor Vala is allowed. On top of EVERYTHING ELSE, their (the Valar's) best-laid plans where Glorfindel is concerned have all gone to hell in a handbasket. If they thought they had their hands full with Glorfindel before.... heh!

Haven't heard the music yet but maybe someday.

Beruthiels CatReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2008
I've been trumped.*grin* Stygian gloom, indeed! Literally LOL when I saw that...

I can just hear a decree coming down from on high before Glor's rebirth...."Do NOT mention stars, Eärendil, OR silmarils in the same sentence in front Glorfindel!"
I had been curious about the mention way back in EI 1 when Sador saw the star from Mando's doorway, and why it's not been in evidence since. So Glor's been 'kept from' seeing it... understandable, given the circumstances.

Is Eonwe going to show up? *grin*


Author Reply: I doubt there was ever such a decree. Easier to arrange it so Glorfindel 'forgets' the moment he hears mention of Eärendil and the Silmaril and doesn't 'see' the star even when he's looking right at it. The reason for this will be made clear (more or less) in a later chapter (once Námo gets over his shock and Glorfindel stops screaming, that is. *grin*).

Unfortunately, NONE of the Maiar know about the 1oth dimension even now, so Eönwë won't be showing up in the tenth dimension. It's the best kept secret in Arda for fear that someone like Sauron, never mind Morgoth, learns of it and wreaks havoc there.

eilujReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2008
Aha! So there *was* a conspiracy to keep Glorfindel from hearing about Eärendil! I've been suspecting that for more than a *year* now....

But why can't he see the star? Yes -- blame the Valar for that, I guess: Glorfindel prevented from seeing the star.

And for the rest: everyone in Aman prevented from mentioning Eärendil in Glorfindel's hearing? But they're not in Aman anymore....

Author Reply: We're finally learning about why Glorfindel has never mentioned the star or hearing about Eärendil. It's not that the Valar prevented everyone in Aman from mentioning Eärendil in Glorfindel's hearing, but that they prevented Glorfindel from taking any note of people mentioning Eärendil and the star. We'll learn the whys and the wherefores of this in the next and subsequent chapters.

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/5/2008
"You weren’t supposed to know about Eärendil for centuries yet."

As if Glorfindel wasn't pissed enough? Oh dear. I have a very BAD feeling about that. And how do they keep the rest of it from him now? Somehow I doubt they do. I wonder for what reason Atar has stepped in and just what will be learned by the elves and the Valar in this. I'm completely hooked already! *grin*

I'm not sure how the elves will find a way back but that doesn't surprise me. I do like how you represent Atar as a flame. Very fitting. And I thoroughly enjoyed Námo in this chapter. Nicely done.


Author Reply: It just gets better and better, doesn't it? LOL

Well, the Flame Imperishable I always imagined to be the Third Person of the Trinity, so naturally Eru could appear as a Flame if He so desired.

We'll see in the next chapter what the Valar decide about all this and in subsequent chapters we will see how it plays out and what role Atar takes in all of this. I have a feeling (based on the chapters I've written to date) that Atar is going to take a more direct hand in this for reasons of His own.

I'm glad you also enjoyed Námo in this chapter. He was fun to write, especially at the end. *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

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