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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 11 Review(s)
EärillëReviewed Chapter: 67 on 2/20/2010
Aaaaaahh! You ended it in a wicked cliff-hanger! I have to continue reading throughout the morning if you continue like this. *roll eyes* Oh well. Not that it is unpleasant... Hmm.

I should have expected something like that from Edrahil; but still, his reaction startled me, rather badly, especially because I had been thinking about how some tentative strings had been woven in this visit only between those of Aman and the Lonely Isle. Poor Edrahil... And poor Finrod. Heheh.

I could see how Damrod got his boldness. It was interesting watching his father point out those things. Despite everything, he looked to be a shrewd man. The familial ties between the two boys were quite interesting as well, and I love their estate. :) I never knew, though, that flowers could be candied. Is that true? Or is it just for the sake of this story? Regardless, I can relate to how the children would protest to Míriel whipping out their secret for everyone - especially those famous Elves - to know and laugh at.

Everything seemed to have their lot in the island and all... It sounds very true to Tolkien's description of how Elves were to follow the path in the Great Music, unlike Men. I wonder, though, what were bugs and other pests were doing there. Is it because it was not really the Undying Lands, where there was no maladies and so on as described in canon?

The children were quick to recover from their shock of meeting Finrod and co. Then again, their parents were nearly as quick. I wonder why...

Mmh. I best get to the next chapter, before I hop around my bedroom because of the overload of curiosity. :rueful:

- Rey

Author Reply: Yes, flowers, or at least the edible kind, can be candied.

I don't see the Undying Lands as being so paradisical as to preclude that there are things like bugs and stuff. We think of them as pests, but they serve an important ecological niche that without them life as we know it probably would not be as pleasant as it is.

And I think most people misread Tolkien's intent when saying that the elves are bound to the Great Music. That does not preclude their having free will, but only that their lives are bound to the life of Arda even when they die so they must necessarily be re-embodied whereas Mortals when they die are not. They leave the Circles of Arda forever (presumably).

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 67 on 7/28/2009
So those two are both first and second cousins! Hah! What are they, hobbits? *snicker* Though on second thought, Arwen is something like third cousins three times removed to herself, as well...I'm sure it was Bodkin who posted the Master of Protocol fic that told me this. And first cousins sixty-one times removed to Estel...Anyway. *grin*

I love this chapter, I want to see more of the families, learn more about those flowers, and why on Arda does everyone seem to think Laurendil and Manwen were kidnapped? Answers, Gilvagor!



Author Reply: I thought it would be fun to have the elves sound like hobbits with their genealogies. *grin* Anyway, answers will be forthcoming eventually.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 67 on 7/28/2009
Sorry for the late reviews, I've been a bit out of the loop with LotR recently. Seems it was not the best idea to introduce my friend to the world of Harry Potter – now we're taking the series apart, and that has proven to be quite distracting ;)

You found an interesting way for these families to carve out new lives and businesses for themselves.

Well, this time the Tol Eressëans were under no illusions about the identity of their guests from the beginning *grin* And now Laurendil knows he's been kidnapped. I'm sure he will make sure that nonsense is dispelled as soon as possible! And I hope the one (or ones) who is behind it will see more the former warrior than the new healer.

Halmir's reaction to the visitors made me laugh. Hadn't thought that an animal breeder would categorize Elves in the same way. But I hope he's better with the animals than he did here *grin*

Uh oh. I had feared there would be trouble, but hoped I'm wrong. But obviously not. Only that this time not Finrod and Glorfindel are causing it ...

Author Reply: I have been hard a work trying to imagine what the elves would do with themselves once they came to Valinor, how they would live and carve out new lives for themselves. It has not been easy but hopefully what I have come up with and why is reasonable.

Halmir loves his job too much, I think. *grin*

Next chapter will show what happened with Edrahil. The excitement is not over yet!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 67 on 7/26/2009
A most interesting development, that Laurendil and his wife are said to have been kidnapped! Love the names and the descriptions of the flowers!

Author Reply: We will see how these rumors affect the Progress. I am glad you liked the names and the flowers, Larner. Thanks for letting me know.

HelReviewed Chapter: 67 on 7/25/2009
They will leave an impression the island, no mather if they could help the elves to find a new government.

One just wonders what kind of impression...

What puzzels me is the whole thing about the kidnapping of Laurendil and his wife and that Gilvagor and the others who know the truth didn´t say anything. They must heard the story. Why let it run rampage?

Author Reply: We will learn more about the rumors and why Gilvagor did not hear of them.

And whatever impression they will leave it should be memorable regardless.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 67 on 7/24/2009
Oh good grief!!!

Author Reply: Good grief, indeed!

ellieReviewed Chapter: 67 on 7/21/2009
I don't know what to hope for at the end there - that there really is osm edanger to Finrod or that Edrahil is just "remembering". I really liked the horse breeder picking apart the ancestry of everyone. too funny! The estate they visited sounds lovely. That is one industrious and opportunistic extended family! I guess the newcomers to tol eressea had to be clever and take advantage of all opportunities in order to survive. The hostility toward teh amanians doesn't seem to run as deep as first suspected, though ti does teh seem to cover the surface of everyone's experiences - in other words, once folks actually meet Finrod and co they aren't quite so threatened by them being Amanians whereas the first reaction to hearing they are amanians is that they are bad. make sense? Anyway, another excellent chapter and can't wait for more!

BTW, love the way your stories compiment and play off of each other with the Glorfy in prison story being published today and references to it and Finrod's initial crowd problem which Diaries covered a bit on the same posting day. The depth of your works is delightful!

Author Reply: hi Ellie. I am glad you enjoyed this chapter, especially the horse breeder. And I am glad you like how I interweave my stories. It is not easy to do but I think it is worth it to give more depth to all my stories.

njomoReviewed Chapter: 67 on 7/20/2009
Hi Fiondil,

Oh my. And even Glorfindel couldn't react fast enough to stop Edrahil. This will not go down well with the good citizens of Tavrobel, but maybe they'll be forgiving when they find out Edrahil is a reborn. But what am I saying--I don't even know what really happened!

Maybe Glorfindel was preoccupied after hearing the name of Egalmoth's father. I wonder if there's any significance behind them using those names in particular? I can't imagine why Glorfindel would bring up the prank involving Idril, as he seems to be embarassed by it, except for the reminder of his friend Ecthelion.

An interesting chapter, but...yes, there's always a but!...can't wait for your next posting.

Thanks Fiondil.


Author Reply: Some names among the elves are common rather than unique, but I think Glorfindel was taken by surprise at hearing Ecthelion´s name and, as you say, was distracted enough not to be paying attention. We will see in the next chapter what exactly happened with Edrahil.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 67 on 7/20/2009
Poor Edrahil, he must be feeling so overwhelmed, maybe Irmo should not have let him leave Lorien, I don't think he is ready for it yet.
Glorfi and Finrod will take care of him though.
Hope he does not kill to many baskets of produce with that sword of his though!More please,
I hope Earwen likes the flowers Finrod brings her!

Author Reply: Edrahil probably should not have been let go so soon but that´s water under the bridge now and they have to deal with him as they find him. I am sure Finrod and Glorfindel and all the others will take good care of him. And I thing Earwen will just love the flowers Finrod brings her.

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 67 on 7/20/2009
So something did happen, although I'm not sure precisely what. Nice cliff hanger.

Author Reply: Next chapter will reveal all.

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