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Allies by Kara's Aunty | 28 Review(s) |
Armariel | Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/1/2011 |
An excellent series. I think I like this one best of all. Author Reply: Hello Armariel, thanks very much! This series was a bit more difficult than the others because I haven't worked with the characters contained herein as much as I have with others (hobbit fan that I am), but it turned out not too bad, I hope! Also, if I haven't done so already, let me offer you my humble thanks for nominating the 'Ringbearer' series of drabbles. Honestly, I'm truly, truly chuffed to bits that you think it so worthy! Thanks for R & R-ing, M :) | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/28/2011 |
Three distinctly different loves--two he's always honored, and one newly found. This has been a wonderful series, and I'm glad to have been able to finally read and review! Excellent! Author Reply: Hello again, m'dear, and a new king (and good friend) to boot! Life is definitely looking up for my favourite Steward - and just as well, given all the bad luck he had during the war. I'm really pleased you found the drabbles so entertaining, and thank you very much for R & R-ing, M ;) | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/28/2011 |
Yes, Imrahil's reasoning is very sound. And they will stand, fight--and WIN! Author Reply: Hello Larner, and what a win it will be! At least Imrahil's pep-talk put Pippin back in the mood for a fight! Not that I condone violence, of course ... Thanks for R & R-ing, M ;) | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/28/2011 |
She does have a point. Yet even in rebellion she managed to do the right thing in the end. Author Reply: Hello Larner, thank you for reviewing this particular drabble. I was beginning to wonder if I'd messed these two characters up big time, though it was difficult to be sure without feedback. So thanks again for R & R-ing, M ;) | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/28/2011 |
It is sometimes easy to forget that he has indeed lost his son. But today he does that son and his honored forebears proud. Author Reply: Hello Larner, at least he died happy, so to speak. But I still miss him ... Thanks for R & R-ing, M ;) | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/28/2011 |
Oh, yes, one roots out weeds when they threaten the flowers. And he's the one to do it! And indeed, the proper time at last to be hasty. We do love our Treebeard! Author Reply: Hello Larner, yep, we do indeed love our Treebeard - especially when he's hasty (though he's a bit alarming when that happens - thank goodness it's not very often)! Thanks for R & R-ing, M ;) | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/28/2011 |
No, perhaps NOT jealous--but, still? Heh! Yes, must she encourage him? And Gimli would be shocked, I'm certain, to find this great Elf lord referred to him as "honey tongued"! Lovely! Author Reply: Hello Larner, I wonder if Gimli;s ears were burning as he sailed down the Anduin? Probably only his right one though ... (right for spite; left for love)? Not that the noble Celeborn is spiteful - but maybe just a little more green-eyed monster than he would care to admit to himself ..? *chuckles* Thanks for R & R-ing, M ;) | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/28/2011 |
The right people (and horse) there at just the right time. Excellently done! Author Reply: Hello Larner, a big round of applause to all three for their timeous intervention, methinks :o) Thanks for R & R-ing, M ;) | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/28/2011 |
Oh, I can appreciate why he feels upset with himself, although he will soon know an upturn in his luck. Yes, things would definitely gone better had he sent that letter in a proper timeframe, but in reality the right time has come now for them all to do what must be done. Have always loved Butterbur. Author Reply: Hello Larner, I imagine seven years of blessings on his ale more than made up for any coinage lost reimbursing the hobbits - although Barliman has nothing to blame that on but his own good nature! Thanks for R & R-ing, M ;) | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/28/2011 |
Aha! Frodo's memory at least is excellent, and he's called for the ally he needs at the moment. Love seeing this from Tom's point of view. Author Reply: Hello Larner, poor Frodo - given all the trouble his excellent memory will cause him post-Quest, it might not be such a good thing to have one - although it did come in handy to call old Tom! Glad you enjoyed & thanks for R & R-ing, M ;) | |