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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 21 Review(s)
LaikwalâsseReviewed Chapter: 32 on 6/17/2013
cute mortals? The Valar have their own sense of humor after all. Even if the stomach flu seemes quite natural the bad weather is at least aiding the elves and holding eager agents at bay. Alex is made of hard stuff, he will get through this also. Liked the ´magic transport´of Derek. Sorry for not reviewing earlier but maybe you have heard of the flood in Germany. The waters are now gone but what it left is not so funny. At least my PC is again dry...Lai

Author Reply: Hi Lai. Yes, I heard all about the flooding. I'm glad to hear you're finally drying out.

ALex is a survivor, if nothing else, but even he has his limits. He was very lucky Glorfindel and Elrohir were close enough to hear him pounding on the door of the Academy.

Glad you liked the 'magic transport' of Derek. Fionwë obviously had fun with that.

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it you doing so.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 32 on 6/5/2012

Sincerest apologies. *hugs* I was pretty sick myself (not Norovirus, so I wasn't as bad as Alex, but still) and then Emma was worse. Once she was well, I had her departing for New Zealand to worry about. Now all I'm suffering from is heartbreak - I miss her so very much!! :( But catching up on reviews will comfort me at least somewhat, I'm sure. :)

Oh, Alex, Alex Alex! Ruining Amroth and Nimrodel's honeymoon like that, how could you! *snort* Kidding, kidding. *backs away from the "intelligence officer" with the gun* Of course I know what happens to Alex, at least during the next few chapters up to yesterday's, but still. *hides behind Atto* :P

That Norovirus sounds like a nasty thing to be going around, especially in Alaska of all places. I hope it won't come back. :( Ick.

But as ever, your writing skills have me in awe of you. Have you ever had to be stuck in a place with Norovirus going around?

Tye-melin, Atto!


Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Sorry to hear you and Emma were so sick but I'm glad you're both recovered. I've never been stuck in a place with the Norovirsu going around, though when I was in Germany it was a big threat, but thankfully I never came down with it.

Anyway, the honeymoon was bound to come to an end sooner or later, and Alex certainly can't be blamed for that, now can he? *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it. Tye-melin.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/14/2012
*sigh* Of course Alex would get it, too, and harder than many others. What did the poor guy do to you for him to be tortured so much?

So Derek now has meet a Maia, too. Can't wait for him to realise who exactly 'Finn' was :D But it's good to know the Elves aren't alone to deal with this mess. Alex sounds really bad off, and if they have to disinfect the Academy and all that ... I don't even want to think about how much work that is going to be, on top of dealing with all the sick students and staff.

Derek won't remember Finn? Such a pity, I had looked forward to the revelation!

Ah, admittedly I was worried about Farrell using the situation for an attack while the Elves are busy containing the virus and taking care of the patients, but it seems the weather at least keeps that one out of too much mischief, too. I can just see him, pacing and fuming and cursing ... *evil grin*

LOL – you mean the Maiar are competing about keeping an eye on the agents? Somehow I had envisioned Manveru and Erunaro doing it, these two would drive them nuts. But maybe they could come in handy around the Academy, too?

Way to ruin the honeymoon ... but I guess Glorfindel is right, they will need every hand available at this rate.

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. "Finn" probably felt it best that Derek not remember too clearly just how he managed to go from the Academy to Edehellond in a blink of an eye and that would mean not remembering him as well.

The weather, nuisance though it is, is helping to keep certain people contained and unable to cause any mischief. *grin*

Manveru and Erunáro are busy elsewhere, I'm afraid, so we won't be seeing them any time soon.

Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it very much.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/11/2012
Another 'Poor Alex' review. You have it in for him. After all these shocks now he is really hard hit by this virus. And poor Derek, having just somewhat recovered himself to find Alex in this state.

Having Maia's around is really helpful. Luckily, they can also erase the memory of the unusual transportation mode or Derek would have nightmares for the foreseeable future.

Author Reply: Hi obsidanj. Yeah, I suppose this entire story could be subtitled "Poor Alex!" LOL!

It's best for Derek not to remember too much at this point, so Fionwë is doing him a favor.

Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it very much.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/10/2012
Sorry for the double review, but I only just read your other reviews and answers. I do hope you are getting better soon and there won't be any further trouble.

Author Reply: Hi someone. Each day has its ups and downs and recovery from open-heart surgery is slow but I'm getting there. Thanks for your good wishes. I appreciate them very much.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/10/2012
They are getting snowed in? That's suspicious. I remember that a certain Vala has used that tactic before when needed...

I'm also even more sure that the virus was planted there and Alex was given a different, worse version of it somehow (in a sandwich, perhaps? or in mail, if the virus can live for a couple of days within an envelope) to make his possible death look accidental.

Author Reply: Hi someone. Hey! It's Alaska. Snow. Lots. Natural phenonmenon. It may be a bit earlier than usual but that's all. And some people react to the virus more violently than others, just as others barely react to it at all. Alex is just one of those unlucky ones.

Anyway, thanks for leaving a comment. I very much appreciate it.

bookwormReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/10/2012
D= !! *pets Alex/Ambrose and hooks up an IV line* Oh poor guy. That has got to suck majorly. Derek is a good friend and lol Maia Taxi. Also! I am glad you are better! Take care of yourself!

Author Reply: Hi bookworm. IV's are not fun. At one point I had two regular ones and two arterial ones, one of which was in my neck. I was so relieved to get that one out. Glad you liked the "Maia Taxi". it would be very handy to have on hand anywhere and anytime, wouldn't it? *grin* Thanks for your good wishes and your review. Both are greatly appreciated.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/9/2012

"Cute"? I wonder what Ilmare would make of the CIA and MI-5? I have to say, I am feeling sorrier for Alex than ever. Are you sure this is a natural illness? :(

I can't wait for Friday!

Again, glad to hear you're out of the hospital, and I hope (if you haven't already) that you finish recovering swiftly.



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Well, what can I say? One person's (or Maia's) idea of 'cute' is another's idea of 'nightmare' so there's no accounting for taste. *grin*

And the illness is quite natural, if highly inconvenient to the Elves and Elf Academy.

Recovery after my kind of surgery is slow and usually takes about 6-8 weeks for complete healing, but I'm doing okay. Thanks for your concern and for your review. I appreciate both very much.


Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/8/2012
Oh, this virus sounds really nasty and Alex has it badly. I guess the hospital scenes seem all too familiar to you right now so I hope we get Alex and any others out of the clinical situations quickly so that you can also allow yourself to relax in a more home-like venue. Loved the "cute humans" idea and the dreams sent to the shaman. He'll be in quite a position of power in his tribe after all of this is over and done with :-)

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: Hi Erulisse. Way too familiar, I'm afraid. This isn't the first time I've been in hospital for major surgery and I doubt it'll be the last, but it's nice to be able to draw on one's own experiences (evern the bad ones) to give a story a greater sense of realism.

I'm glad you liked the 'cute humans' and the dreams sent to the shaman. He'll have more respect from his fellow inuits than he'll know what to do with after this. LOL!

Thanks for taking the time to read and review. It's greatly appreciated. And thanks again for all your good wishes and prayers. They are also very much appreciated.

LizbethReviewed Chapter: 32 on 5/8/2012
You're back! I haven't been reviewing lately due to end-of-semester madness, but I do want to say that you have been in my thoughts and prayers and I am glad you are doing better now! :)

Since I'm already here: So glad that Derek is feeling better and that it's finally his turn to get some one-on-one attention from the elves. I feel for Alex (I've been there... *shudder*) but at least he's in good hands now and hopefully he will be feeling better before too long. So much to think and worry about, though: ice storms, generators, Norovirus, nosy Maiar... I'm looking forward to seeing how things work out!

Author Reply: Hi Lizbeth. Yes, I'm back. Hope you survived the end-of-semester madness well enough. Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts. They are greatly appreciated.

As for the story... a lot of things will be happening over the next several 'days' that will nearly overwhelm Glorfindel (the whole idea for this story arc), so there will be plenty of excitement and suspense and all to keep you and all the other readers amused. *grin*

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's very much appreciated.

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