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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 11 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 42 on 7/14/2012
Have to agree with Alex and Derek. At first glance, being immortal sounds great, but when you think about what it actually entails, it's not so great any more. To lose everyone you know and love ... no, thanks.

Farrell is in for it now, is he? Or at least I hope so. On the other hand, it's your story, so nothing is easy ...

Anyway, that was a nice invitation for dinner. They all needed that quiet time to relax. Sadly it didn't last very long. While it was probably to be expected that these two little criminals were killed, it's still worrying to think about the implications.

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. You're right that they all needed the quiet time to relax even if the quiet time doesn't last very long. As for the two victims... yes, most unfortunate and we will see some of the ramifications of this later on.

Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it very much.

Clouded LeopardReviewed Chapter: 42 on 6/28/2012
I think it's great Alex now has Derek to talk to and bounce ideas off of. Bringing him in really helps out since he was already starting to figure things out. Having dinner with the Elves seemed pretty relaxing for everyone, it seems they were feeling each other out in getting to know everyone.

It must really be frustrating for Dave not getting much in the way of answers, but I can see the why Glorfindel and the others cannot or will not give him the answers he needs. They are protecting their friends. Eventually, it will work out.

Now, I have a question that seems minor. In the original story of Elf Academy, Ch. 17 Final Exam when Glorfindel met his test family the Michaelson's, Dave's wife was introduced as Janna. But in Elf Academy Part Deux Ch. 21 Last Picnic of the Season and Ch. 42 Conversations with the Elves, Dave's wife is mentioned as Jenna. Which is it? Like I said it is minor, either way both names are nice.

Author Reply: Hi Clouded Leopard. Actually it is Janna. Jenna is a misprint and has been corrected. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

Alex sorely needs Derek as we will see as the story progresses. Having dinner is a great way to get to know people in a relaxed and hopefuly non-threatening atmosphere.

Dave is very frustrated, but he respects Glorfindel and the other Elves enough to give them some slack and not push for answers they aren't ready to give.

Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 42 on 6/12/2012

Uh, yeah, Farrell needs to be dealt with about NOW. Or five minutes ago. Seriously, why haven't they done something about him yet? I'm doubting he's really an agent, or if he is he's definitely gone rogue. Are they sure *he's* even human? *narrows eyes suspiciously*

Has anyone suggested Farrell might be an elf who was previously enslaved by Morgoth or Sauron yet? Or perhaps an Umaia? Because he seems to be getting a little *too* personal with Amroth. And how on Arda did those pictures come about?

I liked the Lady Macbeth reference, (intentional or not) for she it was - "Out, damned spot! out, I say!—One: two: why, then ’tis time to do ’t.—Hell is murky!—Fie, my lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?—Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him? (...) Here’s the smell of the blood still; all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, oh!" (Macbeth, Act V, scene I)

I also like the rapport Alex and Derek share. :)



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Thanks for the Macbeth reference. I'm sure Soledad will appreciate it, knowing she was right. *grin*

Farrell is too good at hiding his tracks, and since leaving the Goldmine Inn, no one knows where he's holing up. That makes it difficult for anyone, even Alex or the Elves, to track him down at this time, and they do have other concerns, such as finishing up the term and getting the students ready to become Christmas Elves.

Alex and Derek are fast becoming friends and allies and that will prove important to Elf Academy in times to come.

Thanks for reviewing, yeldenya. Tye-melin.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 42 on 6/11/2012
Good! We learn a little bit more about Derek. Now he and Alex and the elves are finally a team (until the next time Glorfindel orders them around without explanation). Dave is also not too happy about the way the elves treat him. It might be for his safety, but Glorfindel has to be careful. If Dave gets put off too much, he can make their lives miserable.

So the too poor bozos are dead. Farrel didn't waste any time to get rid of them. I don't think he expected them to be found so fast.

Author Reply: Hi obsidanj. Yes, Derek and Alex are finally a team. And Dave is very unhappy, but he's known the Elves for the last two years and has learned to live with their high-handedness to some extent. Hopefully, the Elves won't do anything to jeopardize their friendship with him; they need him more than he needs them.

And of course, Farrell was expecting the ice to freeze over, not realizing that the temperatures were warming just enough that the freezing was slowing down.

Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it very much.

LyanaReviewed Chapter: 42 on 6/11/2012
Divide and conquer, fuel distrust - somebody's got the old playbook open...

Farrell certainly doesn't waste time - sounds like he took care of business himself this time so it didn't get messed up. With all the cover up (well meaning though it may be), I think the "Godless Elves" contingent could really make things difficult if they catch wind of the goings on and start a few conspiracy theories about what *really* happened at the college and police station.

Despite how ugly things are, I feel ever so much better now that Alex and Derek have really joined forces - two heads are better than one!

Author Reply: Hi Lyana. You've got that right!

No, Farrell didn't waste any time, unfortunately. And you're right that the "Godless Elves" contingent could make a lot of trouble if they knew what was going on. Let's hope they don't find out.

And Alex and Derek were meant to join forces, which is why I suspect the Valar arranged for them to be roomies in the first place. Now they are truly becoming gwedyr to each other and that can only be a good thing.

Thanks for your comments. They're much appreciated.

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 42 on 6/11/2012
Me again. Sorry. I might have picked the wrong drama - there was something about bloody hands that can't be made smell clean again or whatnot. It's been Ages that I was exposed to Shakespeare the last time, so perhaps it wasn't Lady Macbeth, after all. I tend to mix up these doomed characters. Still, the association gave me a much-needed moment of hilarity while struggling with translating Elfhelm's adventures into English.

Author Reply: Ah, yes, now I see. Some Shakespearean character went on about not being able to get the spot (of blood) out. Like you, it's been too long since I've done anything with Shakespeare. Anyway, thanks for the clarification, such as it is. *grin*

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 42 on 6/11/2012
Poor, stupid petty criminals. That's when little seewater fish go swimming with sharks. The Elves are right, though - nobody deserves to end like that. Well, with the exception of Farrell, of course, but it would be too quick and easy for him. I hope his fate would be a lot worse.

And yeah, I know it probably wasn't your intention, but Alex as Lady Macbeth had me in stitches. Perhaps it's just my weird, twisted mind, but I was howling with laughter. Sorry. *is vaguely ashamed*

Author Reply: Hi Soledad. Yes, those two flunkles deserve only our pity for their wretched end.

I'm not sure where you connect Alex with Lady Macbeth here (my only recollection of her is her "Out,out brief candle solioquy), but if it amused you, I'm happy.

Thanks for leaving a review. Your support is greatly appreciated.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 42 on 6/11/2012
Not unexpected, I fear. Alas for the teenager. Now--to find Farrell.

Author Reply: Alas, indeed, Larner. Whatever his crimes, neither he nor Ersck deserved that end. Thanks for commenting. It's very much appreciated.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 42 on 6/11/2012
Oh, shit! Well we kind of knew they were gone but it is unsettling to know that they are, there was always the hope that they were still alive. The hole Farrell has been digging for himself over the last few months must be half way to China by now!

I can understand Dave's frustration at having to trust the Elves with this and knowing that they know more than they are saying.

I hope Maddie is paying attention to this and has some idea of just what is going on. Farrell needs to be gone and soon!

Hope all is going well with you.


Author Reply: That just about sums it up, doesn't it, Lynda. We'll see about Maddy eventually. She's not out of the picture by a long shot but it will be some time before she re-appears.

And things are going very well with me. Thanks for enquiring and thanks for the comments. I appreciate them both.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 42 on 6/11/2012
Good to see that Alex and Derek are still getting along.
Now, what _did_ happen to the turkey? there does seem to be a story there...
Glorfindel definitely is in a better mood after the fight. So five Elves are more or less equivalent to one Maia in a fight like that? I suppose that would also depend a bit on the skill of the fighters.
So Daeron isn't included in the roster when the elves pick out those who are going to beat up (or get beaten up by) Glorfindel? Even if he wasn't a warrior back in the First Age, I would have thought that Glorfindel would have ensured that he would be trained - and the ladies, too! Perhaps the ladies (except for Nimrodel, since she is pregnant) would like to treat the female students to a bit of an exhibition, to encourage them. ;-)
so Farrell killed his flunkies after they had embarrassed him by getting arrested. I'm not particularly surprised - he did seem like that sort of a person.

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Yes, Alex and Derek are still getting along. They're gwedyr, after all. *grin*

I'm sure there's a story in there somewhere about the turkey but as yet I have not learned any of the details. I'm sure you can just imagine the scene though with Amroth waving a carving knife under Glorfindel's nose in excitement or anger.

Daeron certainly does know how to handles various types of weapons, but I think he prefers not to be beaten up by Glorfindel and would rather just watch everyone else get beaten up. *grin*

As for Farrell... less said, the better.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.

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