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The Wizard's Coin  by Grey Wonderer 48 Review(s)
IorhaelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/23/2004
Oh, poor Pip and nasty bullies! Who might come to save him now?

Author Reply: Don't worry, I suspect that help is on the way.

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/22/2004
I think that Merry and Frodo will have a few grey hairs before their time if this story goes on much longer. :) At least, Merry will. ;)

Ah, Pippin, you are a rascal. Let's just hope Bilbo sticks around until Merry's cooled off a bit. :)

Author Reply: Hey, Frodo can't go grey because he is soon to have the one ring! It keeps its owner young, you know! LOL Merry may be in a bit of trouble though.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/22/2004
Are you going to let poor Merry pommel Pip to within an inch of his wee little life? That little Took is a terrible pest. Or are you going to have something happen that will make Merry love him even more than he already does? I eagerly await the next chapter!

Pearl Took

Author Reply: That is something that I am still working out. To pommel or not to pommel that is the question! I may have that figured out before the night is over but it should figure in the next chapter unless Pip can hang on to dear ole Bilbo!

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/22/2004
I'm expecting Merry to come along any moment now and get him out. I've gotten stuck up in a tree before, when I was a lot younger. I've also had a tree grab my hair with a death grip, rendering me totally helpless. OUCH! Be glad you have short curls, Pippin!

(BTW Half way through the story, Baron changed to Barton. What's his name really?)

Author Reply: I had to imagine the stuck in a tree experience as I have never done that. I should have consulted you as there seems to be a story here!

Thanks for the name info, it is supposed to be Baron and I have just repaired the problem. I think my spell check liked Barton better, but I am sticking with my original on that one! Thanks for the save.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/21/2004
I am really enjoying this!! Your little Pippin is adorable! I love how he makes sense while seeming to not make sense. I shall keep reading!!

Pearl Took

Author Reply: Thank you for reviewing! I am such a fan of your stories and am waiting patiently for more. (hint) I have only tried one story with the hobbits when they are older and I have been a total coward about post quest stories! I am so glad that you are enjoying this one with my childhood hobbits. Thank you again for the review!

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/21/2004
Now hurray for happy Frodo! And sarcastic Frodo! :) I've always wanted to see Frodo when he was in a lighter mood, but post-Ring fics are never conducive to that. He's just so bummed and glum about everything after that, and we never get to see him actually goof around with his cousins. So I'm loving this story!

Keep up the hard work, and it would seem that I don't need to tell you to update soon. How can you crank these out so fast? Were you working on this story at the same time that you were finishing Thinking of You?

Author Reply: I like Frodo when he's happy also. I think that's part of the reason why I have yet to write a post quest story. As to when I started this one, it was after I finished Thinking of You, but the basic idea came to me while I was writing Thinking of You so it was in the works in my tiny little mind before I was through with the other one. You know me and plot Bunnies! I seem to be full of plots. It's coming up with the full stories that often stops me cold! Then I just have to give the bunnies to you and let you take care of the hard part!

IorhaelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/21/2004
Hihi. Cute, how Merry and baby Pip had quarreled. C'mon, Mer. You're older than Pippin. You should know your place.

Oh, this part:

Frodo had been relieved beyond words. He had thrust the small, tear-streaked Pippin into the Wizard’s arms at once and stepped back. Frodo hadn’t wanted to give Gandalf time to reconsider his offer. Merry had eased over next to Frodo to see what the wizard planned to do about Pippin. Pippin, for his part, had been startled into momentary silence by all of this.

Do you think the past perfect there should be in past tense? Sorry if I'm being critical. You see, English is not my first language so I also try to learn from everything I read. Thanks in advance for your explanation.

Author Reply: No, I don't think you are being critical at all. Now that you bring this up, I am not really sure myself. I will have to consult a higher power on this one. I have got to get a Beta before I drive myself crazy! I will ask around and I will let you know as soon as I find out. When I was writing it, it looked fine, but now, when I read it over after your post, I"m not too sure. Mixing my tenses is something that I am prone to do. If anyone else reads this and has the answer, let me know. Thanks for reading, Iorhael. You have given me something to think about on this one!

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/20/2004
I've been told that I kick in my sleep, but of course I don't notice it. :)

I hope Merry isn't going to torment Pippin much longer, poor little guy, he's only got so many tears, Merry, and you're going to run him dry. :(

Hurray for bossy Frodo! Every now and then he just gets the wrong button pushed, doesn't he. Too bad he wasn't able to take care of the Ring so quickly. Just tell it to get in Mount Doom, spank it, and then leave. Nope, not as easy as all that. Oh well. :)

Author Reply: Believe it or not I guess the ring was a bit more trouble than my version of Pippin! LOL Seems a shame to torment Frodo so when I know what lies ahead of him. As to Pippin and Merry, well, I suspect that they will find a way to work things out before long.

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/20/2004
Poor Frodo! :) My older brother shares a room with the three year old, but they have bunk beds without a ladder, so he's never had the problem of little cold feet finding their way into his bed. :)

The only trouble I've ever had is when little feet in big clunky shoes find their way to my bed and sit on top of me when I need to get up. ;)

But I want to know if they're going to eat something or go looking for the coin, or if Frodo's just really going to give him a good lecture. So here I go.

Author Reply: I wonder if there where bunk beds in Middle Earth? Frodo would have wanted them I suspect. Your brother has beat the system. You may be surprised by what Frodo is up to at this point.

IorhaelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/20/2004
Whew. Will Merry finally forgive Pippin? I wish he would! But where was the coin? Someone took it and would use it against the hobbits?

I think it's great. You have the story run smoothly.

Author Reply: Merry can be stubborn can't he? As to the coin, well, it you read "Thinking of You" You know it turns up sooner or later! Thank you for reviewing and for the kind words. Last night when I was editing those chapters, somehow they didn't seem to be going so smoothly. Guess I got most of the bugs out of them, uh?

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