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Downpour  by Grey Wonderer 172 Review(s)
FyvstarrReviewed Chapter: 12 on 10/23/2004
Oh no, not Merry! Pippin, don't listen to Saradoc! I repeat: DON'T listen to Saradoc!

(Excellent job, I'm making this review quick so that I can read the next chapter!)

Author Reply: Thanks for the review! So glad to see that someone is enjoying this one. It's been a while since it has been reviewed and it's always nice to hear from someone new. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the rest of this one.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 30 on 3/16/2004
This has got to be one of the best chapters of yours that I have ever read! Many chuckles, quite a few clever turns of phrase, and I wish I had cut-and-pasted some of the favourites into this review, but I didn't. Forgive me. It's late and I'm tired, but still wanted to let you know you wrapped this up beautifully.

Thank you for the good read!

Author Reply: Wow, thank you for the kind words. So nice to read and so good for the ego. You just made my night. Thanks for reading this one and for the wonderful reviews.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 29 on 3/16/2004
Hurrah! Joyous reunions!

I like Fatty more with each chapter.

The truth is about to come out... poor Pippin! (Hope he gets a commendation out of this, for action above and beyond the call of duty)

Author Reply: Thanks! Glad Fatty has a fan on this one as I did give him the rough spot in all of this business. As to Pip, well, he's about to get what he wants at the very least. Merry!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 28 on 3/16/2004
Cheering for Frodo! I knew he could find a solution to Merry's dilemma.

Cheering for Esmeralda, for finding the courage to go on (even though, if she but knew it, a happy ending awaits just a little further on)

Is Merry about to arrive in the middle of his own wake?

Author Reply: I wanted Esmeralda to come off a bit stronger as hobbits do manage to come back from the most terrible of things with grace and courage. As to Merry's arrival, well.........

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 27 on 3/16/2004
Poor Merry! Bet he wishes he could hail a passing eagle and get home quick!

Poor Pippin! He sounds as if he's in over his head. Hope you rescue him soon!

Author Reply: Help is on the way for all, but as with most of my stories, it takes a few chapters longer than it might need to. LOL

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 26 on 3/16/2004
There is no getting around it, Frodo. Just when you start to act competent and feel confident, some fanfic writer is going to pull the rug out from under your feet! (just kidding, GW)

Enjoyed this chapter too. Looking forward to the wagon catching up with Frodo, and his reaction to seeing Merry.

And it does make perfect sense that Pippin would try to help with the running of Buckland in memory of Merry.

Author Reply: Frodo can't catch a break can he? LOL
I wanted to try and make this Pippin a bit more grown up without losing his child-like self and it was very hard to manage. These are my first post-quest Hobbits so I worried alot that they weren't going to make it through this one without reverting to the child-hobbit stage that I am used to doing.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 25 on 3/16/2004
Finally getting back to this, and here you've started a new story & I haven't had time to read it!

Good for Pippin! But it sounds as if he could use some help and advice. I like your Freddy, by the way.

I knew Merry wouldn't stay abed. He's half Took, after all.

Good thing Frodo wasn't *on* the pony at the time or he might have been thrown and badly injured!

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Author Reply: You surprised me! I came on line to find reviews of this one when I thought it was all reviewed out! LOL Thank you, it was a nice surprise.

I'm glad you are enjoying my Fredegar as I just love getting him into the action when I can manage. I think that character gets over-looked too often.

You gotta know Merry's sense of responsibility wouldn't let him take the easy way out and Frodo did get lucky as I almost wrote him onto the pony in the first place. Decided this was far too much angst! LOL

hobbit_lassReviewed Chapter: 30 on 3/4/2004
What a great story!
Poor Pippin-
"He would wait a bit and then tell Pippin that he didn't have to write the report. This had been what his father had whispered to him as he'd been leaving. For now, Merry would enjoy teasing his cousin about the report. "
Very true "cousinly" behavior, however! I truly enjoyed this story and can't wait to read the next.

You're welcome but it is I who should thank you for the hours of enjoyment!

Author Reply: The closer relatives are, the more often they tend to pick on each other for amusement. It's true in my family anyway and sometimes lots of fun. hehehe
Thanks for reading this one and I am glad that you liked it.

PervincaReviewed Chapter: 30 on 2/27/2004
I finally got around to reading this! Certainly took me long enough :P Very welll written, especially considering it was your first post-Quest fic. The hobbits were all believably matured, but you still added a lovely touch of their childhood selves to the mix! One thing I did notice, however, that little Elanor would have to be younger than six months for the time setting you've chosen. She was six months old when Frodo left the Shire, but that was the only thing I found!

I was so glad to see Fredegar having a biggish role (I may have mentioned to you before how much I like dear Fatty). I also thought everyone's reactions to Merry's "death" were very well done.

I hope you know that now you'll have to start a story about Pippin and Puddles! The puppy immediately reminded me of Pip the minute she entered the story. So cute!

Author Reply: Guess I should have noted that I was using the movie version on Elanor's age. At the end of ROTK, Sam has two children and little Elanor looks about three or four and Rosie is holding child number two in her arms. All in all this works well for this one as I used the movie height for Pippin rather than the book height as I noted in the chapter. This story is movie based rather than canon. LOL I also used Gandalf's "where do we go when we die?" speech from the films. I might need to put a note in the prologue that says this is movie-based so as not to confuse everyone. Thanks for letting me know as I had completely forgotten to do this. Noted a chapter ofr two, but not the entire thing.

I am enjoying your story which includes Fredegar also. I have a small plan to use him again in the future but it is still in rough stages.

I would like to get a story going with Pippin and Puddles as soon as I can, but I dread going to close to when Frodo leaves the Shire. I like having everyone there together. That's why I went with two years after the destruction of the ring in this one, I figured Frodo might still be trying to make a go of things in the Shire and be less sad than just before he leaves.

Author Reply: Oh, the original notice that I am using the movie as a base on this one is at the beginning of Chapter 17, but I put a note about this in the prologue this morning to clear this up a bit. Thanks!

IorhaelReviewed Chapter: 30 on 2/26/2004
A sweet ending for a sweet story! Guess what - would Pippin be eager to get a puppy? And - Merry called his father 'Doc'? :)

Author Reply: In another of my stories, I decided that Merry might, from time to time, call his father Doc as doing so makes him feel a bit more grown up. I explained this in "The Road Less Traveled" in chapter 37 Merry is having a serious adult conversation with his father and he calls him Doc.

{"I usually know, Doc," Merry said using the shortened name that he sometimes called his father. It made him feel more grown up than saying father and this seemed to be a very adult discussion. }

Merry is 28 in that Story and so I just figured as he got older he might continue to call his father Doc. Just something that I made up for another story and decided to use here.

Thanks for reading!

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