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The Great Escape  by jenolas 59 Review(s)
DotReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/2/2004
Hee-hee, that’s quite a bunch of cowardly elves, there!

Now jenolas, I’m afraid I have a major complaint. It is certainly good to know that Haldir was defeated in swordplay, but I really feel that Lord Celeborn deserved at the very least several more pages to describe him sparring on a hot day with, I believe you mentioned, no tunic on. Not because I have a thing for sweaty elf lords, mind you, just…y’know, out of respect for what was obviously a hard-fought victory…


I love the way they all try to justify their reasons for having wandered from the city. Trees my hat. Actually, Erestor’s little insight was interesting. Obviously the people of Minas Tirith wouldn’t be used to the elves’ behaviour but I hadn’t thought about the fact that it would reflect on the new king and queen, who are both in a slightly precarious position as it is. I do love that even in your light-hearted stories you always make me think;-)

That little tale about Thranduil’s wedding was just brilliant. I did feel a little sorry for Elisiel, but mostly I was cheering on Thranduil. I’m still laughing at him describing the robes as “far too elaborate, and something only a Noldo would wear”. I can just see him growing more stubborn by the second – probably not a good thing when dealing with Galadriel.

“Thranduil threatened to lock all three ladies in his dungeon if that was the only way he could find some respite from their persistence.” LOL! Fantastic. It’s even funnier because Haldir and Glorfindel secretly agreed with him. I liked the piece about the “tranquillity of the mighty Greenwood”. Hard to imagine sometimes, eh?

“And your parents resolved their differences with, what some less enlightened Elves might have considered to be a shockingly indiscreet display of affection for a betrothed couple. My Lady was not amused.” Did Haldir just call Galadriel ‘less enlightened’?!! I know, he meant she was just worried what others would think. Great image, though, even if I am more jealous of Elisiel now…

They really did have a lovely afternoon, didn’t they? There’s nothing like some stolen food & wine, and a little sunshine.

The ending was wonderful. I thought Celeborn summed up Legolas’ sacrifices perfectly. When put like that it’s easy to see that it was so much more than just being part of the Quest, which is what Men and Dwarves will remember of him. Legolas’ humility in the presence of elves such as Celeborn and Glorfindel was completely believable and I’m so glad that they see not just his achievements or even his sacrifices but his willingness and acceptance of sacrifice.

Author Reply: Dot,

It seems to me that pages of elaboration on Celeborn's state of dress and success in battle would be redundant considering your imagination is obviously working overtime on the subject. Why am I not surprised! *smirk*

I like to think that whilst all the members of the Fellowship as a group were probably showered with accolades, the Elves (and perhaps the Dwarves on Gimli's return to Erebor, and definitely the hobbits on their return to the Shire) recognised the individual role of ther young representative as well. There are many kinds of heroes after all.

Thanks for your review, it is much appreciated as always,


LKKReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/2/2004
Please accept my sincerest apologies, jenolas. I have eagerly read each new chapter as you've published it. But I haven't had sufficient time to review. I'm sorry. I've loved this story. Giggled at the thought of elf males in bridal veils. Laughed at the image of Thranduil bellowing to his bride-to-be about dungeons. Felt sorry for Erestor when he felt shut out of the wedding preparations. This has been a wonderful story so far. I'm looking forward to more. :)


Author Reply: Real life is a bother sometimes, is it not! No need to apologise. Like all authors, I like reviews, but more important to me is that readers enjoy the writing, whether they have time to comment or not.

I am therefore very pleased to hear you are finding my tale amusing and are looking forward to the next chapter.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/2/2004
Whilst the males are undeniably chicken in their determination to avoid the palaver of wedding arrangements, it could be considered that the ladies are being just a teensy-weensy touch unreasonable. Still - it gives them the opportunity for a bit of male bonding.

Love the Thranduil story - I would like to see him have the nerve to put Galadriel in his dungeon! That could cause another round of kinslaying!

Author Reply: The ladies certainly appear a little unreasonable, but the story is not yet ended so who knows?

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/2/2004
I love this tale - the thought of all those incredibly brave, fearless elves fleeing in panic from the mere thought of wedding preparations!

I liked the tale of Thranduil, too - how fortunate for Legolas (and us) that they made up!


Author Reply: Good to hear you like the story so far Jay. Thanks.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/2/2004
Why, yes, I do like male Elves, why do you ask?

And half-naked male Elves are even better...

Great chapter, Jenolas! The boys are behaving just like, um, boys...

Loved the story about the almost-disaster at Thranduil's wedding! Men just don't get it, do they? Threatening to lock your bride and her mother in the dungeons just isn't a very romantic gesture... ;-D

And I also like the wit of Glorfindel and Erestor... old friends who obviously like and respect each other enormously...

Aaaah, sitting around chatting with friends, drinking wine, eating food, lying in the sun... I could learn to appreciate that lifestyle! Your Elves certainly know how to appreciate the finer things in life...

Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for next chapter!

- Barbara

Author Reply: Barbara,

After reading you review of the previous chapter what other conclusion could be drawn. I should also point out that you are alone in your preferences, of course, but more of that is another story!

Since they have managed to escape doing any work, I am sure they see no reason why they should not enjoy their freedom as they see fit.

I hope you continue to enjoy the tale.


KarriReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/1/2004
Another terrifically entertaining chapter. :-) I enjoyed the story about Legolas's nana and ada very much.

Author Reply: Thanks, Karri.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/30/2004
I just love the runaway elves. Typical males, dodging all the work of a wedding!

Author Reply: Yes, ask them to take care of a stray orc or two and there's no problem, but ask for a little help in the sewing room and they vanish!

KarriReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/30/2004
A very entertaining chapter1 This story could go in so many different direction that I don't dare speculate what might happen next and am looking forward to the next chapter.

Author Reply: Thanks for your interest, I hope you continue to enjoy the story.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/30/2004
Ah, mischievous Elves!

Mischievous, gorgeous, male Elves!

Mischievous, gorgeous, hunky male Elves playing hooky!

Mischievous, gorgeous, hunky male Elves playing hooky and meeting up with even more mischievous, gorgeous, hunky male Elves to eat, drink, be merry, and get all sweaty while they spar and race each other!

Rivers of flowing Elven testosterone! YESSSS!

Great story! (Pardon me while I wipe the drool off my keyboard...)

- Barbara ;-D

Author Reply: Am I to understand that you ... ahem... 'like' Elves, particularly of the male variety Barbara? *smirk*

DotReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/29/2004
Oh no! Poor Lindir! For some reason, me shouting “Run, Lindir, run” just didn’t work…

That’s some list of elves who have ‘disappeared’. If I were Arwen, I’d be getting a little paranoid. Where’s Celeborn? He’s not gone too, is he??! I wouldn’t be at all surprised either if that meeting between Elrond, Aragorn and Gandalf was taking place somewhere far outside the gates of the city…;)

Elladan and Elrohir obviously find the idea of Glorfindel in a veil utterly amusing! But then, who wouldn’t? I like that Legolas reminds them of their need for weapons. I thought it served as a great way to bring us back to reality for a moment and as a reminder of the times in which they now live.

Btw, Erestor in knee-length riding boots?? Yummy...

Oh, I hadn’t realised that Glorfindel might be offended by Erestor’s words. I suppose that his reputation for mischief could lead people not to take him seriously and I can see how that would hurt. I’m glad Erestor let him now how much it meant to him to be taken on this little adventure. Even though it sounds like he’ll have to be the one to explain to Arwen!

Ah, so they found Haldir & co. Not to mention the wine. I can’t even imagine where this will lead to! Bring on the next chapter!:)

Author Reply: As the author, I allowed myself a small indulgence..(Erestor is my eye candy).

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