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Drabbles  by Acacea 56 Review(s)
mirthorReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/13/2005
The semantics of this family is the most intriguing aspect of LOTR for me. I've always wished we could have had more info on Finduilas & have always hoped that Tokien's son would run across some 3rd aged Hurin anecdotes scribbled on a napkin somewhere. In the appendices it states that there is much written elsewhere about D, B, & F, but after finding little, I suppose that was just a tired writer's way of transitioning to a new topic.

Author Reply: have always hoped that Tokien's son would run across some 3rd aged Hurin anecdotes scribbled on a napkin somewhere.

Oh indeed.

I truly feel that family just didn't get enough airtime!

mirthorReviewed Chapter: 13 on 6/13/2005
Ouch. & I'm sure that's exactly how he felt.

I liked the description of Harad's dirty tricks.

Author Reply: Thanks:) I'm glad it manages to convey what he might have felt:)

mirthorReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/13/2005
Nice. I assume this was to be anything AU Gimli-related?

"...they will rid it of the horses first". Heh, heh. Finally gets his wish, eh?

"...for all men are as weak as their lords who lie dead.." chilling - Aragorn, Boromir, Theoden, slain by the dwarves at Gimli's order? Ew, the ax. Think of the satisfaction he must have had at felling Legolas - unless this was later than earlier.

"The Shire, for the halflings are apparently not unalike the men." So, Frodo wasn't able to resist the ring here? Or unable to defend himself from Gimli?

Or were these Gimli's thoughts at the revealing?

Love it.

Author Reply: Thank you for the review:) I'm delighted you liked it!

Actually the challenge was to be anything AU:o

Heh, heh. Finally gets his wish, eh?

On indeed:))

I think by the time everyone was slain, the ring had him well in it's grasp to remove any remorse! The halflings... basically yes, he emans the halflings are as prone to being tempted and at the same time as eays to cow down as the men that the dwarves will rule.

mirthorReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/16/2005
Nice glimpse of an everyday moment while both were in the city & a perfect example of Faramir's idolization of his brother.

Author Reply: Thank you:) I'm glad to hear it works

BranwynReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/15/2005
Showing his vision in fragmentary, quick glimpses works so well. It reflects his overwrought state of mind. Also, if he had looked more carefully or considered the nature of the visions, perhaps he would have seen something to give him hope. Beautiful use of language. :-)

Author Reply: I'm glad to hear the fragmeneted visions work... yes, he would have been quite distraught, and I think he'd only register what he wanted to, and given the despair he already felt he'd wouldn't have looked closer and seen anything that might construe hope.

Beautiful use of language. :-)

Aww... *blushes* thanks:)

BranwynReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/15/2005
The Ring gives power to each according to their stature; the water plant, without mind or will, is given long life but nothing else. I also liked that the fishes instinctively know to stay away; among the many hazards in their short lives, this is the worst! What a great drabble--I liked this a lot.

Author Reply: Oh indeed. I feel quite sorry for the plant. It's stuck there, and influenced by the ring unwillingly because it's unavoidable but there's really nothign else it can do, other than live... hmm... unless it goes swatting fish that near too clsoe with it's leaves:-)

I'm very glad to hear you liked this... it wrote itself along the way and the wtare fern was a surprise character that just wrote itself into it.:)

Thank you for all these loevly reviews... they were really good to receive!

BranwynReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/15/2005
I am glad I found this; somehow I missed it over on LJ. Wonderful drabble showing the repeated and unintentional rejections that slowly drive them apart. I doubt that poor Denethor, facing the growing threat of Mordor alone (or so it seems to him), would have the patience to deal with a small child very well. :-(

Yet, Denethor's ears cannot miss in his voice the smile that he never gets to hear.
Nice line with Denethor hearing a visual image, the smile in Faramir's voice.

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it... it's a relationship that I guess we all love to take a look at:)

I doubt that poor Denethor, facing the growing threat of Mordor alone (or so it seems to him), would have the patience to deal with a small child very well. :-(

So true! And yes, he doens't realise it yet perhaps, but it's that lack of patience that could slowly drive a wedge between them:(

Nice line with Denethor hearing a visual image, the smile in Faramir's voice.

I'm so glad that works...:) I always felt a child Faramir would be really happy to see someone like Gandalf around... he must have learned a bit from him, and I'm sure the surprise element of seeing him would have made Faramir that happy:)

BranwynReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/15/2005
Very original and fresh--I think this is the first piece I have encountered with these two together. And I love how Gimli is both practical (at once spotting the best place to build a house) yet also a visionary and romantic (seeing the finished house filled with Faramir's future family). And they had better build that house right there or they will never hear the end of it from Gimli!

Author Reply: :) Well, it's the only piece I've written with gimli in it... I'm very happy to hear it works! I quite like Gimli:) He's such a smart, practical chap, and yes, like you said there must be a romantic somewhere inside him... so what if it's stones he's romancing outwardly:)

I'm sure they'll build it right there... they have the best advisor in m-e on that I'm sure:)

thanks for reviewing!

BranwynReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/15/2005
A drabble related to one of my favorite scenes in the movies! And Faramir immediately recognizes the fighting style of their teacher--a very realistic touch.

all he hears is Boromir's voice – quiet and encouraging as always.
So sad! Boromir must have been the kindest and most patient teacher to his brother.

Author Reply: :) Glad you liked.

And Faramir immediately recognizes the fighting style of their teacher--a very realistic touch.

Good to hear that works:)

So sad! Boromir must have been the kindest and most patient teacher to his brother.

I'm sure he was... :o

thanks for the review!

BranwynReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/15/2005
I liked the image of the terraced gardens of the City. Poor Denethor! Spring is near but he can see nothing but ruin. Too easy for readers to forget how little time had elapsed between the news of Boromir's death and Gandalf's arrival--thanks for showing Denethor's viewpoint.

Author Reply: Yup:( He must have had some hope from Boromir's journey and then to realise that Boromir would not even return must have been a hard blow.

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