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Drabbles  by Acacea 56 Review(s)
BranwynReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/15/2005
Well done! In the turn of the seasons, Elrond sees a premonition of Arwen's mortal end and of the eventual decline and decay of all the works of the Elves in MiddleEarth.

stray clouds hide the stars in the evenings
Nice line with the veiled reference to Arwen, the Evening Star of her people.

Author Reply: Hi! I'm really delighted to hear you liked this. I'm rather fond of the drabble myself, and I don't usually write Elrond so it feels good:)

Elrond sees a premonition of Arwen's mortal end and of the eventual decline and decay of all the works of the Elves in MiddleEarth.

Indeed. I always felt it must have been strange for him and the other elves to return there while all along knowing that they would not be there for much longer. And I'm sure they'd have had soem sense of loss, not just due to Arwen's staying on in Minas Tirith but also due to the changes that they know are imminent in M-e.

Nice line with the veiled reference to Arwen, the Evening Star of her people.

Eep! To be very honest, that was purely unintentional, but now that you've pointed it out... ooh... thanks:)

Thanks for the review!

mirthorReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/13/2005
I would have needed sunglasses in that city. I imagine lots of headaches there.

Author Reply: Yeah:)

thanks for all these lovely reviews... they were good to receive!

mirthorReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/13/2005
Was Faramir definitely the one who found the horn? Or did Tolkien never say? I can't recall. A haunting moment here regardless.

Author Reply: Hi again... no, it's not clear that Faramir was one of those who definitely foudn the horn... we know one was picked up by someone who had an errand at the river, and the other shard, we don't know who foudn it, but they did find both shards, and Faramir does know of the finding, so even if he didn't come across it, they may very well have spotted it and the informed him:)

mirthorReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/13/2005
Wonderful imagery.

Author Reply: Thank you:)... glad you liked:)

mirthorReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/13/2005
As much as Denethor had only himself to blame for this, it had to be torture for the poor man to witness this each time Mithrandir came to the city.

Author Reply: Indeed. It would have worked both ways the way I see it... poor Denethor. He had a part to play in creating the situation and then he couldn't stop it.

mirthorReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/13/2005
Oh, I love Gimli's stubbornness here & I can hear JRD talking.

I always imagined that the dwarves were far more practical in their stonework, leaving much to be desired by way of whimsical beauty. So, of course his opinion on location would be heeded, as that would be his stronger suit.

Author Reply: :) thanks for the feedback again... yes, dwarves would be the more practical sort won't they... Gimli shows that amply in the book when he talks of the stones of Minas Tirith. They definitely ought to heed him!

mirthorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/13/2005
I would hope that bittersweet moments like this would dwindle after the hobbits left, as Faramir was more immersed in his new role. Though, perhaps he takes solace in these moments & wouldn't wish them to end.

Author Reply: I think he does take a little solace in them...:) And at the same time feel a little sad too!

mirthorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/13/2005
Funny how even though the citizens know war is coming to their door, spring is still able to bring hope, false or not. I liked the imagery of the white tree.

Author Reply: Yes, I figured at that point in time they'd have clung to any sign of hope, however little...

Glad the imagery of the white tree worked:)

thanks for reviewing:)

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/13/2005
Very clever and original concept here; carried out perfectly.

Author Reply: Thank you:) I am glad to hear that. I wasn't sure how it would come out when I started writing it :o

And thank you for all the feedback... it made my afternoon!:)

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/13/2005
Oh, poor Denethor; what a sight to see in his already stressed state. Very sad.

Author Reply: Yes, he was prety much at the end of his tether, especially with Faramir lying wounded.

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