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Trust a Brandybuck and a Took!  by Grey Wonderer 17 Review(s)
MaidenofValinorReviewed Chapter: 35 on 6/29/2005
I always wondered how Merry and Maggot knew each other.... I love Pippin so much! What a brave, loyal lad. Poor Merry...I bet he felt terrible. And to faint just makes it worse! Very good work! I thoroughly enojoyed this.

Author Reply: Thank you! Glad you liked it and thank you for reviewing. I did think that Merry would be almost as embarrassed about fainting as he would about stealing. LOL Glad you enjoyed Pippin in this. I think part of the reason that Pippin is such a great character is because he is so impulsive. He wouldn't think about the danger of hunting Merry down and helping him, only about helping Merry.

SlightlyTookishReviewed Chapter: 35 on 6/29/2005
This is just wonderful, GW! I love how loyal and brave Pippin was, and how Merry took responsibility for his actions. I can see how Merry became a friend of Farmer Maggot's after this situation. All the details you included were just great too. I really liked the Maggot family. Great work! :)

Author Reply: I like to think that Pippin would have stood by Merry no matter what and that Merry would have done the same for him. I am glad that you think so too. I am sure that by the time Farmer Maggot spent a few weeks in Merry's and Pippin's company that they were all close friends. Thank you for the lovely review!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 35 on 6/29/2005
That's a wonderful fill-in story! Farmer Maggot shows himself to be a really very wise person, and he explains perfectly to Merry the long-term consequences of such thievery. Merry is so responsible, and Pip is so loyal! Lovely.

Author Reply: This would never have been written if you hadn't posted Lindelea's bunny to your site. It has taken a while to get it finished and posted, but I am glad to finally have Lindelea's bunny finished. I am so glad that you liked this one and I thank you for the review!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 35 on 6/29/2005
I love this GW; now I'd love to see your take on *Frodo's* raid, and have him and Merry *finally* compare notes on it all--maybe in Minas Tirith after the Quest, or some night in Hollin to relieve a tedious trek! Frodo must have been awfully young when he made his raid, as he moved to Bag End when he was 21.

I just adore your little Pippin. He is so open and sincere, and so determined to be with Merry. And there's just no resisting him when he sets out to be charming. And poor Merry with his guilty conscience and his sense of family pride is just wonderful.

And the Maggot family is wonderful, too! The old farmer's amusement at Merry's fainting was funny as could be.

You have another winner, here!

Author Reply: Thank you. The bunny was Lindelea's and I am glad that she put it up for adoption. She also managed to Beta a corn field completely out of this story. LOL Pippin is determined to stick close to Merry and that is for certain. I enjoyed writing this one and it really should have been posted long before this but things kept getting in the way. I see that you are trying to send me another bunny with Frodo and I do wonder if I could feed that one too. Might make a great companion piece to this one. I will have to see if that bunny sticks around and grows or if it just runs off into the garden. LOL

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 35 on 6/29/2005
I really enjoyed this Grey Wonderer. An impulsive Merry that we only catch glimpses of in his later adventures. And a wonderful explanation of why Bombadil has high regard for Farmer Maggot. I love your Pippin. "I came to find Merry because it was all they would let me do." Great stuff.

Author Reply: Thank you! I think there is even more tale to tell in regard to Bombadil's respect for farmer Maggot. There had to be a reason for it. Makes me wonder if Tom and Maggot ever met.

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 35 on 6/29/2005
Goody, a raiding story with a moral for once. Have never liked stealing portrayed as "just a bit of fun". Merry and Pippin are very much in character and Farmer Maggot even more so, he really is quite a wise hobbit. But could you please do something about all those tags left in and the formatting?! Thank you.

Author Reply: Glad you liked this one and thank you for the lovely review. I do like to think that the hobbits weren't encouraged to steal and that it was frowned upon. As to the formatting, I did have trouble getting this to post properly, but I am confused about one thing. What are 'tags'? My computer skills are limited and so I looked at the posting but wasn't sure what I was looking to correct. LOL

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 35 on 6/29/2005
Oh, a wonderful description of how Pippin and Merry came to respect Farmer Maggot, and a good explanation as to why Tom Bombadil described the Farmer as being particularly wise. Much better than the stories in which I'd read Maggot had beaten Frodo badly or had kept truly vicious dogs intent on hurting the raiders. Very, very well written.

Author Reply: Thank you. I am very glad that you liked it and you may credit the well-written part to my Beta on this one, Lindelea. She was a great help and the bunny was hers. I like to think that Maggot was less hard on Frodo than Frodo might have thought. I believe that much of Frodo's description of events was colored by his fear of the dogs and his young age at the time of his adventure with the farmer.

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