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All That Glisters  by Lindelea 428 Review(s)
FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 72 on 1/17/2005
This is a lovely ending to the story. Diamond is a perceptive hobbit, and you can't get much past her. I loved the little glimpse of Jack settled and well-loved, and his boys happy having found their own place. Sometimes good is its own reward, and I think Jack has found his (but a bag or two of gold probably wouldn't go amiss.) A happy ending for all!

Author Reply: Yes, I was writing towards this ending for chapter upon chapter, and sometimes it seemed as if I never *would* get there. Whew.

I did love the picture of Jack napping with the baby named for Rob. I can just see the baby fussing a little, and Jack, without really awakening, rocking the cradle with his foot to settle things down a little longer.

And when he wakens, won't Will have good news to share with him!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 1/16/2005
Ah, *sigh*, it's over. Oh dear!

But the nice thing about skipping all those years to put in an epilogue (during which you fit in several of your other wonderful stories) is that you now have a nice long gap (only *partially* filled! *hint hint* But when it comes to Lindelea stories, I'm insatiable.

Author Reply: Words to bring a smile even to the Muse, sulking in the corner and refusing to whisper. Says she has laryngitis and is taking the weekend off. Such is life.

Amazing how those gaps beg to be filled, isn't it? But of course, you do such a marvellous job of gap-filling yourself!


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 72 on 1/16/2005
Just brilliant! Loved the way Diamond breezed though all of it with no one the wiser and yet, managed to make her point known to Will. All of this has been lovley and I find that my favorite of your original characters is now Denethor with Posey a very close second. Denethor is such a great character and has such a way with the hobbits. Now, I fear you must write something else, maybe more chapters of Thain? LOL I am planning to start "Rope" again in a few days when time allows so you will be hearing from me again. You have been warned. LOL Great story!

Author Reply: Ah, thank you! So much of the story was written towards this Epilogue, which was one of the first chapters written after Jack and the boys escaped the Shire.

I do look forward to hearing from you again!

When you do read "Rope", see if you can spot Hilly. He's not named, but he's definitely there.


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 71 on 1/16/2005
I just love that Rose and Sam's Bilbo was born on Bilbo and Frodo's birthday. Such a lovely touch to this already wonderful story. So glad that this comes down on a happy note at the bridge. You can feel the bitter-sweetness of it all in Merry's responses and see how much he misses Frodo still.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 70 on 1/16/2005
I found Pippin's regret at knowing the man would meet his death very well done. You could feel that he was hardened by what might have happened to the children if they had not been rescued in time, but you could also feel that he was not ready to have this man hang. I was glad that he got the chance to voice his opinion, though I am quite sure that even if he were not offered such a chance, being Pippin, he would have offered it anyway. Interesting how the prisoner is his own defense in this and has no one to plead his case, though others were offered the chance to do so.

Author Reply: I almost feel sorry for the prisoner, though he was a bad man, fully knowing what his partner intended, even as he tried to dismiss it.

Belated thanks for your review! Would you believe that I didn't see it before today?

Once in awhile SoA doesn't send me reviews, or else my ISP bounces them, or something. Happened just recently with "Healer's Tale", as a matter of fact.

Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 72 on 1/16/2005
That was a sweet ending. I was kind of surprised that Pippin never did see jack again.

Will's poor wife probably never did figure out what exactly happened that day.:)

This was a very nice story. I look forward to seeing where your new one is going, and I would love to see updates to your Thain story.

Thanks again.

Connie B.

Author Reply: You're welcome! Modified slightly to reflect a slightly later meeting between Jack, Will, and Pippin (and possibly Elessar, though they'd keep things quiet, not wanting to arouse speculation about Men getting into the Shire and getting away with it.)


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 71 on 1/15/2005
Very well done! And this is one ruffian who did not deserve a reprieve, even though I'm sure hobbits would have given him one anyway. I'm glad Pippin knew better than to try. I like that you make note of the fact that the hanging was not a public spectacle, but a grim affair.

Fireworks for The Birthday! And little Bilbo! You know, for some reason that's one of Sam's and Rose's young ones that I tend to forget. How lovely that he was born on The Birthday!

Loose ends: well, aside from Jack and the boys, how about Denny's lass? And I'd like to see a bit more of Elladan and Elrohir before everyone breaks up--not necessarily a "loose end" as much as they played an important part, and deserve to be in the denouement. Uh, what are they going to do about the temptations the Thain's gold is posing to renegade men? I know the hanging is meant as a deterrent, but perhaps a little something more? Increased patrols or something...

I hate to see this one come to an end. I always enjoy stories that let Aragorn interact with the hobbits Fourth Age. I could probably come up with some more stuff just to get you to keep going, LOL!

And Denny is remaining in the North, hmm? Neat!

Author Reply: Well, Denny is remaining in the North at least until the King comes back. He might be hoping to regain his strength and health enough to rejoin the elite bodyguard, and yet he might be hoping to stay in the North with that lass. Hmm.

Ummm, I'd assume increased patrols, though it probably isn't necessary to say as much. If you look at "Where the Merlin Cries" there are regular patrols of King's Men on the borders of the Shire, that the kidnapping ruffians have to evade.

If you do come up with more stuff, do let me know! I have some irons in the fire but am not sure what will come up after they've been dealt with. (And you write satisfying Fourth Age stuff yourself! Take a bow!)

I wrote another draft today while someone else had the computer, a sort of sequel to "Runaway". My editor friend is going over "Thain" again to come up with a list of suggestions to get started on that story again. And there's young Rosemary and Ferdi's story still bubbling away on the back burner. And then there's Woodruff's story, which seems to be taking shape. And just so many hours in the day...

Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 71 on 1/15/2005
I thought Tolman was the only one sharing Frodo's birthday (hate to be nitpicky, but At the End of his Rope was one of my favs). This is excellent! I think you're writing is starting to rub off on me, I've been reading it so much, though stuff I write is much shorter and not nearly so profoundly interesting.

Author Reply: Yes, I'd thought of Tolman's birth and made a note that some revising might be needed in "Rope", but I certainly appreciate your reminder, for it would have been an easy detail to overlook!

Thank you for the encouraging words. Hope to see you around in other stories!

(And will be looking for yours, when the "reading urge" hits.)

Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 71 on 1/15/2005
That was hard to read; the hanging part at least. That was an interesting cover story Aragorn and Pippin had for their absence.

The fireworks were a nice touch. So was little Bilbo being born on the same date and in the same room as his namesake.

No loose ends other than Jack, and his possible reward, come to mind.

Thanks for a great story.

Connie B.

Author Reply: You're welcome. I hesitated to write the hanging; it was labelled "background" and almost excised from the chapter (leaving a bare mention) but I thought it important to show Pippin's fortitude and his dedication to do his duty, no matter how painful or distressing or distasteful.

Glad to hear you didn't notice any loose ends. Jack and his possible reward will be dealt with in the Epilogue, coming next if all goes well.

Thanks for the faithful reviews. You have heartened me when the dark has descended, quite heavily in recent times, and I do appreciate your taking the time to write even in the midst of your own dark times.

Hope your friend is doing much, *much* better. Will keep her in our prayers.

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 70 on 1/14/2005
I certainly missed a lot over the last couple of weeks! The whole kidnapping was terrible! Tom ended up with the right hobbit lad he just didn't know truly which was the right one. To think the "extra" child would have been the one he needed and most likely the one dropped in the River!

Denny's whol part in this was wonderful! He did such a good job protecting the hobbits even though he couldn't ultimately keep the little ones from being taken. So brave! I'm glad you didn't keep it so that he died. That would have been very sad. I'm glad that he and Pippin seemed to keep each other company so well there in the House of Healing. Kept each other out of trouble to an extent as well ;)

Sam did well! I love that though he was hurt he sprang forward to do what was needed. Interferred enough that perhaps he kept Denny from being taken out much sooner. Wonderful how it all worked out that no one was permanently damaged.

Oh dear, is Jack really gone? I mean we haven't heard about his body being found, right? I was glad he was there for surely the little ones wouldn't have been returned safely without his intervention but he still has to boys of his own to look after! Surely you aren't leaving that as a loose end? Now Will and Rob are alone, hopefully we will be finding out about them soon?

Poor Pippin-lad, I'm sorry he was so frightened of the big folk but I'm so happy he was able to get over it. Arwen I'm sure would be a calming influence in that regaurd.

I'm glad Hilly didn't refuse the Queen's gift. For a moment I thought he wouldn't but thank goodness he did. I'm sure that having the chance to live with his Posey and for her to be without pain was too much for him to resist.

My Pippin certainly did a job about keeping things to himself and damaging his health! His logic was frightening in the way he thought he was going to be spending the remainder of his life! Elessar is truly very wise.

I'm sure there is more that I had wanted to comment on but just didn't quite remember at this time. This wasn't the end was it? I think you said in the notes that that time hadn't quite come yet. So until it does: looking forward to more! ;)

Author Reply: O my! I don't think I ever saw this lovely review, with all of your thoughtful comments!

So pardon the terribly long delay between your review and my reply.

Thankfully, most of your questions were undoubtedly answered in the Epilogue to this story.

And we haven't seen the last of Jack. He's about to pop up in one of the current WIPs that I'm posting here at SoA. (Although much earlier on the timeline, so perhaps I ought to say you haven't seen the "first" of Jack, rather than the last!)

Belated thanks for taking the time to comment.

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