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Home Again  by Grey Wonderer 254 Review(s)
ElenarReviewed Chapter: 8 on 9/27/2004
I really enjoyed Frodo's letter to Merry. The whistle story was a really nice touch. Poor Frodo, Merry, and Pippin, they are all hurting so much. I can't wait to find out if Pervinca went to Buckland for Pippin. Hopefully yes, the cousins need to stop avoiding telling each other of their pain just because they both think they will be imposing on the other. I hope Pervinca makes it safely to Buckland and I hope that Paladin doesn't react too badly the news. Thanks for another great chapter!

Author Reply: Pervinca's reasons for traveling to Buckland may surprise you. I am glad you enjoyed the whistle story in Frodo's letter. I thought he might be the very type to keep things from his childhood. Thank you for the lovely review.

ElenarReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/27/2004
Pippin's clumsiness is so cute! I really enjoyed the heartfelt discussion between Merry and Saradoc; they really seem to understand each other well. I'm looking forward to more.

Author Reply: Your reviews have been a joy on this one. I thank you for reading. It helps me a great deal. I'm glad you liked Saradoc and Merry together. I have always enjoyed writing Saradoc.

ElenarReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/27/2004
I love how it was Bilbo who urged Pippin to sing in front of Lobelia, very funny! I also really liked seeing the connection between Pippin and Pervinca and how they are both trying to comfort one another. Great chapter!

Author Reply: Thank you. Pervinca and Pippin are together in a couple more chapters on this one. I do think that Pippin was close to all of his sisters in one way or another. He and Pervinca are both going through a lot now and need each other for strength.

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/26/2004
Poro Pervinca! Loosing her friend and trying to deal with the memory of it. It is good that she was able to talk it over with Pippin. I liked the little story about what happened during Ruby's last birthday. I can see Pervinca singing a crude song! Saradoc joingin in must have been great!

All of Pippin's new height sure is making things difficult for him! I guess we all go through that at some point! I use to be very clumsy! Not all of it was from growing, because I still am and I have stopped growing! I guess he will just get use to it in time!

I hope that Merry is able to find the comfort he needs. I like the way you write Saradoc, and the story he told of when he was courting Esmeralda! Paladin then hitting Saradoc for hurting his sister! Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Thank you so much! I am glad that you enjoyed Saradoc and the Bee story. I am also pleased that you liked Pervinca's story about Ruby's birthday. As to Pippin, I am sure he will manage to learn how to be tall. I thought it would be a bit difficult for him, more so than Merry, because Pippin was always smaller than the other hobbits. He has more to get used to!

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/26/2004
Now that's an image, little Pippin singing dirty bar songs to Lobelia! LOL.

I love how Pippin and Pervinca take turns to comfort each other. It shows how much they truly care for each other.

Author Reply: That song and the incident with Lobelia are both referred to in my story, "Thinking of You". Merry and Frodo are talking about how Bilbo used Pippin to get rid of Lobelia on one occasion. I thought I would use the song again here with Pervinca. Pip and Pervinca do care about one another and I am glad that it comes across in this chapter because there is more later on with the two of them. Thanks for reading!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/26/2004
How sweet! I loved the Bees/Rolling-down-the-hill story! Poor Merry all wretched over hitting his mum. These little moments between Saradoc and Merry are lovely. Thanks for sharing your wonderful imagination! :-)


Author Reply: Thank you for reading and reviewing! Don't know how I would write these without you. I had to get a bit of humor in this somewhere and so I decided that Saradoc would be my victim this time. He's a good sport about these things and I needed a little story for him to tell Merry to help him understand that sometimes you can't help hurting someone and it really isn't Merry's fault.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/26/2004
(snickering)--that *is* a naughty tune! But a truly wonderful ending to a lovely chapter. :-) I do like the turnabout between Pippin and Pervinca; I loved your Pervinca as a young girl teasing Pippin, but I like even more now as she comforts him.


Author Reply: I thought that maybe Pervinca had done some growing up while Pippin was away also. She's been through quite a lot herself and I believe that she understands some of Pippin's loss.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/26/2004
Wow...this is hard-core stuff! I love it. Poor Saradoc and Esme--and my beloved Merry and Pippin! :'( The poor hobbits haunted for the rest of their days by ugly nighmares. I hope Paladin eventually sees what he's doing/done to Pippin...

"If she’s the one that’s worried then why is she in bed asleep, Pippin thought. She wasn’t worried at all. This was just a control issue. His father had to be in command of things and that included Pippin. It must have driven his father mad not being able to get his hands on his son for all of those months. I escaped for a time and you couldn’t do anything about it then." - G.W.

Exactly!! You go, Grey Wonderer! Great story, fantastic writing! :-)


Author Reply: Thank you as always, PF. I never can seem to let Paladin be the good guy and I have no clue why except now it would split so radically from my other fictions that I might not be able to explain it. LOL

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/25/2004
It was nice to get a peek at what Frodo's up to. It must be hard indeed for him to write with his hand. That is beyond frustrating, especially for someone as schooled as him, where writing is second only to reading.

Everyone is thinking that everyone else is coping better than they are. They be relieved at least to find out that isn't the case, but then probably doubly worried that their friends are suffering as much as they are.

Merry will blame himself for hitting his mother, even if he was dreaming. Now he really won't want to fall asleep.

Author Reply: Merry will blame himself for what happened even though he couldn't help it. The quest has affected all of them. As we all know, Frodo is in for the hardest time of it. His handwriting is only a small part of it all. Thank you so much for reviewing this.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/25/2004 have me in tears, G.W.! It's not easy to do that, you know. I need to take a dial-up break, but I'll be back for more. :-)


Author Reply: You need a big box of kleenex! That's what you need! I had to get one and put it by my computer when a person who shall remain nameless started writing Roses. Have a nice break and thanks for reviewing!

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