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Home Again  by Grey Wonderer 254 Review(s)
GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/29/2004
What a lovely chapter! I lol'd at this one:

He shrugged and looked down at the puzzle box in his hands. "I only brought the more grown-up things."

Grown up indeed. It's good of Frodo to ask the others to treat him normally. It is hard to feel like yourself when everyone is tip-toeing around you. Loved the teasing and Pippin promising not to let Merry burn the food.

Author Reply: After the rather heavy stuff with Frodo I thought that I should toss in some fun for the others. As to Pippin's more grown up things, well, he's trying but I don't think he's got it just yet. LOL

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/29/2004
I'm glad that Frodo sat down to try and make the others understand that he needed to be treated normally not so fragile and that they listened to him. It must have been hard for him to speak to them so frankly and for them to hear some of the things he had to say. But I'm glad that they had the conversation.

How does one break an arm on a rocker? :) It made me laugh! I love rocking chairs and they often make me sit very strange sometimes to get the full feeling of it, but I'm glad to say I have never actually tipped it over ;)

Yay! I'm so glad that Sam and Rose are going to be living with Frodo! I certainly hope that doing so will make things easier on both of them. Rose must be a wonderful lass to agree to it. That would be a kind of strange set up but I know it will work! Hope there is more soon! Thank you!

Author Reply: The rocker thing was inspired by a guy I know who rocks and talks and after a while you are very dizzy just trying to focus on him. LOL Gald you enjoyed this chapter. There shouldn't be too much more of this one and I do thank you for all of your lovely reviews.

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/29/2004
*Hugs Frodo*

What a wonderful, painful, honest conversation between Frodo and the others. I thought at first that Merry and Pippin would succeed in distracting him, but I think Frodo needed to get it all off his chest.

Author Reply: Yes, he needed to talk and the sad thing is that later on they won't be able to get him to talk. At this point, he is still trying to stay in the Shire and hasn't realized that he won't be able to do so. Thanks for the review!

bobo bagginsReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/28/2004
It's good to see Sam confiding in Merry, and I'm glad that Pippin came back. He needed to see what the others were going through. It's sad about Frodo, seeing what he has to go through, even though we all know how it ends.

Author Reply: Yes, I am always sad about Frodo too. For a long time I couldn't write post-quest stories because I hated writing Frodo's sadness, but now I just try not to go too far into it. I like the strong Frodo best. Thank you for reading and reviewing this.

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/27/2004
Poor Pippin, just listening to someone else's dreams is painful for him. I love that he wasn't able to stay away and that he crept back into the room to comfort Merry, when the conversation turned to the Witch King. Lovely chapter. :)

Author Reply: I think Pippin is trying to come to terms with everything but he is still very unsure of himself. But if Merry needs him, well, he's gotta try. Thanks for the lovely review!

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/27/2004

Real nice...

Pippin,merry,and sam having a nice breafast that sam cooked. Sam apoligizes for waking them,and tells them it hadn't happened in two weeks. Merry and pippin thinks at first he knows something to prevent thier dreams,but it was only worry over rosie and the weeding.
Sam tells them he lied to frodo,because he couldn't tell frodo of his dream. Merry offers to hear it out,but pippin can't do it so flees to the other room. Pippin just isn't ready to face others nightmares as well as his own.
Sam tells how he was in the shire and was trying to get to frodo,but somebody was always trying to get him to go with them or was in thier way.
It would turn to parts of his journry and even at one point he was stopped by Aragorn.
Gandalf comes and tells sam to let him go and he cannott help him. This is perhaps true,because no one can help frodo any longer. He has to take the steps himsself to heal and no one can take that journey but himself.
Pippin finally gets the nerve to come and sit with merry and try's to comfort him,as merry try's the same.
Merry and Sam want to help frodo,but perhaps letting him go is all they can do,even though that will be most difficult think they have ever done.
Frodo was out in the hall listening, and even pippin in his fright didn't see him.It disturbed frodo that this dream seemed more frightening than some of his,and it also seemed like a dream or perhaps something soon to come and he did'nt know which.
All of them are searching for that place to understand this trama that was inflicted,and hope they will come through with barly visable scars.

A real good chapter,keep up thre great work... Update soon...

Author Reply: Glad you liked it. I hope to have more by the first of the week. Off for the holiday so got lazy and didn't post much. Thanks for the review!

pipspebbleReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/26/2004
A very angsty chapter. My favorite of many, many passages:

Pippin leaned his head against Merry’s shoulder. "Gandalf was in your dream?” Pippin asked.

“He was,” Sam said.

“Sometimes he’s in my dreams too,” Pippin said and he felt Merry run a hand through his hair. “Mostly when he comes, I feel better.”

Oh, I can just see this scene happening, and it is so sweet and so sad and oh so tender. What a lovely picture you've painted. *sigh*

Author Reply: Why thank you. I thought that for Pippin at least, Gandalf in a dream would be comforting. I did want to show how it might now be the same for all of them.I am glad that you liked it and thank you for all of your wonderful reviews.

LaughingBrookReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/26/2004
This is an awesome addition, G.W.! I'm eating this chocolate slowly, and it is proving very gratifying. This is so... bittersweet, yet not. Boy am I not goo at describing feelings like that. I am very, very much enjoying this.

Author Reply: So glad that you are enjoying this and I did get what you were trying to say. It is bittersweet in that the healing is starting for Pippin, Merry and Sam but not for Frodo. Thank you for the review. Now I have to go and get some chocolate. LOL

eilujReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/26/2004
*Very* convincing dreams!

And *then* you had Frodo overhear -- and Pippin not notice him standing there -- and Frodo confused about his own memories. Chilling.

Author Reply: Thank you. I am glad that you enjoyed it. Thanks for the review!

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/26/2004
Oh my! Poor Sam! Then him not wanting to worry Frodo so he lied and Frodo still finding out! Weird that Frodo and Sam would have the same dream or at least be a part of the same dreams.

I'm glad that Sam has been able to have a couple of nights of uninterrupted sleep. Maybe that will continue some into his married life. Although I guess right now his dreams of Frodo will be very difficult for some time to come.

Just as an aside, I liked how you put Gandlaf like representing different things in differents hobbits dreams.

Looking forward to more, thank you!

Author Reply: Somewhere inside of themselves I think both Sam and Frodo know that things aren't going to go back to normal and it is haunting their dreams.

Glad you enjoyed the Gandalf connection and thank you for the reviews!

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