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Home Again  by Grey Wonderer 254 Review(s)
PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 31 on 12/2/2004
"Well, you are sort of caught in the middle aren’t you?" Merry asked. "Too old for most of your things and not quite sure what sort of things you should have." - GW

Isn’t this stage of growing up called, “Too old for toys, and too young for boys”? Well - I suppose it would be *lasses* in Pippin’s case! Its great that Frodo is putting forth an effort to be his “old” self-- I really like your Frodo. What is Sam talking about–‘listenin’ at doorways must run in the family’? LOL...he’s the one that started it all back during the Conspiracy! Great story! Thanks for sharing! :-)


Author Reply: I thought it was time for Sam to get a chance to tease the cousins a bit. They are always teasing him about something. LOL You know me with Frodo, I just refuse to make him weak-willed even after the quest. Glad you're enjoying it all and thank you so much for letting me know. I look forward to your reviews.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 30 on 12/2/2004
I love dream sequences! Can you tell? Poor Pippin not quite at the place where he can talk about his dreams yet. I love the bit of Pippin leaning against Merry’s shoulder, and then Merry running a hand through Pippin’s hair. So sweet. Is Sam’s dream a foretelling of things to come? Cool! See you next chapter...


Author Reply: I have noticed that about you. But hey, what's a story about nightmares without a dream discussion? Pippin wants to help Merry, but the whole thing is so fresh for him that he is having trouble with it. Sam's dream might be a bit of foretelling or his need to help Frodo combined with nerves over the wedding. Thanks for the review!

LaughingBrookReviewed Chapter: 32 on 12/1/2004
Beautiful yet a bit raw, I think...
Great job on this chapter, G.W.
I also have been meaning to tell you but keep forgetting - I have tried to reply to your reviews on 'Reminiscing', but my e-mail program won't let me, yet. I'm going to take some disciplinary action if it does not allow me to next time!

Author Reply: Don't worry. The entire internet hates me and so I never know if I will be able to reply to amyone or post anything. LOL I thought it was just me. Glad you enjoyed the chapter. Not too much more left. Curious about the 'raw' comment. If you've found something amiss, let me know and I will see what can be done. Thanks!

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 32 on 12/1/2004
Oh dear, I had hoped that Pippin might be feeling better now that he's at Crickhollow, but clearly there is still something wrong. Poor Pippin. This was an interesting chapter. The switch to first person threw me for a minute and I had to double check to make sure I was in the right story, but I like the perspective it lends to the whole thing. :)

Author Reply: Sorry about the sudden switch. I debated about doing it and am still not completely sure it was the right choice, but I needed to get Merry's POV for a bit. There may have been a better way to go and I may yet hit upon it. Suggestions? Sorry for the sudden turn but you'll see with the next two chapters what I was trying to get around to in a rather odd way. Think last paragraph of the first chapter so very long ago.....

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 32 on 12/1/2004
Poor Pippin - he seems very insecure and he is behaving in a very subdued way for him. Rejecting the chance to eat hugely of someone else's cooking? Not like him!

I love Boromir's book of tales gifted to Pippin by Faramir. Such a lovely circle of affection and understanding.

Author Reply: I thought that Pippin should have something of Boromir's and so I made it a book as a gift from Faramir. Pip is still acting a bit strange, but everything will resolve itself soon. Thanks for reading.

pipspebbleReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/30/2004
Third time's the charm ... this was so heart-wrenching and warm and loving and I just adore it. Oh, those hobbits! Lovely story, every single chapter. :-)

Author Reply: LOL That sort of thing happens to me ALL of the time. This site hates me. (might be user error with me.) Thank you for going to all of the trouble to leave this review. I do appreciate all of your comments and I am very glad that you like this one!

pipspebbleReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/30/2004

pipspebbleReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/30/2004

Anso the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/30/2004
You do know that I absolutely adore this story? I suppose you also know that I have had comptuer problems and haven`t been able to read for about two months more or less, and just now managed to catch up on this?

There is so much I`d like to say: I love seeing Eglantine and Pip finding their relationship back, I feel sorry for all our hobbits as they all need each other so very much now. It was good to see Sam have a nightmare for once, and Frodo helping him. I love how Saradoc and Esmeralda parent and protect Pip and how deep they love and care for Merry.

Author Reply: Wow, sounds like you are all caught up. I had read your posts on LJ about your computer troubles. I hope everything is ok again. I do appreciate the review and I am glad that you are enjoying this. It still has a few more chapters to go, but I am getting near the end of this one. Thank you, again.

LaughingBrookReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/29/2004
Lovely; Heart-rending. Wonderful; painful. Sweet; bitter.
Altogether Grand, G.W.!

Author Reply: Now my head is swelling in a very big way. So many nice compliments and all in one review. Thank you so much!

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