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A Lesser Treason  by Jay of Lasgalen 45 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/1/2005
Come on, Elladan. If you think it is easy to withstand the beguiling of the Ring, it's because it hasn't tried you yet. As I suspect Elrond will know. Even though Elrohir is going to be beating himself up over this for the rest of time. It will take Elrond to help him see that knowing evil and rejecting it takes even more strength than living in ignorance of it.

Poor Elrohir. I'm looking forward to more. Soon, please!

Author Reply: I think part of Elladan's reaction is fear - if the Ring can do this to Elrohir, it can do it to him as well. His twin's reaction hasn't helped Elrohir's sense of guilt, though - now he feels worse than ever. Maybe the Ring isn't finished yet ...

Elrond will help them both to see sense: 'knowing evil and rejecting it' is the key here.

I won't be able to update next week, as we're away for a winter holiday (a week in Dulverton, on Exmoor). I'll be taking my laptop though, and will keep writing!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/1/2005
Here one can see just how insidiously evil the Ring really is. Not only does it tempt Elrohir with really disturbing images that manage to horrify and attract him at the same time, it leaves him feeling horrible and guilt-stricken in a way that very few people will appreciate, witness Elladan's reaction. I have a feeling that Elrond will be much more merciful than Elrohir expects, but that can't be great comfort to him at the moment. I'm glad he's got Elladan at his back.

Author Reply: The Ring is evil. It can use a person's strengths and turn them to weaknesses, and it can twist Elrohir's desire to protect his home to evil.

Elladan's initial shock is perhaps understandable - this is his twin; and if the Ring can corrupt even Elrohir, what hope is there for anyone else? He's beginning to see sense now, though.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/1/2005
Poor Elrohir, that was a terrible experience! I hope he doesn't suffer too much from it - after all, he resisted the temptation of the ring and without someone interfering! And after Frodo didn't notice it at all, he could have kept it secret, but was honest enough to tell Elladan and now goes to tell his father, in spite of his fear of their rejection. I hope he can see that that is much more important than his short temptation - he was strong enough to resist! I hope Elrond thinks so, too, and can convince him of this. Although I wouldn't be surprised if Elrohir will be harder with himself than the others.

Author Reply:
'he resisted the temptation of the ring and without someone interfering'

That's the important point here - he overcame it on his own, without outside help. Now he knows he has to warn Elrond just how dangerous the Ring is.

Poor Elrohir doesn't see it that way yet, though. He's still on a guilt trip:(

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/30/2005
Sorry I missed this earlier. It is interesting to think about what temptation there might have been for others in Imladris. The Ring would wish to be wielded by powerful people.. and that would likely include the sons of Elrond, especially if It couldn't have Elrond. I am very curious to see Elrond's reaction to this whole thing.

Author Reply: I think an elf - especially one with influence, and a trained warrior - would suit the Ring far more than a hobbit.

While writing this, it was interesting to think what temptations the Ring would use to ensnare someone like Elrohir. I wonder how it would tempt the others?

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/30/2005
Oh my! I hope that Elrohir will be able to figure out that it was not his brief instant of listening, but his *rejection* that counts. Keeping on telling himself "It had not happened" is good, but he also needs to *believe* that is what counts. I hope his father can convince him.

This is excellent--I look forward to seeing Elrond's reaction...

Author Reply: I wanted Elrohir to have rejected the Ring on his own - not to be interrupted before he could do anything, which is why Sam came along after he'd come to his senses. That will be an important point later, as will Elrond's counsel.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/30/2005
Sanity wins, as does love. And, yes, Elrohir needs to tell his father just how deadly he has found the Ring to be. I certainly wouldn't want to be around the thing!

Author Reply: Yes, thankfully, Elrohir's own sense prevailed. But Elrond needs to be warned - as do the members of the Fellowship (though we know Boromir won't listen ...)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/30/2005
What a frightening and humbling experience for Elrohir, one he'll never forget. This whole scene (and his inner turmoil) was beautifully done.

Author Reply: Elrohir probably thought that only the weak-minded could be swayed by the Ring, and that it would never happen to him. He feels guilty, too, for wanting what the Ring showed him at all. Glad you like this!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/30/2005
Elrohir is very brave to tell other people about his temptation. He doesn't hide it away. I suppose that's a sign that deep down, he trusts his father and brother.

Author Reply: I think that even in his current Ring-induced depression and despair, Elrohir knows he can't really hope to hide anything from Elladan. And he still has enough integrity and honour to know that Elrond must be warned that the Ring is still hard at work, despite the consequences he expects.

DaynawaynaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/28/2005
Yikes! No-touchie the hobbit!

Very good first chapter, Jay. I love your stories and can't wait to see where this one ends up! :)

Author Reply: Hopefully Elrohir won't kill the hobbit either :)

I'm glad you're enjoying this. Who would have thought that the Ring would prey on Elrohir like this?

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/25/2005
Ooo! Sorry to be so behind in reading and reviewing but this was great to find waiting for me! I love stories that explore the affect the Ring had on various people and I don't think I have ever seen one that focused on the twins. Coming from you, this will be great and it certainly has started out so. Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: The Ring was in Imladris for about two months, and I think it would have preyed on the minds of those around it during that time. Who's to say that Elrohir is the only one affected? And what will it do to him?

Thanks for the review!

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