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During a journey in the dark...  by Thundera Tiger 72 Review(s)
tacitaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/4/2005
please update soon, I love you're stories...
you are one of the more talented writers on the web, and I do not often leave reviews, so consider yourself honoured ;)

Author Reply: I am honoured, and I do thank you. Very much. And I will update soon, but it might be a little longer. I'm trying to get life to settle down first. We'll see what happens. But be patient! An update will come, I promise!

child of the stars Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/29/2005
...UPDATE!!!!!! Please, I beg of you! OMG, you keep writing these awsome stories and like, never finish them! Please if you can UPDATE! I will love you forever!

Author Reply: Mmm...forever love or real life? Touch choice! Believe it or not, though, I haven't forgotten about this story and I'm working on getting the next chapter out. It just might take a bit longer. Please be patient with me!

MordaenReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/21/2005
Hey, I love your fic! When are Legolas and Gimli going to irritate each other again? I love the bits where they argue!

Author Reply: Hey, Mordaen. I'm very glad you're enjoying the fic. There should be a bit of friction between elf and dwarf in the next chapter, but by and large, Legolas and Gimli are avoiding one another right now. Legolas is too busy dealing with Moria, and Gimli is too busy dealing with the absence of any kin. Hope you're not too disappointed!

Estel_Mi_OlorReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/14/2004
Excellent work, Thundera! It is always exciting when you update and this fic is one of my favorites! As you say, it is one of the parts of the journey of the Fellowship that is commonly overlooked or ignored. I know I've said this many times, but you have a special way of bringing the characters to life. This talent is perfectly employed in this chapter, when the Fellowship enters Moria. I always knew the Hobbits were terrified in the mines; Legolas and Boromir were scared; but that Aragorn was afraid had never really hit me before. He is the type of character in which you expect not to find fear and so you are rather surprised when you do. I am not implying that you invented this fear (I think I remember enough of FOTR to know that Aragorn really was afraid) but that you wrote it well. Does that even make sense? Alright ignore my rambles. My only comment of worth is that I loved the section about Bill! That was really clever of you to answer that question! Poor Bill! I wish him good luck getting to Rivendell! Cheers, keep writing, and I can't wait for an update!

Author Reply: Thank you so much! Aragorn's characterization is something I'm struggling with, so I'm very glad that you like it. But it was clear in FotR from his debates with Gandalf that Aragorn did *not* want to go to Moria. And it was fairly clear that he only consented to that choice because they really didn't have another option. His reactions, though, are up for debate. This is only my interpretation. Oh, and your rambles definitely make sense. Glad you liked the section about Bill. I enjoyed writing it, but I wasn't sure if anyone else would like it. So thank you for that!

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/12/2004
What a great gapfiller. Everything fits so plausibly into canon, and adds so much to it. The hobbit POV in Moria really helped to crystallize the tension and fear and creepiness. The hobbits are cueing off the big people, and the big people are scared. Not good! And the Bill POV was delightful. Happy Birthday!

Author Reply: Thank you! I had a very enjoyable birthday, so that was fun. And I'm glad you liked Bill's section. It was something of an experiment for me, so I'm relieved it's gone over well. And I'm thrilled you liked the tension. I wasn't sure how well that came across, especially since so much of the chapter was narrative and that can get tiresome, but I'm glad you caught it. Thank you so much for the review!

fadagaskiReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/8/2004
Yay! Chapter! And what a fine chapter it was, too! Considering that you were oh-so-worried about a hobbits' POV, it was more of a shock to see a pony POV in there. But oh, how wonderful it was. Favourite parts would be ... Boromir's inclusion in helping the hobbits - such a thing for him to do. Aragorn's words influencing Bill's actions was unique and very cool. And Sam's note-taking for Bilbo.

Cannot WAIT for the chapter when Gandalf falls (will be listening to the music for that; expect tears) and when they're all running to Lothlorien.

Author Reply: The pony perspective I was trying to keep a secret for as long as possible just to see what reaction would be without preparation. Most people seem to like it, so I'm satisfied.

Gandalf's fall is still several chapters away, but it's coming!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/8/2004
One of the things I love - it's all so multi-sensory. Hearing, touch etc are all incorporated.

I just adore Sam - keeping count of the number of steps so that he can report back to Bilbo. And Gimli's Dwarven pride is great, too.

The heat is interesting - I usually visualise Moria as cold with a capital C, but, of course, there are the chasms leading down to the fire - and the B-a-l-r-o-g, so stifling heat is really likely.

Although, Bill is possibly the best bit of all. Yes, get the wolves, Bill!! You can do it! I'm glad he got home safely.

Author Reply: In thinking back on my impressions from the books, my view of Moria is primarily cold, too. But in rereading these sections and writing about them, I've discovered that Tolkien clearly states the lower levels of Moria are hot and stifling. So I included it. And now that I think about it, I remember reading that but as it was never explained, I didn't pay that much attention. Which is weird, because that's usually the sort of thing that catches my interest.

Glad you liked Bill's section, and I'm glad you liked Sam counting the steps. Somebody had to, otherwise how would we know how many there were?

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/8/2004
great chapter. trapped inside with only one way out, everybody on edge, and Sam counting steps, I love it that he is doing it, so he can tell Bilbo the details. The part about Bill the pony was great.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review! I hesitated with Sam, but I needed...well, the equivelant of a steady bass line for the trek up the steps. Something everybody could refer back to when the conversation lulled, and counting steps seemed to be it. Glad you liked it. And glad you liked Bill's section, too!

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/8/2004
Another Chapter! How delightful! Oh dear Frodo being so frightened and his whole being glad that the doors were such but realizing it left them no option but to move forward would be more than a little frightening!

You write Merry so well, hie thoughts and feelings on things! Seeing the gouges in the stone "created by something strogner than the mountains" is quite a terrifing thought! The way that they crossed the crack in the floor was inventive! I'm glad that Boromir was able to help so nicely.

I guess that Legolas was seeing Gollum? In a way I hope so becasue that means there is nothing more frightening behind them! Although he can be quite the sneak.

The whole bit with Bill was great! I like that you gave us a little bit of information on Bill's trip back to Rivendell, splendid! Also I must say I liked his description of Gandalf "The tall, troubled, bearded master who smelled of smoke and stars." That seems to fit him so perfectly!

I am looking forward to more and hope it won't be too long! Thank you it was fun!

Author Reply: My own favorite moment in the chapter is Bill's description of Gandalf, so I'm glad you liked that. I worked on that line for a bit. I was hoping to draw out a contrast between Merry's uncertainty in trusting only Gandalf and the fact that Bill seems to trust him implicitly, but I think that got lost in the shuffle. Ah well.

Yes, Legolas did see Gollum, and a few other members of the Fellowship are going to see him before we're through. I figured I'd introduce him early so that we could get glimpses of him throughout. And thank you for your thoughts on Merry and Frodo. I'm fairly uncertain of their characterizations, so it helps when people see things that they like. I know to keep doing those things.

nightskyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/7/2004
Wonderful to see another chapter of this story. This story has become almost canon to me. And the last part with Bill was masterful!

Author Reply: Glad you liked it, and I'm very glad you liked Bill. I don't know about making this story canon, but even so, I'm flattered by the compliment. Thank you!

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