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Tād Edhel a Firion   by Fiondil 121 Review(s)
ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 8 on 8/10/2006
I am glad Aragorn finally made it there in one piece,I could almost feel the terror too when he lost the path and couldnt find his way back(or should I say got pushed) I am wondering what Elrond will say ,surely it was not Aragorns fault someone shoved him and yes I recognized some of the things that were said it made me think of the scenes in the movie.

Author Reply: When I came to write the first meeting of Aragorn and Legolas, the scene in the movie (Two Towers) where Aragorn makes it to Helm's Deep came into my mind. I don't know if it was the way Orlando Bloom gave the lines and the way Viggo looked at him as he said them or what but everytime I see that scene it just feels to me as if the two characters are reenacting something from their past. I decided that the first time Legolas met Aragorn these particular words were spoken under this particular set of circumstances and that afterwards it became a running joke for them.

MistyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/10/2006
I just found this story yesterday, and have been reading it straight through to catch up. It's very good, though I feel quite sorry for poor Aragorn. He's been through quite a bit, hasn't he?

I have to say that I found a familiar 'in-joke' that I had to comment on.

/"Menelvagor rode the nightsky in eternal pursuit of the White Stag while his faithful hound raced behind him.

"Do you think Menelvagor will hit the moon tonight, Adar?" Estel asked as he sat on a fallen log watching the two elves prepare the camp, for Elrond had forbidden him to help.

"Not tonight, iōn nīn, for see, the moon has yet to rise and so it is safe from Menelvagor’s arrows." The two of them shared a smile."/

Have you happened to have read 'Shoot the Moon'? It's a story I wrote based on a conversation with my nephew, about Menelmacar (in Quenya) accidently shooting the moon while he is hunting the White Stag (based off of Pegasus) with his hunting hound (Elenhu, which is Canis Major) beside him. Being the astronomer that I am, I had to write a story about the hunt taking place in the stars. This just seemed very familiar to me.

But I am immensely enjoying the story and look forward to reading the rest.

Author Reply: Hi Misty,

Glad you are enjoying the story. The scene you quoted should be very familiar to you as I borrowed the reference from your wonderful story which I had read some time ago. You may have noticed one or two references in earlier chapters from Nilmandrs's "History" tales. She got a kick out of seeing herself in my story. Hope you don't mind. As I told Nilmandra when she commented on it, I like making oblique references to other authors' tales that I've read and admired as a way of acknowledging them and as a way of inserting my tales into the larger Middle-earth universe we are creating here on SOA.

And of course I used the Sindarin form of the constellation name because Aragorn and Elrond would've been speaking in that langauge.

EllyBagginsReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/10/2006
wow, this just keeps getting better and better! I'm not leavng the computer till i can read on! lol
You're descriptions of Mirkwood are very atmospheric, they really bring this story to life.

Author Reply: Well, I do hope you leave your computer for some things! lol. If this were a book, I guess you would call it a real page-turner. Not sure what you can call it on a computer, though. I'm happy to know that my descriptions of Mirkwood, though rather vague in detail, were atmospheric enough. Difficult to describe something you've never really seen or experienced, and Tolkien's own descriptions are annoyingly vague.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/10/2006
Radagast called Elrond a stupid elf, well I guess when you are a Maia, you can get away with that. Estel what ever possessed you to think that Elrond is trying to kill you off. Now I must admitt Aragorn has had some very bad luck. I will blame it on his dream.

Author Reply: As to why Estel is acting the way he is, you'll just have to read on (hee-hee).

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/10/2006
Love your discription of Radagast and his house, the birdsnest in his hair was a good touch. Poor Estel, an orc this time, but he did get to ride on a eagle, named Thorongil.

Author Reply: yes, I thought the birdsnest was a good touch too. Since there is little description of Radagast and his environs in LOTR, I was free to let my imagination roam.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/9/2006
Well at the beginning of this chapter I was wondering what it would be like to just camp out under the stars and travel along like Estel and the elves and have all that time to do it. At the end I was glad not to!! Ugh!! Giant spiders(skin is crawling) I hope dear Estel doesnt get to injured!

Author Reply: Yeah, camping never really appealed to me either, though sleeping under the stars always sounds so romantic, doesn't it, until you realize that you're not sleeping alone....

Calenlass GreenleafReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/9/2006
This is a very suspensful chapter. I was on the edge of my seat until the last sentence. Then the thought hit me. "Now I have to wait for the next update..."
Excellent descrptions.

Author Reply: Glad you like the descriptions. Never having actually traveled through Mirkwood, except in my imagination, I wasn't sure I would be able to capture the sense of why it was called Mirkwood rather than Greenleaf at that time.

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/9/2006
I am so loving Radagast. Any one who can leave Elrond and Glorifindel with their collective mouths hanging open has got to be a wizard. Great chapter as usual.

Oh, I love your chapter titles, I'm probably showing my age because I can name all the original titles. LOL

Author Reply: None of the commentators have really mentioned the chapter titles, so I wasn't sure if they "worked" or not. I had lots of fun coming up with them, and I'm showing my age too considering some of the original titles haven't been heard in decades. Glad you're enjoying them and the story.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/9/2006
Well, I thought Estel was making a rather nice recovery, but that was only the wicked author lulling me into a false sense of security! :-) And I continue to love your Radagast - shrewd, kind, and cantankerous all in one! Now Estel's question to Elrond, though! I gasped! To think it is one thing, to actually voice it is entirely different! Poor Elrond, and thank heavens Glorfindel was around to take care of him (I thought the description of him being "shattered" was so graphic). Glorfindel in all his enraged glory was quite a sight, but nothing compared to that poisoned (and I am assuming it is poisoned, as the blood pouring out was black and odorous) wound breaking open! ICK! Once again, Radagast the competent healer takes charge...I hope he can save the situation...not only Estel's life is at stake here. Very tense, descriptive chapter, Fiondel!


Author Reply: Which is why I put the warning label on this chapter and why it's a PG-13 rating. I did try to make it as ungraphic as possible without losing the suspense of the moment.

Glad you like "my" Radagast. He sort of grows on you, doesn't he?

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/9/2006
You write a very mean battle scene, Fiondil! I found myself holding my breath all the way through the ambush and the chase, and when our three intrepid heroes turned to fight, I kept hoping that reinforcements from ANYWHERE would turn up. And I suppose they did, AFTER Estel is wounded! Bless his heart, he just can't buy a break lately! Once again, your details are so interesting - the names of the swords and the history of the mounds where they found themselves making their last stand. But wait! Eagles and some very large bears to the rescue! *deep breath* And Radagast! He has always been a favorite character of mine, especially in his interactions with the wood elves. (At least in the fanfics I have read *g*). I so glad Radagast is taking such good card of Estel, though I'm sure he feels that the heir of Isildur needs some new and extended history lessons! :-) Great chapter!


Author Reply: Thanks, Linda, I appreciate your comments. I really don't know too much about sword fighting (although I did take fencing in college sometime back in the last millennium), so I'm glad to see that someone thinks I got the scene right.

As for Radagast: I always thought Tolkien gave him short shrift, and I thought I would "correct" that impression. Obviously, Gandalf's characterization of his brother Maia at the Council of Elrond is from Saurman's twisted point of view. I never thought of Radagast as having failed in his mission, sidetracked maybe, but not failed in the same way as Saruman failed.

Keep reading. It only gets better.

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