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Tād Edhel a Firion   by Fiondil 121 Review(s)
fawlenReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/9/2006
Wow i had all those chapters to read!what a excellent fic this is it's keeping me glued to the computer,loved the chase and battle with the orcs and the bears and Thorongil coming to the rescue.Radagast iv'e always been interested in him as you don't hear much about him in many fics but you have bought him to life for us readers cheers.I also liked Elrond and Glorfindel's reactions to Estel's dilerium i thought Elrond was going to drop dead on the spot and Glofindel's temper wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of him LOL.Please keep writing this wonderful piece thanks Fawlen.

Author Reply: Thank you, Fawlwen. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the story. The story is in fact finished, but the last few chapters are still being beta-read, so I am putting the chapters out in dribs and drabs until they are all corrected. However, I hope to have the entire story posted by early next week.

I'm glad you like "my" Radagast. I've always thought him to be an interesting character and was sorry Tolkien didn't write more about him and his role as an ithron/istar. Glad you're enjoying him.

EllyBagginsReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/9/2006
another great chapter! i especially liked glorfindel and elrond in this; their friendship is usually not portrayed that well, but you write them almost like some people write aragorn and legolas, which i love! And estel's reaction to finding out what he said to his adar was brilliant, it strongly demonstrates the love that is really between them. oh, an Gwaihir sending a message to elrond about taking better care of estel? Loved it!
I'm wondering if the story of the twins nearly getting estel killed is actually somewhere in these archives, because it sounds like it would be a really good read!

Author Reply: Glad you are enjoying the story and that you think that I've portrayed the friendship between Elrond and Glorfindel well. I don't know if there is such a story in the archives about the twins almost getting Estel killed, the idea just came to me as the last time Estel ever heard Glorfindel call anyone a son of a balrog. Yet, it does sound like it might be a real good read, doesn't it?

Calenlass GreenleafReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/8/2006
I have one word for this stoy so far: Extraordinary.
I am enjoying this immensely.
I await your next chapter with bated breath.

Author Reply: Extraordinary! Wow! High praise, indeed. I'm glad you are enjoying this story so much. I certainly had fun writing it. And don't worry, I won't keep you waiting long (I wouldn't want you to turn blue) *grin*.

EllyBagginsReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/8/2006
wow...i am really enjoying this story! the characterisations are wonderful and i am loving the aragorn angst! i regret that i can't say much more right now as i am in a rush but i can't wait to read on!

Author Reply: Thanks EllyBaggins. I'm glad you are having a great time with this. I look forward to more in-depth comments from you later.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/8/2006
Oh, poor Estel, you fell off a cliff. They really should keep you away from cliff. Butt how are you suppose to know it is there, if you can not see if.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/8/2006
EEk!!! The descriptions made me sick, but how could you leave Estel dying? More cruel cliffies! I actually enjoyed it(I know you warned us but those warnings always seem to invite me to look to see exactly what it is) I will be waiting on the edge of my seat(with my laptop) waiting for more)

Author Reply: The descriptions made ME sick and I was writing them. This was a difficult chapter to write on several levels and it was emotionally draining. Yet, it needed to be written. And don't worry, you won't have long to wait.

Calenlass GreenleafReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/8/2006
Ouch. Poor Estel and Elrond.
Tempers are running high...I wonder what will happen next.

Author Reply: Yes, things are looking nasty but like they say, it ain't over till the fat hobbit sings.... or something like that.

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/8/2006
This story is great!! Talk about suspense, I love it. I truly enjoy your Glorifindel and Elrond. They behave as I always thought close friends would behave, fights and all. Now what in the name of Arda is wrong with Estel!!

Author Reply: I'm glad you are enjoying the story, suspense and all. And I'm glad you enjoy my portrayal of Glorfindel and Elrond and that I have their behavior towards one another down. Friends fight, even close friends, and these two have had millennia to practice.

As for what's wrong with Estel, well....

Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/7/2006
Wow. I'm impressed.
Things happen so fast in your story, but I'm glad they do. Never a dull moment, LOL
So that's where Estel got his name "Thorongil". I find it interesting, the way you were able to work that into the story. What language is the name anyway? Sindarin or Westron? (I could never figure it out.)
I really enjoy the fast updates. :-)

Author Reply: Well, fast-paced stories are what made old-time serials so popular and I try to have something happen every other chapter to keep the reader interested.

Thorongil is Sindarin meaning "Star of the Eagle" or "Eagle-star" depending on how you want to read it.

Glad you're enjoying the story. There's more to come.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/7/2006
I feel bad laughing at what is a rather serious moment, but I am so enjoying seeing references to my stories woven in here that I am like a gleeful little kid on Christmas morning.

As for poor Estel, I think you are taking the sum of everything that could happen or could go wrong, and including it! Getting sick from the rain, falling off the cliff, I am looking forward to goblins, as they are sure to make an appearance. :D

Author Reply: I am afraid I was shameless in pilfering from other writers, including you, but it was a way of saluting other writers whom I admire and also bringing this story into the wider "Middle-earth universe" that other writers have created.

I remembered the "lost" scene mentioned but not actually described in your story and decided to "fill in the gaps", so to speak. Glad you are enjoying "seeing yourself" in this story.

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