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Tâd Edhel a Firion   by Fiondil 121 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/27/2008
Who’d have thought that an harmless visit to the horses could turn out to be something of a little adventure? I felt a bit sorry for Edred; he did only his duty, after all.

I’m glad Estel was able to trust Mithrandir so fast and to tell him so much; I think he needed someone who simply listened. And no doubt Mithrandir himself wanted to know more about this particular heir of Isildur.

Love the bantering. And I agree with Legolas – why Glorfindel and Thranduil are always arguing would certainly be an entertaining story!

Estel did a great job in keeping Garulf out of trouble, and I enjoyed the exchange afterwards. Good exercise in telling the truth, but not all of it ;)

Author Reply: I think Edred got off easily enough since everyone would have recognized that he was indeed only doing his job and it wasn't his fault he didn't know who Estel was.

Estel needed someone like Mithrandir in his life, someone who would be non-judgmental and yet supportive.

As for Garulf... as Estel said, it was Yule and he didn't want to get anyone into trouble on Yule.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/27/2008
Thranduil has an odd way to welcome visitors, LOL. Must be his version of Námo’s spiral maze at the entrance to cut down on repeat visits ;) I’d like to be a fly on the wall during their conversations if this greeting is anything to go by!

It’s good to see Legolas and Estel becoming friends. Particularly Estel really needs one. Nice difference to Elrond and Glorfindel, who are behaving like mother hens *grin*

*glares* And you did send another cold to the poor lad! By now, Estel should know to run away as soon as you’re showing up at the horizon ;)

Author Reply: I think with Thranduil, what you see is what you get and if you can accept that as Elrond and Glorfindel apparently have, then he's not too difficult to understand.

I think Legolas was as much in need of a friend as Estel, so they both found something in one another that they had not found in other people.

As for the cold... it's really just a continuation of his weakened condition from the poison and all... being out in inclement weather and all.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/26/2008
The Lord of Imladris is moping? *grin* But who can hold that against him after all that has happened, save Glorfindel, of course?

The first look at Thranduil was interesting, to put it mildly – our good king isn’t allowing his manners to get in the way of his honest opinion *grin* He must be quite intimidating, particularly for someone who doesn’t know him and whom he doesn’t like. And it’s pretty obvious that he is not a fan of Isildur. But Legolas was great :)

Author Reply: Thranduil is an interesting character, rougher around the edges than Elrond, his bark is worse than his bite. I never thought of him as 'evil' but certainly he's not the most polite person in Arda, although he's a good king and we see this in subsequent chapters.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 8 on 8/26/2008
Well, that was certainly not how Estel would have wanted to meet Legolas for the first time, but I am *so* glad Legolas and his two companions have found him before something bad happened to Estel.

Ah, I see Estel is getting along very well with these three elves; they seem to have a lot of fun with each other :)

You know, it is nice of you to allow them to arrive at the stronghold without another attack ;)

Author Reply: Estel and these three elves will become very good friends and that will be important for him in the future. And with Legolas with him, trouble wouldn't dare rear its ugly head. *grin*

KittyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/26/2008
As minders, you two leave much to be desired. *snicker* Can’t disagree with Radagast here, considering all the accidents poor Estel suffered since under the care of these two! (Though of course, what can Elrond and Glorfindel do against an evil author?)

So I have to admit it is reassuring to know Beorn and the eagles are watching over them. Who knows what would happen otherwise!

Oh, nice. The Mirkwood warriors couldn’t have chosen a better place to drive the spiders to! *rolls eyes* And now the worst has happened – Estel was thrown off the path and, even worse, seems to be unconscious! You love to torture the poor lad, don’t you?

Author Reply: The stay with Beorn was a nice respite before dealing with Mirkwood. And of course you knew I would let Estel get into trouble sooner rather than later. *grin*

KittyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/26/2008
Ah, I knew it, that had to be poison. And a very nasty one, from the looks of it. If it causes hallucinations and paranoia, then that explains a lot.

Um ... did I mention before that you’re evil? ;)

I feel really sorry for Elrond and Glorfindel, but I am sure they realise it was not Estel speaking when he was making his accusations. Still, it is not easy to deal with such an experience. But somehow I am glad Elrond told Estel what he said in his delirium; as the lad realised that he had said something ... unfortunate anyway, it was better than to keep things silent and Estel wondering, I guess. And now the matter's out of the way, hopefully forever.

The visit of Thorongil was a high honour, though his last words were rather cryptic for anyone who doesn’t know the details of the Ring War yet. I’m sure Aragorn will remember them later on, after the fall of Barad-dur.

Author Reply: That combination is very deadly and Estel is lucky to be alive and sane. It will take some time for the wounds (both physical and emotional) to heal but they will and they will all be stronger for it.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/26/2008
‚Lord Stupid Elf’? *LOL* Always courteous, our dear Elrond ;)

Ouch. I’m beginning to fear they have lost their manners somewhere during the chase – all of them! First Elrond being nasty to Radagast, then Elrond and Glorfindel shouting at each other, and now Estel isn’t exactly nice to the two elves, either.
And what on earth is Estel talking about?? Elrond wanting to kill him? That’s such a nonsense! Poor Elrond, that was a terrible shock for him.

Uh. *Black* blood? Looks like there was some sort of poison in the wound! *runs off to next chapter*

Author Reply: The stress of traveling and what has happened with Estel has put everyone on edge. They'll become more civilized once things calm down.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/26/2008
Orcs and wargs! You don’t give them any respite, do you? You were right, you’re getting even more evil. But if I’m not completely mistaken, that is the scene Glorfindel dreamt of so many years ago in Valinor and that led him to ask Aldarion to teach him the use of the great war bow.

Hm, Elrond is suspecting that someone is pursuing the heir of Elendil here, isn’t he? And he and Glorfindel do know who is buried under these mounds?

Oh, Manwë’s eagles and the Beornings to the rescue! Love that idea. Obviously Manwë himself wants Estel to survive. What a pity that Estel probably will never truly remember this flight. But it's a nice idea that he honoured the eagle that saved him in taking his name later on in Rohan and Gondor. And I see Radagast has already realised who Estel truly is.

I notice Glorfindel’s sword is named Daenagnir here. What did he do with Aranna?

Author Reply: This is definitely the road trip from hell, that's for sure. lol And you are correct that this is the scene that Glorfindel foresaw. When I wrote this story, 'Elf Interrupted' was not even a glimmer in my mind. I suspect that even for the elves they might have different swords over time. Perhaps Glorfindel left Aranna behind in trust for his eventual return. We'll have to see.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/25/2008
Uh, Estel smashed into the pines? Glad he seems to have come out of this without broken bones. He *really* should have listened to his horse! There’s a saying that translates to „Leave the thinking to the horses, they have the bigger heads“ and there is some truth in it sometimes ;)

But really, Glorfindel telling him Elrond is having the time of his life is just ridiculous *lol* And somehow I am not sure more outings with Ada would be healthy for Estel *evil grin* Oh well, I’m glad they can still joke around.

Love the story Glorfindel used to cheer Estel up – from Elrond getting the army lost up to Glorfindel telling the rain to stop. You know, I could use our favourite balrog-slayer and this amazing ability now and then – whichever deity is responsible for the weather here, it is *never* listening to me!

Author Reply: I think Glorfindel was just trying to assure Estel that his adar did not regret bringing him on the trip. As for the weather deity... I'm afraid I have no influence with him/her. Sorry.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/25/2008
Poor Estel – being sick is no fun, and he must feel bad for holding up the journey and all. But with all this wind and rain, it’s no wonder he got a cold. Well, at least he was with Elrond, who knows what to do and had the medicinal supplies as well. And it’s nice to see Glorfindel as a nurse ;)

And of course, Estel has barely recovered and now you’re throwing him down a cliff or something ... evil author!

Author Reply: It does help to have the greatest healer in Middle-earth around when you're not feeling well. *grin*

The ultimate cliffhanger... throwing someone down a cliff. *grin* And I just get even more evil as the story progresses.

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