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Tâd Edhel a Firion   by Fiondil 121 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/24/2008
*lol* Love Elrond’s and Glorfindel’s banter at the beginning. Though I am with Glorfindel here – I prefer my rides in dry weather.
Estel and the twins together were fun as well. What a pity that Elladan and Elrohir don’t accompany them! I’m sure it would be a lot of fun to have them around. (And I happen to love them quite a bit)

Loved the flashback to five-year-old Estel asking for a brother to play with. It is understandable that he thinks brothers are only there to play with him, not to go on patrol duty or other useless tasks. The poor little guy must have been very lonely sometimes, without any playmates even remotely his age. And obviously he still has the same problem now, when even the younger Rangers look at him as their Chieftain, not as their friend. No wonder he’s hoping to befriend Legolas.

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. So you've decided to re-read this story too. That's great. I had debated about having the twins come along but in the end decided that would've made it too cumbersome trying to keep track of all those elves. Poor Estel would've been lost in the crowd. *grin* And I did give them their own adventure later on.

Anyway, I'm sure Estel's childhood was lonely at times not having children his own age to play with, but I don't think it was all that terrible either. Still, we all want to have 'friends' who can let us be ourselves and not this role or that role and that's what Estel is looking for (and eventually finds) in Legolas.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 2/26/2008
Now he sets out to meet his destiny, and his mother worries for him. And you see her remaining within Imladris, do you?

Now we see how the partnership of Aragorn and Gilhael started, and we see Halbarad beginning to appreciate his future position amongst the northern Dunedain.

Author Reply: I think Gilhael might have stayed in Imladris. It has become her home and while she might visit her kin among the Dúnedain, I think she would've remained in Imladris for Aragorn's sake.

Halbarad, of course, has his own destiny to fulfill and this will be only the first of many separations that will culminate in the final separation between these two on the Pelennor Fields. Gilhael, of course, is a figment of my imagination, but hopefully he will find a place in the hearts of my readers.

Thank you for reviewing.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/25/2008
Hopefully the return trip will be nowhere as exciting as the original trip was. And the chess board sounds beautiful.

Author Reply: I like playing chess though I don't get much opportunity but I thought turning the boar's tusks into a chess set an appropriate gift for Aragorn.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 2/25/2008
Poor Aragorn has been through the mill in this story, and now we have him being compared to Arwen? Now, that is quite the idea!

And your appropriations of song titles for chapter titles become more amusing! Have you ever read Primsong's "Nothing of Note?" I think you'd truly appreciate her humor, chapter titles, and names for visiting Dwarves.

Author Reply: No, I haven't read Primsong's story, but I'll look it up. Thanks.

I didn't so much think Elrond was comparing Aragorn to Arwen so much as comparing the circumstances of walking across the hall into someone's waiting arms.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 2/25/2008
I am rather enjoying the chapter titles, of course. And once again Aragorn has taken more than his share of injury, this time of his own volition to safeguard the children. Interesting way of dealing with a bore! He ought to have been properly equipped with a boarspear--would have been safer, of course! And of course now he'll need those exercises!

Author Reply: The chapter titles just sort of came beginning with the first one because it happened to be a Monday and it was raining. LOL

Aragorn and the others probably didn't think they were going to encounter the boar right then and there, being more concerned with tracking the whereabouts of the children. Next time, hopefully, he'll go more prepared.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 2/25/2008
Ah, he's been to the Elves' version of a chapel, then? Interesting. And he shows he is the proper one to take on the task of facing Sauron himself? Excellent!

Love the encounters with Men and the dealing with the recalcitrant young son to the Master. This kid has a LOT to learn about dealing with others; and I find I like his father better than the son.

Aragorn is doing well by all here, and showing the skills he brings to his kingship when the time finally comes.

Author Reply: Yes, the Rainbow Chamber is the elves' iaun or fane, sanctuary, much like where you have Olórin take Frodo for healing in Tol Eressëa.

I had fun with the Man thinking Aragorn was one of the young men from Lake-town and then the young pup trying to lord it over the future King of Gondor and Arnor. *grin*

I think the elves of the Woodland Realm are taking their cues from Legolas and seeing how their prince is treating this particular Adan. The Sindar and Silvan elves might have little use for the Edain but even they know about Isildur's Heir and act accordingly.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/24/2008
Two princes destined for greatness and the final journey against Sauron--of course Evil Wills would wish them to become lost NOW.

Oh, unless you're writing the contraction for "it is," you should write "its" rather than "it's." Now the English teacher in me is coming to the fore! Heh!

Author Reply: Yes. I'm sure the sudden storm was more than just a fluke, but luckily Gandalf was there to see to their safety. And thanks for the correction. Even my beta missed them and she rarely misses anything.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/24/2008
And we see the growth of the relationship we see in the films. Thranduil is a bit--intense! Heh!

Author Reply: Thranduil is less refined than Elrond or Glorfindel, but he's not evil, and I wanted to show that.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 2/24/2008
You had to mirror that scene in TTT, didn't you? Although I always love seeing Aragorn break into the grin and laughter. A continuing scenario between the two of them? And the trip through the trees sounds interesting!

Author Reply: I always thought that the way Viggo and Orlando played that scene in TTT that there was a history behind the words. It just sounded like an old joke between them so I found the perfect opportunity to show where it originated. *grin*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/24/2008
Poor Estel--he's having about every kind of bad luck possible! Now what's going to happen? Is this where he meets Legolas or Gandalf?

Author Reply: I'm sure by now Aragorn is wondering just who among the Valar he's offended lately. LOL As to whom he meets...

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