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Elf, Interrupted: Book One: Glorfindel Redux  by Fiondil 15 Review(s)
RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 48 on 3/4/2007
Yikes! As mean of a cliff-hanger as I've ever seen, though I've written some myself, so I can't complain too loudly. Well, I can and I do hope you aren't too long before posting the next chapter. ;)

I do wonder what the hidden fountain has to do with the whole situation, if anything. I really like Ingwion, he's grown on me (though I do miss Sador and Finrod, too!). I have an idea of who might have taken Glorfindel, but for what reason, I'm not totally sure and what purpose the Valar have in allowing all of this to happen I don't know. Except that they must want somehow to bring the elves back into harmony with each other... but it does seem dangerous!

Looking forward to the next chapter!

Author Reply: Ingwion has grown on me as well, but don't worry, Finrod and Sador will be back. In fact, I have several chapters where each is featured as the main character as I go back and pick up their individual stories (so you will see what happens in Lórien and on Tol Eressëa).

As for the fountain: I don't think there's any real significance. I put that scene in because I remember walking through London with a Londoner friend of mine. I was afraid he would be bored because he had already seen everything, yet we actually came across one or two places which he admitted he never knew were there before. Ingwion is seeing Eldamas through Glorfindel's eyes and in turn is seeing things about this place he never saw before.

And if you think this is a mean cliffhanger (and thank you for the compliment, BTW), you ain't seen nothing yet! LOL

Calenlass GreenleafReviewed Chapter: 48 on 3/4/2007
Whatever happened to Glorfindel?? I do hope he's all right.
Sorry I wasn't able to review for so long...I, ah, got a little lazy. *blush*

Author Reply: You'll have to wait and see, but really, you know it turns out well for him otherwise he wouldn't end up being sent to Middle-earth now, would he? *grin*

EllieReviewed Chapter: 48 on 3/4/2007
You are mean leaving the chapter off where you did. What an incredible mystery and a truly irate Ingwion. This story is so complicated and makes me feel ... an elf trying to understand with my limited comprehension what the Valar intend in events which take place. Loving this story and can't wait to see Ingwion get to earn his braids. You know, you can update before next weekend an be merciful to your readers...hint hint wink wink nudge nudge

Author Reply: Ah, "mean" is such a weak word for what I've done and I'm only going to get meaner. LOL

I'm glad you are enjoying the story so much, though. Chapters like this one are fun to write on many different levels, not the least is anticipating the reactions of one's readers as you blindside them with the unexpected twist.

And don't worry, I plan to update sometime in mid-week, but I don't think you'll be thanking me for it. *grin*

NikaraReviewed Chapter: 48 on 3/4/2007
Yikes! That's an awful place to leave off. I really need to re-read the Silmarillion. I've read it once, but now I would read it with more understanding. Great two chapters, I really enjoy watching Glorfindel explore his surroundings. The scene of him at the ring of doom was haunting.

Author Reply: Yes, the scene of him returning to the Ring of Doom is haunting, isn't it? But, I think necessary to some extent as a form of closure. I'm glad you enjoyed these last two chapters and that my story is inspiring you to re-read the Silmarillion.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 48 on 3/4/2007
Very brave of Glorfindel to revisit the Ring of Doom. I’m not sure that was the best of ideas, though, even if he seemed to be not too much afflicted.

But why did he go there again the next day? And what exactly happened?? I’m not sure what to think at the moment. The Valar seem to be quite unaffected by the whole affair, and I am very sorry for Ingwion and the others, who have to feel abandoned in this crisis.

You left us with a nasty cliffhanger, and I hope you can update soon – I’m so worried about Glorfindel!

Author Reply: The Valar aren't so much unaffected as they are in the know. As Ulmo reminded Manwë in an earlier chapter, they are playing a dangerous game, one which allows the Eldar to think they are in control until the Valar decide to show them differently.

Unfortunately, this cliffhanger is followed by an even worse cliffhanger and it will be some time before anyone learns of Glorfindel's fate.

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