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Elf, Interrupted: Book One: Glorfindel Redux  by Fiondil 35 Review(s)
MJReviewed Chapter: 142 on 12/10/2007
Now, why was I expecting you'd find a way to have this particular match end in a tie or a stalemate? Nicely done, though, as it certainly makes sense that his battle with Sauron would have been the worst memory for Finrod to relive, and as no mention was made of him facing that particular hurdle, it came as a bit of a surprise. Very nicely done, indeed.

Author Reply: I needed to end Book One with a cliffhanger, so this is what I came up with and it will prove important for the plot of the next book. Thanks for reviewing.

artistic spriteReviewed Chapter: 142 on 12/9/2007
Elindis's right about the " Elyn!" thing.Hee hee! Looking forward to your next update!

Author Reply: Thanks, Sprite. I'm glad you have enjoyed this story.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 142 on 12/9/2007
the mystery post was from me. sorry forgot to sign my name.

Author Reply: no problem. Glad you identified yourself. *grin*

MistyReviewed Chapter: 142 on 12/9/2007
Wow! I just have to say how impressed I was with that chapter! The fight was amazing, and I loved how we saw it in the form of a lay rather than a blow-by-blow description. That was genius! And the songs of power during the battle... I'm kind of speechless.

I didn't think it was a good sign though when the Valar were becoming so worried. So, what was the flame and where did they go? I will be greatly looking forward to the first chapter of the next book. You certainly know how to leave us hanging. lol

Great chapter, and a great way to end book one. I just hope you don't take too long to post book two.

Author Reply: Thanks Misty. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. I didn't want to give a blow-by-blow description of the fight, as that, to me, would have been too dull. Describing it one removed through the lay made it more interesting for me as a writer.

And no it isn't a good sign when the Valar look worried. *grin*

As for the Flame and where they went... book two, book two, which will be posted early next year.

Reviewed Chapter: 142 on 12/9/2007
okay. wow!!!!!!!!!!! what an ending! it's amazing, dear fiondil, the lengths you are willing to go to in order to not have to decide who won the last battle of the tournament. you probably have a cheeky grin on your face right now as you read this.

Love the descriptions of the songs and the valar's dismay at what was happening. love elindis and her reaction to ingwe, too. very well done!

glorfy and finrod's childish reactions to being in no man's land at the end were great! but, alas they aren't armed to face whatever they must face next.

now go post chapter one of the continuation. we'll sit here in front of our computers and wait...

Author Reply: But we all want them to both win, don't we? *cheeky grin*

Glad you liked the description of the songs and the Valar's reactions to it, as well as Elindis' reactions to Ingwë.

Finrod and Glorfindel may not have swords but they are unarmed nor are they helpless. I'm sure they'll do well enough, wherever they are.

AlquawendeReviewed Chapter: 142 on 12/9/2007
This was a perfect ending! I can't wait for Book II! When will it begin getting posted?! I'm so curious as to where Finrod and Glorfindel are now. Are the two in Mandos or something? I wonder how their friends and family are going to take this and what the Valar are going to do. The revised lay was quite funny to read. I didn't think that when Glorfindel and Finrod fought that they would be reliving their own battles in which one had lost, then died, and the other had died.

Author Reply: Glad you liked the ending Alquawendë. Book II won't be posted until early next year, possibly not until Spring, but we'll see. We'll see how everyone reacts to what has happened and the reprecussions of it in the next book. The rising incidence of flashbacks among the other Reborn during the tournament have been leading up this point so it's not surprising that, first Finrod, then Glorfindel, would be reliving their final battles.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 142 on 12/9/2007
i am so bummed it is over! hope you start posting book 2 soon!

Author Reply: It'll be posted when it's posted and not a minute sooner (or later) *sticks out tongue*

jwdisneyReviewed Chapter: 142 on 12/9/2007
Wow! This installment was amazing! The entire story has been so absorbing, and this is a great culmination. I can't wait to find out where they are, and what happens next! Thank you SO much for all of the time and effort you have put into this. It's truly breathtaking!

Author Reply: Thank you for reading and reviewing. It's been a roller-coaster ride of a story and it's not finished yet. I've been enjoying writing it and look forward to completing the saga (if only to stop Glorfindel's whining LOL).

EdlynReviewed Chapter: 142 on 12/9/2007

That was fabulous! Beleg's lay is so gorgeous. It was a perfect way to tell us what was happening!

I have to admit though I've said previously that I wish I could be there at the tournament, I don't think I would have wanted to be present for this. IT was way too scary and powerful. I hope that someone thinks to go to the elflings and reassure them, not to mention Vorondil and Aldundil. And Sador and Beleg are going to need comforting, too.

I am looking forward to seeing the beginning of Elf, Interrupted: Part Two, not only to find out where Glorfindel and Finrod ended up but to see what the Powers and the other elves are going to do.

And no I'm not going to kill you for the cliffhanger. You ended this part of Glorfindel's tale perfectly in my opinion. You've only done what any master storyteller does to keep his listeneers returning for the rest of the story. Congratulations on a tale well told!



Author Reply: Hi Edlyn! I'm glad you liked Beleg's lay. I had fun constructing it so that it describes what is happening between the two warriors while using the prose to describe the reactions of the spectators.

And I'm glad you think I ended this part of the tale perfectly. Readers hate cliffhangers, but writers love them because that's how we get you readers to come back for more. "The Perils of Pauline" was successful simply because of the crazy cliffhangers that girl found herself in and the viewers loved it.

Thank you for your lovely reviews, insights and support. I really appreciate it.

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 142 on 12/9/2007
*begins to laugh* What an evil author you are, meldonya. Just absolutely and utterly EVIL! *continues to laugh* And yet, what a perfect ending to book one. Definitely wasn't expecting THAT! And since for the most part, I'm just speechless... I'll just sit here and laugh. Why? I don't know. The chapter was anything but funny, but it isn't that kind of laughter.

Bravo on Beleg the bard! Fabulous! I'm seriously impressed. You kept Tokien's feel all throughout beautifully! I'm a bit concerned that the Valar are a bit panicky, and I do wonder if Namo knows where the warriors went. The Flame... *smiles and shakes head* I just don't have the words, so I'm just going to stand and applaud.

*loud ovation, whistles, applause, and ... laughter*


Author Reply: Well, I guess laughter is as legitimate response to this chapter as any other emotion. *grin* I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, though, and I'm glad you think I kept Tolkien's feel throughout. High praise, indeed. Thank you.

I think Manwë's hair turned several shades of white when he realized what was happening... and I'm sure Námo isn't the only Vala who knows where the warriors went. *grin*

And the Flame... *smiles back*

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