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Not Gonna Happens  by Larner 235 Review(s)
PSWReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/3/2016
Oh good grief! So funny! I had to read it out loud to my sister too -- I was barely into the second paragraph and she goes, 'Is that Gilderoy Lockhart?' :-P Fantastic!

Author Reply: Oh, but it is great fun to write some silly little things like so many of these are and to slip in a familiar character from a different story set. Heh! Glad to give you and your sister a good laugh!

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/3/2016
I hope the Master is having a very happy 124th, and that Atto Fiondil is enjoying this day too! I don't know Downton Abbey well (I need to fix that) but it does seem someone needs a new physician...*chuckles at Bilbo running by* Attercop, indeed...


Author Reply: I suspect he finds himself shaking his head from time to time when we do crossovers. Heh! I love Downton Abbey and wish I had television service so I could see it on PBS tonight!

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/3/2016
"Always this way, the third of January!"

Indeed it is, and I'm sitting here with my glass of eggnog, staring into its creamy depths (not that I see anything) and wondering somewhat if Atto Fiondil can see this from his lofty position.

I'd like to think the Professor gets to sail with Earendil on this day. Surely if anyone deserves it, he does. Hopefully Atto Fiondil can accompany Tilion. That would be nice. *small smile* *raises glass* To the Professor - and Atto Fiondil. May Eru bless them both beyond the Circles of the World.

With love,


Author Reply: Oh, I so hope this is true! To think of him sailing with Earendil aboard Vingilot is indeed delightful!

May the Father indeed bless them both as you ask!

someoneReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/3/2016
This was a cross-over that I would never had imagined to read one day! Violet is really not the type of person to appreciate dreams like that. Thank you, this made me smile!

Author Reply: I am so glad it did make you smile today, Someone. I enjoyed writing it!

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/12/2015
Namarie, Sir Terry. Hara máriessë mi Mandos. :(

Rereading this ficlet in honour of a wonderful author and one of my favourites after Tolkien. I do think Discworld's Death and Lord Námo would have been more than passing acquaintances, and perhaps even good friends.

I can also see how Sam and especially Frodo wouldn't have been able to wait - I'm thinking the same for Sir Terry perhaps. Seven years, I think it's been, is long enough to deal with what amounts to a slow painful death, as it is. :(

Kaylee Arafinwiel

Author Reply: From what I have read he did not wish to wait, but still in the end went naturally, and surrounded by those he loved, including his cat, who lay sleeping on his bed when Death cut the silver cord. At least he fought back against his condition by writing till the end. I will always treasure "Steam" because it was, apparently, his last work.

I suspect Death and Namo have both welcomed him happily, and that he is now lampooning even himself and setting God and His angels all to laughing!

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/5/2015
O Larner,

I'm dreadfully late reviewing for this year, I feel - I've been feeling rather ill, and today am actually worse than I was on the 3rd, when I actually did the re-read. I just dropped off to sleep after reviewing, and only now realised I hadn't! But how captivating these astronauts (and their Russian friend) still are to me! I do find myself thinking that it's just too bad Tilion couldn't stop off inside the All-But-Forsaken-Inn for a glass of vodka! Heh!

*raises a glass of Sprite, belated though it is* To the Professor!!

Kaylee Arafinwiel

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/3/2014
And, yet another year has gone by...*grins and raises a glass to Larner* Sprite, this time, the eggnog's run out - but hey, nice to remember what I was having last year about this time. I still adore your confused Russian cosmonaut, lol! and the All-But-Forsaken-Inn...I wonder, did he come up with that name or did someone else?

The two Americans have become Dr. Ryan Stone and Lieutenant Matt Kowalski of "Gravity" to me, although Dr. Stone is in fact female, lol. I like to think to myself that they had this moment of happiness and wonder together with their Russian friend before the events of "Gravity" unfolded as they did. If you haven't seen that, btw, I highly recommend it, mellon. It's achingly beautiful, and the scope of outer space at large put me in mind of this story.

Until next year, mellon muin nin, at least on this story :)

Kaylee Arafinwiel

Author Reply: And I rejoice each time someone expresses how much they enjoy this! Thanks so, Kaylee! And I'll have to see Gravity now.

IstieReviewed Chapter: 15 on 11/10/2013
This one actually brought tears to my eyes. Tonks and Lupin are two of my favorite HP characters, and so nice to see them rewarded some how :)

Author Reply: I also loved Tonks and Lupin, as does Kaylee, for whom in particular this story was written. And what better reward for the two of them?

Thank you so!

IstieReviewed Chapter: 11 on 11/10/2013
So, that's where Voldemort ended up. I did wonder. Interesting idea, also, with him being reborn as one of Harry's children.

Author Reply: The idea that Harry could do nothing for the remnant of Voldemort that lay under the bench has niggled at me. In my-verse Frodo found his place within the Timeless Halls nurturing children either returned betimes from a life that didn't work out or preparing for a life to come; to see one who'd always chosen self-centeredness finally choose to embrace love must have delighted Frodo! And to find the love Lotho, Tom Riddle, and the identities this one had embraced in between returning to life changed now for the better within the family of the very one he'd once considered his enemy would be an ending I think Tolkien himself would have appreciated. What an irony, right?

Thanks for the comments!

IstieReviewed Chapter: 9 on 11/10/2013
One of my favorite Discworld characters :). So, Death knows both Namo and Earendil, then? I wonder who else in Middle- Earth he knows...

Author Reply: Death is one of my favorite Diskworld characters, too. And the Diskworld keeps intruding into my little crossovers, I find. And of course he'd know both Namo and Earendil! As for who else he might know--well, that's a topic for other stories along the way, of course! Heh!

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