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The Vault of Annúminas  by shirebound 16 Review(s)
EllyBagginsReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/15/2007
Before they left, Bilbo had scribbled there only ‘Lake Evendim’ – tantalizing words holding a promise of what lay... outside - i love this line!

Estel's concerns are a nice character touch, and Elladan talking about that first patrol adds an interesting bit of history to his life. i'm really enjoying this story so far :)

Author Reply: Thanks, Elly. It's fun to find little details to make the journey as real as possible.

aprilkatReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/15/2007
The idea of this very special hobbit stepping "off the map" with his human and elf companions is wonderfully presented. And the way Elladan's foresight evidences itself has such resonance and deepens everything.

Author Reply: Thank you, Aprilkat. I was taken by the passage in FOTR that Shire maps in general just show white space beyond the borders.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/15/2007
Such a lovely and gentle adventure they are having so far, and yet I can easily understand Estel's trepidation about taking Frodo out of the Shire.

And I am loving your Elladan more and more. I know you don't write Elves often, but I think some people who do would be very approving of your interpretation of him: he's solid and reliable, yet at the same time there is something very ethereal and fey about him as well. His flash of insight near the end of the story was perfect--exactly right, without being overdone.

(By the way, the little conversation about Bandobras was amusing. It made me remember a fic I recently read, in which Elladan and Elrohir were actually *witnesses* to the Battle of Greenfields, and have to relay an account of it to their father. It's by Dagdad, called "More Than Meets the Eye", in case you haven't come across it--quite funny, and it really gives hobbits their due!

Author Reply: I really appreciate what you say about how I'm writing Elladan. You're right, Elves don't come that easily for me.

Thank you for the story link!

Gentle HobbitReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/15/2007
This vision of Elladan's was interesting. I wonder what it was that made him think that Aragorn's future was interwoven with that of Frodo's: just the fact that the vision happened with Frodo in one part? Or was there some other quality about the second image that you haven't revealed to us yet?

I'd like to fall asleep around a campfire, someday, after listening to ancient stories told by Aragorn. Frodo is a lucky lad.

Author Reply: Yes, I think the fact that he saw that vision overlapped with Frodo gave Elladan the insight that Aragorn and Frodo are linked in the present *and* the future.

I'd love to camp out with these three, or with my hobbity friends! What bliss.

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/15/2007
This is just lovely. Aragorn's sudden realization that he's taking Frodo outside of 'safe territory,' Elladan realizing that hobbits have battled Orcs in their own lands before.

Elladan calling Frodo 'remarkable' - I think he feels that Aragorn's rather remarkable, too.

And the glimpse of the future - just lovely.

And - I think it's actually somewhere in 'Unfinished Tales' that the elves who knew both felt that Aragorn bore a stronger resemblance to Elendil than any of his other descendants. Very, very nicely done, Frodo dreaming of Elendil.

Can you tell I liked this? :)

Author Reply: Yay, thank you. (And... thank you for clarifying for me the relationship between Bandobras and Gerontius.) Frodo's dreams are such a fascinating touch by the Professor. I like to weave in that unique ability whenever I can.

LilyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/15/2007
So much comfort and peace, and still a little piece of the mind can't help but worry. I love the little glimpse of the future.

Author Reply: "Comfort and peace" sums up this story very well. Thank you, Lily.

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