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Fiondil's Tapestry  by Fiondil 14 Review(s)
CesReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2008
I'm learning so much from you. Since I haven't gotten around yet to reading the books (hangs head) I thank you for all the background you provide.

Now that we know how and what forms they chose, I hope you are going to continue and let us know how they chose their names. How many did they disregard before the final selection?

Curumo needs to be back-slapped for his attitude. Someone certainly thinks he's better than everyone, even Atar I'm thinking!

Looking forward to reading more!


Author Reply: Well my stories, as good as they are, are no substitute for the real thing, so you had best get reading. According to Tolkien the names given to the Wizards were given them by the people with whom they interacted, thus, the Elves and the Men of Gondor called Olórin Mithrandir while the Men of Rohan and the Hobbits of the Shire called him Gandalf. The same goes for the other Wizards, so I very much doubt I'll be writing such a story as you suggest.

I wanted to show how Curumo's attitude here foreshadowed his arrogance that would eventually lead to his downfall. The same with the Blue Wizards about whom we know next to nothing -- I sought to foreshadow the personalities that would explain their fates as Tolkien suggests that perhaps they became corrupted by Power and ended up becoming despotic rulers of the very people they were sent to help. And I always thought that Radagast got a bad rap. I think Gandalf's characterization of him at the Council of Elrond is actually how Saurman felt about him rather than how Gandalf saw his fellow Wizard and I do not believe that Radagast failed in his mission. Rather, his mission really did not begin until after the War when he remained to help in healing the lands blasted by Sauron. Until the lands themselves were healed he would remain in Middle-earth.

artistic spriteReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2008
I just love Gandalf! Wished I could see the dwarf guise, that'll definately make my day for years!

Author Reply: Well, I'll just leave it to your imagination, but I'm sure he looked quite 'dwarvish'. *grin*

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2008
That Curumo really needed a kick in his immortal behind, didn't he?! Excellent characterisation of him and Olorin and Aiwendil.

I don't remember ever seeing Sauron's original name of MaironA before - is it mentioned anywhere in HoME or the Letters? I'd like to read more about that - Was the source you gave a journal or a website?

Good research, as usual.

Author Reply: Thanks, Raksha. I'm glad you enjoyed this. The information about Sauron's original name has only recently come to light from the latest publication of Parma Eldalamberon. This is an occasional journal of linguistic studies of the Elvish languages and names in the works of JRR Tolkien. For more information about the journal, you can visit the website:

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2008
*squeals* Such an awesome chapter! Ok, it's late so I'll come back to this and review it properly when I'm more awake but I loved it!!


Author Reply: Thanks, Kaylee. I'm glad you found this an awesome chapter. I look forward to reading a proper review when you are more awake. *grin*

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