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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 13 Review(s)
6336Reviewed Chapter: 62 on 6/14/2009
Poor Glorfi! Here he is, doing the humane thing and putting the boar out of it's misery and he gets a spear shoved in his face! It would have served the hunters right if he had claimed the kill for himself, or split it, half a boar is better than none!
Lets hope the youngsters recover from meeting so many legands and have an interesting conversation with the Kings and enjoy their dinner too.
More please,

Author Reply: Yeah, well, that's life, isn't it? *grin* We won't see the meeting between the youngsters and the kings immediately, unfortunately. The next chapter will actually center around Haldir and his atar, Pelendur, as Arafinwë attempts to bring about a reconciliation between the two while everyone is waiting for Finrod to return with Glorfindel and Sador.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 62 on 6/14/2009
Hi, meldonya!

I'm afraid Rhyselle already said most of what I was going to, so I won't bore you with repetition, lol. I only have one new question. Bronweg? Would this be Bronweg son of Ezelmiril/Calemmiriel? Bronweg adar of Sador? That Bronweg?

I won't raise my hopes *too* high, I know you said that of course more than one character has the same name. But you did say that Bronweg was born in Beleriand, and so he must have been, for Netilmire not to know him...hmm...

Interesting, interesting...something to ponder.

A lovely, if all too short chapter! lol!



Author Reply: Interesting theory, Kaylee, but even if Bronweg (the oldest of the six ellyn) were a full three yéni old he would only be 432 years old and as this story takes place in 504 of the Second Age, that means Bronweg would have been born in the year 72 of the Second Age. He and his family came to Tol Eressëa around the year 100. Also, if this were Sador's adar then it would stand to reason that once released from Lórien, Sador would've been reunited with him rather than going with Glorfindel and Finrod to Tirion. And Netilmírë never met *this* particular Bronweg, either.

Anyway, I'm glad you liked the chapter even if it was a bit on the short side. The next chapter will be slightly longer, but not by that much. Sorry.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 62 on 6/14/2009
What a lot of information passing from one person to another in a single chapter, and done in such a great storytelling way!

I was quite amused by Glorfindel's attempt to "surprise" the local youth with who they were, and even more amused when Sador turned the tables and revealed his identity to them.

The conversation was great, and avoided the "As you know, Bob" thing between character who have all the info already. These ellyn couldn't know without them being told, and their reactions to realizing that not only Glorfindel, but Beleg and Finrod were there reminded me a bit of Eomer's comment about legends rising from the grass when he met Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli on the plains of Rohan in LOTR.

My only complaint, if you can call it that, is that the chapter seemed so short! LOL! But your chapters could be five times their length and I'd still be eager for more. Well done, as always!

Author Reply: Hi Rhyselle. Sorry the chapter was too short. Actually, it was just long enough, or so my Muse tells me and I always listen to my Muse about things like that, he's usually right. *grin*

Anyway, I'm glad you liked the conversations as various people's identities are being revealed. Those poor ellyn were probably thinking they would've been better off staying at home and they certainly would have sympathesized with Eomer on that scor. *lol*

Thanks for reading and reviewing. The next chapter we'll go back to the encampment and see what's going on there as Finrod, et al are making their way back for dinner. *grin*

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