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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 13 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 65 on 7/5/2009
"Haldir is correct," Olwë said. "Take some of our guards with you and bring your things here." Hmmmm - I'm glad you had the 'home town' Elves take a moment to decide. This sounded so very close to an order that my own hackles rose..... But I'm sure poor Olwe wouldn't have a clue as he is so used to giving orders and expecting them to be obeyed.... *g*

I had to giggle - I don't know why, but the little 'groups' going into people's homes, though a wise idea, reminded me too much of the little groups assembled in people's homes to query candidates for election....

"Hmm.... all these family connections are becoming too confusing," Arafinwë quipped and the two kings laughed." Yes - I think they would give even Sam a run for the money in trying to keep them all straight! Elvish family trees - shees!

I do so hope we don't have a repeat of what happened to poor Sador.... *shivers*

Author Reply: Hi, Agagpe. Olwë issuing orders? Perish the thought. *lol* Oh well, when you're a king it's rather hard not to act like one, but in truth, he was merely inviting them. I'm sure had the ellyn (politely) refused their offer, the kings would have let them go.

Initially, the Amaneldi were going to split up into small groups led by one of the Tol Eressëans among them (Laurendil, Manwen, GIlvagor, Haldir and MIthlas) and wander through the town, but having the six ellyn join them and take them to see their families makes the visits more intimate.

What will happen during the course of the Progress (good and bad) remains to be seen. I promise though, it won't (hopefully) be boring. *grin*

KittyReviewed Chapter: 65 on 7/5/2009
Nice idea to have the six young Tol Eressëans camping out with the others. I would have liked to be there, too.

"Hmm.... all these family connections are becoming too confusing," *lol* How true! Sometimes I just have to have a look at my self-made family tree to sort all these Elves out! I swear everyone is related to everyone else in at least two ways!

Gilvagor’s ring from Gil-Galad was another nice touch. Though Gilvagor will have to wait a very long while for his king to come back ...

Poor Eärnur. I know how he feels ... :-/

Laurendil and Manwen are prisoners on the mainland?? *jaw drops* Who on earth did spread this nonsense? It’s really about time for the Elves on the island and the mainland to get to know each other better, to put a stop to certain parties spreading such nasty rumours! Makes me wonder how the ones spreading the rumours will react to the living counterevidence walking in and spoiling their well-thought out plans *eg*

Anyway, this visit turned out well and will probably convince at least this one family that things aren’t as they thought. As Valandur once said, they can only convince one elf at a time, so that seems to be a good first step.

"Tell us about Finrod Felagund," she said. "Is he really as handsome and noble as all the ballads say?" *ROFL* Now that’s just the perfect question to ask his betrothed!

Author Reply: Hi, Kitty. Trying to keep tabs on all the family connections can be quite confusing. I even had to consult Wikipedia once to figure out how to determine to what degree of cousinship Elrond and Gil-galad were. *lol* And I had to figure it twice, once with Orodreth as Gil-galad's father (Tolkien's final decision on this) and the other with Fingon as his father (per the Silmarillion). What a headache!

Anyway, whoever the rumormongers are and why no one from Tol Eressëa who knows that truth (Gilvagor and those who participated in the Tournament) seems to have heard of them and tried to counter them will be reveal later as well as how these rumormongers react to seeing Laurendil and Manwen on Tol Eressëa.

Hopefully, these visits with the families of the six ellyn will go a long way towards healing the breach between the Tol Eressëans and the Amaneldi.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 65 on 7/5/2009
It seems that there are _still_ people stirring up trouble on Tol Eressëa. It shall be interesting to see how Laurendil is going to react when he hears that he is supposed to be a prisoner of the Amaneldi. Perhaps he is even going to forget that he gave up being a warrior after Finrod was killed. And speaking of reactions – how will _Irmo_ react to the rumours of _his apprentice_ being some sort of prisoner? :-o

The appearance of all those Amaneldi - and not to mention Manwen and Laurendil – are no doubt going to create problems for the troublemakers. I don’t tink it is very likely that they will remain bystanders as the guests from the mainland undermine their plans by their mere presence.

Nimbrethil sounds like a young teenager mooning over Orlando Bloom here – and just from the poetry featuring Finrod!! ;-)

Author Reply: Hi, Sunny. We won't see Laurendil's reaction to the rumors about he and Manwen being kidnapped for a couple of weeks as next week we will see how Arafinwë and Olwë fare during their visit.

As for what the reaction of the troublemakers will be remains to be seen.

And Nimbrethil is quite young by elvish standards -- not even 500! -- so she's allowed to be teenagey. *lol*

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