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Celeritas' Birthday Bash 2009  by Celeritas 57 Review(s)
Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/30/2009
*hugs Celeritas*

This is lovely, thank you so much! Well done mellon-nin!

I think my favorite here is Gimli being surprised...finding Olorin is Gandalf and meeting Mahal aka Aule...effectively his multiple-too-many-times-to-count great-grandfather, for Aule created the Dwarven race though Iluvatar granted them Life.

I wonder how the Noldor will feel about Gimli...I think Celebrimbor grandson of Feanor (assuming he was Reborn, since his father, uncles and grandfather must wait until the Remaking of Arda...hmmm...) would love to meet Gimli, since Celebrimbor was especial friends of the Dwarf Narvi. (Remember the Doors of Durin? :) )

Thanks again and happy birthday!


Author Reply: I think Aule must have been as excited as a Vala's allowed to get at the prospect of welcoming one of his own to the West.

And yeah, if Celebrimbor's back I think he'll get along just fine with Gimli--pretty much anyone from Eregion, actually.

It's a fun idea to think about!

Thanks for the prompt!


Reviewed Chapter: 14 on 7/30/2009
Yes, yes, I love this very much. I may not understand the verse too much but this was lovely, and the imagery was very nice. Thanks, little one!

--You know who--

Author Reply: Well, no matter what universe there's always something touching about the lonely little boy who's just a bit off and who's already having strange things happen to him that he can't quite understand. *squishes a Frodo*

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/30/2009
I love it!

I will have it be my favorite Doctor (Tom Baker) and Sarah Jane. I can imagine her liking the hobbits and wanting to see them.

Thank you so much, Celeritas! :-)

Author Reply: I almost considered giving the Doctor a long scarf but decided to leave it a little more open-ended.

And you are most welcome! Thanks for giving me a prompt where I could get away with this sort of fun!

VilwarinReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/30/2009
LOL. I like this a lot. This gives a nice mental image of the little hobbit threatening the tall man. And I'm sure that Faramir would never break Éowyn's heart.

Cheers, Vilwarin.

Author Reply: I'm sure he wouldn't, either, but some things have to be said.

Thank you!

Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/30/2009
Beautiful! Thank you. I'm glad Pippin finds joy in seeing women, and in being chivalrous.

Author Reply: You're welcome. I got the general idea for this from a longer and mostly frivolous tale I'm working on in which (among other things) Pippin gets stuck with looking after a ward of the City for a few hours, takes her to play with some of the lads he met during the siege, and ends up having to go in full-blown "Knight of Gondor" mode and teach them all dancing. A bit too long to stick in here but I like the idea of Pippin being gallant.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/30/2009
Awwww; a glimpse of Kira, isn't it? Nice dialogue between Frodo and Merry; good to see they're keeping an eye on things 'down below'.

Author Reply: Yes, it is! I thought these two hobbits in particular would feel a responsibility for events in the Shire after their passing.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/30/2009
Squeeeeeeeeeeeee! Thanx for my birthday mathom! There are precious little Merry/Faramir conversations in Tolkien fanfic; and this one is delightful. I can imagine Faramir rather surprised (maybe secretly tickled) that not only the hobbit but all of Minas Tirith knows about his love for Eowyn.
And of course Merry would be protective of his sword-sister in terms of future heartbreak from Faramir.

Author Reply: You are most welcome! In one sense Faramir is closest to Merry out of all the hobbits because they had to wait for news of the war together--plus there was that interesting discreet conversation about Eowyn herself... With that in mind I really can't see this conversation not happening!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/29/2009

The perfect ending to this little set of delightful ficlets!

I love Frodo's fascination with his little "talent" and Merry's interest in it. And how hobbity of them to spot the family resemblances at once!

Love to see more of this one!

Maybe as little interludes or sidebars to a certain longer story?

Author Reply: I have a few more Sandbox pieces drummed up (honestly they started out because I wanted to write about Kira and Frodo interacting but couldn't do it till both of them were dead) but they're sitting on the back burner because there are spoilers in them.

Frodo does not recognize the family resemblance immediately with Kira, because she's so far removed and I've deliberately said a number of times that she does not look particularly like her greatsire (no "you look just like your dad except for your eyes" here!). But Merry ought to know his descendants a little better.

I, too, love the idea that Frodo would take a certain scholarly wonder in the development of his gifts!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 7/29/2009
So young, and yet his prescience is already working on him! Water is such a double-edged motif in LotR, and this depicts so well the dichotomy of it: the element which sunders is also the element which sustains!

Author Reply: Good, I'm glad you're getting some good analysis out of this. I couldn't for the life of me, and I'm the one who wrote it!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 7/29/2009
Such a hobbity response. I love the very polite and matter-of-fact expression of gratitude, which while so very, very proper, is also clearly so very, very heartfelt. His Aunt Dora would have been proud.

I'm so glad to see him a hobbit still, for all his time among the Elves.

Author Reply: This is also set fairly early on in Eressea. The note was, aside from its polite hobbitousness, a way of him letting him know that he had figured out who exactly was helping him, and how much he realized that meant!

Oh, and--honestly, a godlike angelic being comes out of her reclusive home and helps little pathetic you on your first step of healing--of course you're going to respond by the book, because you don't see any other way how!

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