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Celeritas' Birthday Bash 2009  by Celeritas 57 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/29/2009
Oh! I almost forgot to say: Love the Tookish way that Pippin ran *toward* the mysterious box, and not *away* from it!

Author Reply: Pippin especially would want to find out more about the situation! (And I also think he'd be the most likely out of the Travellers to remember the situation and possibly even puzzle together what exactly was going on.)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/29/2009
Oh my word! I am just giggling my heart out! You don't specify either the Doctor *or* the Companion--I'm imagining Four and Sarah Jane, but I suppose it could be Ten and Donna (I see her as a the sort who'd collect autographs...)


This was just brilliant.

Author Reply: Gosh, now I'm stuck with this mental picture of Donna outgabbing a young Pippin!!

And you know that Middle-earth has to be real in the Who-verse, and that at least one of the Doctor's companions would want to go there...

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/29/2009
Perfect! This is *exactly* the way I like to see this sort of thing dealt with in hobbit-fic-- with innuendo and euphemism and noting actually *said*, but everyone understanding perfectly all of the things that are *not* said. And the parents showing good hobbit-sense to boot!

Pippin's embarrassment was fun, but Eglantine's was even funnier. (And I find myself wondering if Pippin doesn't already *know* the answer to his last question, and is just getting a weensy bit of his own back by embarrassing his mother, LOL!)

Author Reply: I think he already has some idea (with three sisters who've hit puberty before him, he's got to), but he's rather curious as to the details and what exactly it means. Plus, yes, I imagine that Pippin loves embarrassing his parents and is incredibly good at it. *grin*

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/29/2009
What a wonderful idea, that it was Bilbo himself who showed Pippin the Old Took's study!

“Now, Pippin, how old would you say that I am?”

“I don’t know,” said Pippin. “At least sixty-five.”

Bilbo laughed. “No, my lad, I’m much older than that, though I don’t look it. I am,” he paused for effect, “eleventy years old.”

“That’s very old,” said Pippin.

Indeed. I can easily imagine Bilbo being so proud of his long years, and the fact that he is exactly a hundred years older than this little Took!

And who knows, perhaps Bilbo *did* live long enough to get that letter!

Author Reply: Yeah, I went back to the original quote and realized that nothing said that that old room had been completely abandoned or anything (and I honestly could not see the Took letting it go the way of Miss Havisham's wedding feast), so I thought I'd put a twist on the original takes on the idea by letting Bilbo show it to him.

I don't know if he lived long enough to get the letter but I thought it would be nice to leave open the possibility!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/29/2009
Oh, this really is just so romantic! I do love a good Rosie/Sam moment, and this one is beautiful.

Author Reply: *bows*

I'm getting increasingly fond of the pairing myself, to the point that I find them slipping in at the most incredible places! (See Linda's fic)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/29/2009
This was a conversation that just had to happen, wasn't it? Yep. Merry would be just that protective of his sword-sister.

Such a gem of dialogue! I loved this bit:

“Heavens! You were kissing her in full daylight in the gardens, and you think news hasn’t gotten around?”

“I try,” said Faramir mildly, “to have faith in the decorum of the people of Minas Tirith.”

Merry chuckled. “It must be faith, for it isn’t placed on any reason that I can see.

*grin* That sounded so much like Merry! As did the conclusion; having delivered his message, he'd never bring it up again without need.

(And I'm trying to imagine Faramir with this line in front of him-- an irate Eowyn, with her brother and Merry standing right behind her, thumbing their swords. Not that Faramir would ever have any reason to face such a gauntlet! He's far too honorable and intelligent.)

Author Reply: I know; such warnings seem a little ridiculous when you consider that it's Faramir involved.

But they'd have to happen anyway, and I'm sure that Eomer has already threatened Faramir with war against Gondor should he mess things up. No pressure or anything...


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/29/2009
Oh, so poignant! Such a beautiful show of love and friendship.

Author Reply: *sniffle*

I always have fun writing of the strange customs of dwarves, even in such sorrowful circumstances.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/29/2009
Oh, *Squee!* This one's Mine!! *grin*

I love all of this, how Kira just automatically gravitates to the library; and how Kerry is so unsurprised to see her there.

Her encounter with the great Meriadoc's writings was delightful "a round, running hand... just as I've always imagined it!

This meets all my expectations and then some! Thank you dear, for this mathom!

Author Reply: Thanks for your input on the handwriting--I try to intuit these things so I can never be certain if what I have actually fits with other people's perceptions of the character.

Kerry, of course, knew that Kira was going to be there for the wedding (since they have kept up a limited correspondence and he's supposed to know about such things anyway); I wouldn't be surprised if he banked on her coming to the library at some point and planned to be there! (These sly Brandybucks...)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/29/2009
How delightful! Yes, it's just the sort of reception that Gimli (and Legolas) deserved when they arrived! I love it, and I love Gimli getting to meet Mahal himself!

Author Reply: I'm glad you think so! And I really like the idea of Aule getting as excited as a Vala is allowed to be over the arrival of a Dwarf!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/29/2009
Ah, you are tweaking the fanon tails again! *grin* It's fun to see a Frodo who is not an enthusiastic and diligent scholar, and who does not get on perfectly with his beloved Bilbo. Bilbo is also delightful here, being a stern parent, rather than an indulgent cousin.

And that last line is a good reason for paying attention to lessons. Lovely bit of chilling irony!

Author Reply: Tweaking fanon? Moi?

I began to be suspicious of the idea that Frodo was such a great scholar as soon as I realized that he was completely ignorant on the matter of Cirith Ungol. And Bilbo chides him for not getting "Dunadan," and really, if you paid any attention during your early language lessons, you ought to know the words for "west" and "man"! So naturally I had to put this sort of thing into the recipe for an argument that Larner so kindly requested.

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