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Elf Academy  by Fiondil 15 Review(s)
ErulisseReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/3/2010
I must join the clamor of those wishing for a sequel to this storyline. This has been absolutely charming and the thought of only one more chapter makes me sad. And…the Final Battle and preparations thereof has not really been covered in fanfic – touched upon, but not really covered (with the main exception being "Celebrian's Journal"). I think you are one of the few authors who could do justice to that grim subject.

The world is indeed going downhill quickly. The thought that there might actually be a method to learn how to combat the evil and once again defeat the dark brightens my heart. The fact that it would be directed by and peopled by elves that I have come to know well through your words is even better. The Academy needs to live on :-)

Thank you for a simply lovely Yuletide gift.

- Erulisse

Author Reply: You are most welcome, Erulissë. As I have said in reply of other reviews, when I first conceived of this story, no sequel was planned. This was just supposed to be a one-shot, so to speak, a simple Yuletide gift for all my friends. However, when it comes to the Valar (and Muses) one should never say never. I do not know if there will be a sequel, but you never know. Stranger things have happened in fanfic world. *grin* I have been toying with the idea of writing about the Dagor Dagorath as a sort of sequel to my "Wars of the Valar", since, technically speaking, the Final Battle would be the Valar's last war. So we will have to see. I do thank you for your vote of confidence in thinking that I am one of the few authors who could do justice to the subject.

Anyway, I am so glad that you have thoroughly enjoyed this story from beginning to (near) end. Thank you for letting me know. I much appreciate it.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/3/2010
Ellen was quite fast in realising that they aren't human. Impressing. The same goes for Zach.

You know, considering how disgusted the twins were initially with the cooking lessons, it's funny that Elrohir is now collecting recipes :D

Anyway, I was glad when they found Zach and his group and no one was hurt. Though now I wonder if Beth Henderson was really so stupid, or if she has been silently influenced by the Valar to make her decisions to not stay at the other place and to leave the van ...

Yay, I see my guess was very close, I only got the waiting Valar wrong *grin* Though the snowy owl made my brain scream "Hedwig!" Definitely reading too much Harry Potter ;-)
Anyway, it was great to see Olórin with them. And little Caleb must be the first Mortal who can say he's been sitting in the lap of the Elder King! He's a cutie, btw.

To learn the Dagor Dagorath is coming soon is sobering. Though admittedly I have already thought, if Tolkien's world were real, it can't be that far away now, considering the state our world is in. The Valar's plan for that took me really by surprise - the Elf Academy as a way to prepare the Mortals for it? That's really unexpected. But in one thing Manwë's right - I had already wondered if the six could afford to build a whole Academy in Finland; to take over the one in Wiseman should be easier for them - they've already got a lot of practice in taking over *LOL*

Oh, and Manwë could at least have offered to take Glorfindel's letters to Finrod *grin*

The way the Valar want the Academy to change sounds interesting. I know you don't plan a sequel yet, but if your muse ever decides on one, I would be a happy girl. I wonder how your muse could be tempted?

Anyway, great chapter!

Author Reply: Well, some Mortals are a little more perceptive than others. *grin*

You may be right about Beth being influenced. At any rate it did work out for the best.

Glad you liked Caleb. I sort of modeled him on the son of friends of mine (his name is Caleb, too), as well as several other three-year-olds that I have know in my time.

As for the Dagor Dagorath... I think it's pretty close even in our own world, never mind Tolkien's. I think the idea resonates with many people regardless of their personal beliefs about such things.

Sequel, sequel, everyone wants a sequel. *LOL* We'll just have to wait and see what the Muse decides. I don't always have control over what I write.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for letting me know, Kitty. I really appreciate it.

Idril CelebrindalReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/3/2010
Great chapter! I see sequel!!!!! Say its so!

Author Reply: Thanks, Idril. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. I cannot say at this time if there will be a sequel to this story. None was initially planned but the Muse may have different ideas. We'll have to wait and see.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/3/2010
Oh my... that chapter put shivers up and down my spine. Brilliant and leaves me wanting far more than one more chapter!

Author Reply: Hi, Harrowcat. Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. Unfortunately, one more chapter is all there is, but I hope you will not find it too disappointing as to how the story ends. Thanks for reviewing right along. I've really appreciated it.

utfrogReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/3/2010
I so did not see that coming. You have all sorts of good ideas of how to keep us on edge and be happy at the same time.

Thanks again.

Author Reply: You're welcome, utfrog. I know there was a lot of speculation as to who might show up in the story. I figured Manwë and Varda would be the last people anyone would suspect to show up. *grin*

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