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Elf Academy  by Fiondil 272 Review(s)
SunnyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/26/2009
So our Elves meet their new roomies. I do have an at least slightly similar experiance myself. And _I_ was definitely the weirdo in that situation ;-) No wonder – I grew up far away from even the flyspecks on a map, and my dad was a New Ager before that term was even invented... and “that situation” was officers’ school...( of all the things you didn’t know about your buddies... ;-) )

Hmmmm ... I suspect that each of the Elves will be getting a roommate that is likely to drive him/her crazy.

I almost find myself being sorry about Glorfindel. Hei is getting a scared little mouse of a roommate. roommate Glorfy really deserves someone who is deeply into Zen. Talk about being in an intense swordfight with a patch of fog!! ;-) (Sez me, whose xmas present to myself will be _Quantum Physics for Dummies_ ;-) )
At least I suspect young Zack may develop a spine – much to the consternation of his mom and dad!

Author Reply: I think you are being too hard on poor Zach. He is just very shy given his speech impediment. I think Glorfi will be good for him as will the other Elves. We will see in subsequent chapters how things work out for everyone.

ErulisseReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/25/2009
Horrors...shades and reflections of my own far-away academic experiences: dorms and roommates, shared eating and bathing facilities, and mismatched personalities.

It might interest you to know that there is an Elf Academy in Iceland
( ) and
( ). If the elves that the students are being taught to see look anywhere close to Glofindel, Elrohir and Elladan, maybe I'll try to scrape up the money?

Nah - I think I'm happier letting them play in the Master's and your personal universes, where I always enjoy the intersection of great minds and fluid writing. Namarie - I'm enjoying the entire concept immensely. - Erulisse

Author Reply: I am sure there are other Elf Academies out there *grin* And of course, I have based some of the experiences of the Elves at the college on my own college days. Thanks for letting me know you are enjoying this, Erulisse. I really appreciate it.

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/25/2009
Very amusing. I thought you might like to know that there actually are at least two Northern Lights schools in Canada. One is a private highschool, the other a college specializing in energy and trades.

Author Reply: Glad you enjoyed this, Aiwen. I am sure Northern Lights is not an uncommon name for schools and such in countries where they are very common.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/25/2009
Atar Fiondil,

Getting ready for school (it takes a much shorter time than I give myself *grin*) and I had a few minutes to catch up on Elf Academy, so I decided to see how things were progressing. I behaved myself and studied instead of automatically reading the other day, as you said to (see, I listen to you!) and it seems this story is getting more and more interesting...wonder what the Mortals will think of their Elven roommates and their friends? I will probably have to wait until Saturday to find out, as I'm going out of town tomorrow and will be gone until Saturday morning!

If I don't see you around today (which is likely) have a Happy Thanksgiving, Atto. *huggles lots*



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Glad to hear you are taking my advice as well as still enjoying the story. We will see how the Mortals react to the Elves over the course of the story. Have a Happy Thanksgiving as well.

purplemaeveReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/25/2009
I love this story. I gave the first chapter to my daughter to read yesterday and she put the page down and said "Is there more?" I have printed out chapter 2 for her to read on the bus to school tomorrow, I have no doubt it will be a wonderful start to her day.

I am very sorry to say that I am the worst ever reviewer but I simply love your Glorfindel stories and eagerly await each new chapter. I also like your Finderato diaries. Hopefully I will soon be able to find the time to tell you exactly why I like them but, in the meantime know that there is a 45 year old mother of 5 who steals time to read your stories :)


Author Reply: Hello, Maeve. Thank you so much for your lovely review. I quite understand, so don't worry about not reviewing. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know how much you enjoy my Glorfindel stories and Diaries. And I look forward to any review you are able to send. And I am happy to know your daughter likes this story as well.

TariReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/23/2009
An "ELF" Academy in Finland. How do I get there? ROFL. (I wouldn't go unless our favorite Elves were really there.) This is going to be such fun, allthough it is a bit hard to picture Elves in mondern times. What did they do about their pointed ears and clothes when job hunting? I'm sure they would stand out like a sore thumb if they didn't make some seriou changes in their apperance.

What a great idea for a story.

Author Reply: Well, I am sure that they wore the clothes of the times and these days long hair is not considered strange on males. I am sure they managed to hide in plain sight. Glad you like this idea. When I read the article I just couldn't resist.

SitaraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/23/2009
Hmm...I'll do my best to enjoy this story as well, although, if I know myself a bit, it won't happen. "grim smile" However, I do know the message of your stories and I'm sure enough that, underneath the fluff, someone who cares to look for might find some unexpected treasures.

An interesting and quite original plot, Fiondil.

Author Reply: Well, Sitara, the best way to enjoy a story is just to enjoy it, or not. Forcing yourself to like something never works. This story is not to be taken too seriously. It's just a fun romp for the holiday season. So relax and have fun with it.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/23/2009
Okay, it would be terribly funny and embarrassing for our intrepid elves if they failed at being elves. I can't wait to read more. What a great idea for our poor unemployed elves...

BTW, as you can see the problem with the chapter has been resolved. The first four reviews were left beofre the malfunction with the chapter's web page becuase they were already there when I tried to read the chapter for the first several times.

Author Reply: I am not sure what the problem was. It must have had something to do with SoA itself, because I had not problem accessing the chapter from the webpage as if I were another reader. I am glad it has been resolved and I am glad you were able to finish reading the chapter. I hope you enjoy this little tale and I look forward to hearing what you think of later chapters.

NikaraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/22/2009
This is an awesome idea for a story! I love reading about the Elves in modern times, and you have such great voices for all of them that this is going to be lots of fun!

Author Reply: Thanks, Nikara. I am glad you think this is an awesome idea. When I first read about the Elf Academy in Finland I knew there was a story there. I hope you continue to enjoy this. Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/22/2009
I wonder just _what_ sort of elves they are supposed to be learning to be. I definitely can't imagine someone like Glorfindel as a fluttery flower-fairy, though perhaps Elladan and Elrohir might make a good imitation of Puck.

I suppose those Academy "elves" will be more Hollywood than Huldrefolk, though. *sniffs in disdain at Hollywood and reaches for the Edda*

Author Reply: Well, Sunny, you will find out what kind of Elves they are supposed to be learning to be soon enough. I assure you, though, that Glorfindel would never submit to the fluttery flower-fairy type. As for the twins.... *LOL*

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