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Elf Academy  by Fiondil 272 Review(s)
LaikwalâssęReviewed Chapter: 12 on 12/13/2012
Our warrior a member of SAR - how fitting! I want to be rescued, yes! Glorfindel will be smart enough to find out who is behind Esther, is he? LOL!

Author Reply: It does seem appropriate, doesn't it? Glorfindel was always rescuing someone. As for figuring out who Esther is... that remains to be seen. Thanks for reviewing, Lai.

LaikwalâsseReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/9/2012
what or whom has Glorfindel discovered? Another lost elf? I´m looking forward to find out. Lai

Author Reply: We'll find out eventually, Lai. Thanks for reviewing.

LaikwalâsseReviewed Chapter: 9 on 12/9/2012
we often forget that Glorfndel is one of the really old! His anger at the outfits was understandable and frightening. The poor teacher has not grasped the danger, I fear. I liked Glorfndel´s reaction: quiet, controlled but determined.

Author Reply: Yes, Glorfindel is one of the really old Elves and the teachers have no idea the danger they are in. A wrathful Glorfindel is not someone you want to meet in a dark alley or even in broad daylight. *grin* Thanks for commenting. It's appreciated.

LaikwalâsseReviewed Chapter: 5 on 12/9/2012
“Where did the elves come from anyway? They’re not in the Bible.”
“Thank the Valar,” Glorfindel heard Elrohir whisper..

hilarious. What a great idea this story is!
I especially like your "history lessons". I have never thought about what the rendeer have to do with the old northern legens about Odin. Thank you for a wonderful read. Lai

Author Reply: Hi Lai. I'm glad you like the history lessons. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

LaikwalâsseReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/9/2012
indeed, what a great idea od Daeron, yet I´m not familiar with the custom of "elves" helping Stanta Claus? We await the christmas child bringing the gifts on christmas eve. Nonetheles a wonderful start to your story. I´m finding it a bit hard to imagine our elves in modern times with micro wave and CD, but amusing nonetheless. Lai

Author Reply: Hi Lai. The idea that Santa is helped by elves is probably English in origin and then it spread to America and into the Scandinavian countries. And the idea of Elves in the modern world does get some getting used to, but it's all in fun and not to be taken too seriously. Thanks for reviewing.

TariReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/6/2012
It will be such a joy to read this again. I'm so glad you are continuing this story.

I don't remember if the Elves cut their hair or not. They would have to keep their ears covered somehow.

Author Reply: Hi Tari. In a later chapter Glorfindel's long hair is mentioned, so the ellyn obviousl kept their hair long as did the ellith.

Glad you are enjoying the re-read. Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 20 on 12/25/2011
Good morning, Atya!

Merry Christmas!

I love this story in its entirety, and I always will. The only disappointment was that it wasn't long enough! Lol! Anyway I know the sequel's coming, so you don't have to worry about me whining. Besides, "I never whine!" Right, Atto? *grin*

Hope you have a very merry Christmas. Eru bless you, Atarinya. Tye-melin.


Author Reply: Merry Christmas to you, Kaylee. I'm glad you enjoyed this story. I can promise that the sequel will be longer than this one, which you can think of as a kind of Prologue showing how the Elves came to Wiseman and took over Elf Academy. And the first chapter of the sequel will be forthcoming very soon, I promise. Tye-melin.

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 20 on 12/24/2011
I've re-read this story for Christmas the umpteenth time a couple of days ago, and it only now occurred to me that I never actually reviewed. Sorry; I've been terribly amiss lately, both with reading and reviewing, although as a fellow author, I ought to know that this is our only payment. ;)

In any case, I like this story very much, and I hope that the promised sequel will come one day. A very happy, blessed Christmas to you, and thanks for sharing your vision with us.

Author Reply: Hi Soledad. I'm glad you enjoy reading and re-reading this story. Thanks for letting me know. The sequel will be forthcoming. I plan to post the first chapter in mid-January. Have a very happy and blessed Christmas as well.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 19 on 12/20/2011

I think Glorfi was very brave, and so was "Finrod" for that matter! *hugs Zach*
(By the way, you never answered my question about Jud, lolol) Anyway, I think it's clear that the Valar have something great in mind for the Elves...I find myself wondering more and more what EA2 will deal with. Hmmm...

It's a pity the next chapter's the last one...I don't want the story to end! But at least the *next* day I'll have Wedding to console me, lol!

What am I going to read after that, though? =P This is such a fun story, I'll miss rereading it.


Tye-melin, Atto!


Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Sorry about that. I apparently missed that particular comment. It's been answered. As for what is in store for the Elves and their friends in the sequel, that will be revealed soon enough. In the meantime, I'm sure you can find something else of mine to read. *grin* Tye-melin.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 18 on 12/19/2011

Well, finally the Elves have revealed themselves, to a few anyway. Glorfi and co. to the rescue! I know that they'll do well in finding their friends...although I'm saddened that this story is almost to its end. I'll have to find something else of yours to reread between now and EA2...*ponders*

In the meantime, go Glorfi! And Daeron, Mithrellas, Nimrodel, and the Twins of course!

Silly Mortals, going ahead with this when there was a blizzard coming on...

*yawn* Anyway, it's late, Atto, so I think I'm going to bed. It's not *late* late, but I'm exhausted. I went to Christmas in the Park with Naneth today and we did a LOT of walking. It's crowded, believe me. But I think you'd like it...lots of people/groups (schools, Scout troops, churches, families) decorate Christmas trees to put on display, and then there's other Christmas-y displays, mostly sponsored by businesses, like the "Southern Candy Cane Lumber Co." display for instance, put on by Southern Lumber (naturally, hehe.)

They have really good hot chocolate...I looked to see if the Twins were working the stand but it seems not, unless they masquerade as Mortal women now! =P

*yawns again* Ok, time to sleep, lol.

Tye-melin, Atto. *hugs*


Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Well, this chapter was long anticipated by many readers and even when I've re-read this story myself and know what's coming this chapter still sends chills of delight down my spine. *grin* I'm glad you had a good time with your naneth and enjoyed some hot chocolate. I doubt the Twins were there even in disguise but you never know. *grin*

Thanks for commenting. Tye-melin.

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