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Elf Academy  by Fiondil 272 Review(s)
Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 17 on 12/18/2011

Looks like Glorfi did well on his final! I liked how he talked about being older than the Bering Strait. He is, lol. If I misquoted it, well, it is late. The wholle chapter was wonderful, but my absolute favorite was Glorfindel's gentle encouragement of the Mortals to believe, and the song to Elbereth.

I wish every day could be Wednesfay though...



P.S. That means I really want more Wedding. And my reread of Academy is nearly over...what do I do next?

Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Well, Glorfi did say he remembered when the First People came across the Bering Strait so I guess that makes him older than that. *grin* I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. It's one of my favorites because Glorfi got to be Glorfi even if the Mortals didn't know it.

Wedding will continue into the New Year. There are only 4 more chapters to go and then I will be posting Elf Academy 2. I may post that twice a week but I'm not sure yet. In the meantime, just hang in there and enjoy the holidays.


Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/16/2011

Poor Zach! But Glorfi knows what to do of course. Hmm, if one was to name herself Nipiseg, what would the first letter be for that? I liked the interplay between Daeron and Glorfi!

Tye-melin, Atto!


Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Yes, Zach is lucky to have Glorfi there. And if you were to name yourself Nipiseg the first letter would be tengwar 17 'numen'. I'm glad you liked the interplay between Daeron and Glorfi. They not only respect each other but, being the two oldest in their group, are also good friends. Thanks for commenting. Tye-melin.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 15 on 12/15/2011

Leaving this review about 15 minutes early on my end of the country, though it's already the 15th for you. Hope you're having a good night's sleep; I'm about to go to bed myself. *hugs*

I love the song, and I loved the one and only live performance of Oklahoma! I've ever seen, which was at my high school. I always think of that whenever I read this chapter...:)

Did you pick Jud's name with this in mind?

As always, exquisite work. *hugs more*



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. In truth, I didn't. When I gave him his name (named after a cousin of mine) I did not know how the story would progress. It was only in writing this chapter that I came up with the idea of the little show he and his friends put on at the Halloween party. It was pure serpendipity.

Thanks for commenting. Tye-melin.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 14 on 12/15/2011

I laughed at the beginning of the chapter, but the end was really scary. *shivers* I'm glad Glorfi got to talk with the wolves, but I'm also glad he didn't run with them! That might have gone badly. I love how all the 'elves' are getting used to their proper Elven names, and how the REAL Elves are coping with having their own names back! Also, I like "Celeborn", lolol. I wonder what the real Celeborn would say if he could meet him...

But I think Galadriel would definitely be amused!



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Wolves always get a bad rep, but they are really amazing creatures, very shy and rarely interacting with humans. I'm sure Glorfi would have liked to run with them but knew he could not. And I think the REAL Elves were glad that they could use their own names without anyone being suspicious. It must've been one less thing for them to worry about.

Celeborn would probably not be amused, but Galadriel certainly would've been, and I think Finrod, too.

Thanks for commenting. Tye-melin.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/13/2011

Pine Cone isn't an elvish name, but Thoneredh isn't a bad one...maybe a nickname for an ellon whose adar is named something to do with a pine tree. *grin* Anyway, I really loved the idea of the Sindarin name lottery and how it all came out. That's amazing. I would do it for a party, too but I can't come up with enough good Sindarin names on my own (or Quenya ones, either)! Seems like they kept the snow-theme for some of the names, though. I like, I wonder what Fingolfin, Arwen, et al, would think of their Mortal counterparts?

And I remember Zach is Finrod! That makes me think it's even better that Daeron took him under his wing...Daeron, like Finrod, was quite good with the harp, isn't that right? =)



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. When I was researching the Finnish Elf Academy for this story, one of the people interviewed in the article I read gave his 'nom d'Elf' as "Pine Cone". *grin* I couldn't resist and that's how this chapter came about. And actually, the name lottery included both Sindarin and Quenya names, though it's not obvious from the chapter itself. I'm sure Glorfindel supplied a lot of those names to the list. *grin* And who knows what the real owners of the names would think. Some would probably find it amusing while others would not.

Anyeay, you're right that Finrod was known for his harping.

Thanks for re-reading and re-reviewing. I appreciate it.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 12/13/2011

Well, it seems like Roland Smith is a rather long-winded kind of guy. I'd probably fall asleep in HIS class. (Maybe a gingerbread Imladris would keep me awake. =) )

I think the idea with the crayons was inspired. And oh...looks like Esther and Nate have been found out. Well, sort of. Hehe. I wonder what the average child would have been asking for? I saw an article on Yahoo News about popular toys from the 70's, 80's and 90's and their more recent counterparts. Some of those were toys I had (even the one popular in the 70's...guess it hung around a bit longer, as I wasn't born until 1985. It was called a Say-and-Spell, or something like that. It's been replaced by the iPad, lolol.)

Anyway, this is really good and I'm glad to be rereading it. But now, even though it's just past 10, I think I'm ready to sleep. *yawn*

Goodnight, Atarinya. Tye-melin.


Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. I'm not sure what the average child of the early decades of the 21st century would be asking for, though I would suspect lots of computer games and the like. Glad you are enjoying re-reading this tale. Tye-melin.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 11 on 12/12/2011
Atto, I love the new uniforms and the gingerbread Imladris! I want a gingerbread Imladris...please? *grin* I think Glorfi can try to restrain himself in taking over, but we will see, tomorrow...oh, and Zach is doing great! Yay for Daeron! Love it so far. I eagerly await the sequel.



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. I'm glad you love the new uniforms. They are definitely an improvement over what Deirdre and Marian came up with. And I wouldn't mind a gingerbread Imladris either. *grin* Tye-melin.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/10/2011

Sorry, today was 'decorate the tree' day, LOL! But it's still the tenth, so...

Anyway, this chapter is one of the scarier ones. I wonder if in EA2, we'll find out if that's the Watcher in the Water, or its great-times-however-many-descendant...*shudders* Creepy. Seems those trails are worth careful exploration...

And it seems like the staff is fighting back in the War of the Stupid Elf Suits...

Now to see what happens next tomorrow!



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. I don't know if we'll ever find out just what is sleeping under the tarn but the tarn does play a pivotal part in EA2.

And I like that... the War of the Stupid Elf Suits. LOL! Sounds like a parody in the making.

Thanks for commenting. Tye-melin.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 9 on 12/9/2011
...and green isn't either!

Seriously, Atto, who came up with these stupid clothes? :( Poor Deirdre and Marian, once again having a protest on their hands. But it was bound to happen, really. Who in their right mind would wear that stuff?

I think that and wings would be worse, though!

Here's hoping things get resolved more peacefully than not...



Author Reply: Hi, Kaylee. I'm afraid Deirdre and Marian went a little overboard on the whole elf-thing, trying to be authentic instead of practical. Glorfi definitely put them in their places, though, for which we can be all be grateful. *grin* And probably wings would be worse but the absurdity of Elladan saying wings would be an improvement helped diffuse the situation and allowed Glorfi to climb down from the heights of his anger and see the humor of the situation.

Anyway, thanks for commenting. Tye-melin.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/8/2011
Here I am, Atto. Sorry, I had a neurologist appointment this morning (it went well, don't worry) and then I was out all day. I'm back now, though, so I can sit back, savor my favorite chapter (until the next favorite comes along *grin*) and hope that you had a good day, too. :)

Of course, this time I wasn't surprised by Esther and Nate. But that's ok, isn't it? One question I do have, though, is what happened behind the scenes? Whose idea was it to send them to meet with Glorfi? Atar? Manwe? Others? Their own idea? I expect Manwe had to approve the plan even if it wasn't his. That's the kind of thing I wonder about, lol.

I'll get to chapter 9 tomorrow, Atto.



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. This is one of my favorite chapters in this story, too, especially when I didn't know who "Esther" and "Nate" really were until the very end. As for whose idea it was to send them, I suspect it was Manwe, seeing as how Glorfindel is his "apprentice" and probably Este and Namo volunteered; Este because of who she is and Namo because he has a particular fondness for Glorfindel and wanted to see how he was doing.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. Tye-melin.

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